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Abstract: Diagnosis of tumor diseases of the liver is a significant difficulty even when using NMR-tomography (1). Often, during tomographic studies of diseases of other organs (kidneys, pancreas, or adrenal glands), significant changes in the liver are detected (mute cysts, adenomas, fibro -nodose hyperplasia, multiple focal or focal shadows), which require.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Importance of Statistics in Dental Research |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Sehvish Qureshi || Dr. Malathi Dayalan || Dr. Mohammed Sadiq Kazi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2203151421 ![]() |
Abstract: Statistical education is not based solely on formulas and figures, but also interpretation of data so that decisions can be applied correctly. The sound dental research, as well as the ability to understand published results of research, increasingly depends on a clear understanding of the fundamental of statistical design and analysis. As the dental researchers become more sophisticated in their statistical ability and knowledge to analyse data and choose most appropriate and powerful techniques from the vast array of modern biostatistical procedures the dental practitioners should improve their quantitative skills, although didactically unrelated to their dental training, to understand and interpret the increasingly complex statistical procedures that will be employed to analyse raw data from rapidly changing patterns of oral and concomitant research production and publication in order to keep abreast in their fields. The article covers some fundamentals of biostatistics and their application in dental research.
Key Word: Statistics, hypothesis, normal distribution, parametric tests, non-parametric tests.
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder that can lead to various ocular complications, including diabetic retinopathy (DR), a leading cause of blindness in the working-age population. Tear film abnormality, characterized by a disturbance in the balance of the tear film, ocular surface, and lacrimal glands, is a common complaint among patients with DM and has been associated with the development and progression of DR. However, the relationship between tear film abnormality and DR is not well understood. Aims & objectives: The aims and objectives of this study were to clinically study tear film abnormality and tear film-related ocular surface disorders in diabetic patients, evaluate ocular and systemic risk factors, and correlate tear film abnormality status with the stages of diabetic retinopathy.........
Keywords: Diabetes, tear film abnormality, diabetic retinopathy.
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Abstract: The main issue following abdominal procedures is postoperative discomfort. According to evidence, invasiveness of the surgery affects how the immune system is suppressed and how much of that suppression occurs. Good postoperative analgesia can stop this harmful effect, lowering the risk of infection and morbidity in the immediate aftermath of surgery (1). Local anaesthetic Ropivacaine is favoured currently for epidural postoperative analgesia as it offers favourable sensory block profile. In comparison to other local anesthetics, it has a lower lipophilicity, which limits its penetration to the thin, pain-transmitting nerve fibers that are unmyelinated. It also has a lower incidence of cardiovascular damage (2,3). A centrally acting analgesic, tramadol is a synthetic counterpart of codeine.
Keywords: Ropivacaine, Tramadol, Epidural anesthesia
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Abstract: Background: The cell surface glycoproteins CD44, the main receptors for hyaluronic acid (HA), are highly expressed in most head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Consequently, HA was used as a targeting ligand with different types of nanocarriers. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of thymoquinone (TQ) loaded chitosan nanoparticles (CS-NPs) coated by HA in targeting oral squamous cell carcinoma. Material and methods: TQ-loaded CS NPs (TQ-CS NPs) and TQ-loaded CS NPs coated by HA (TQ-CS-HA NPs) were formed to evaluate the targeting ability of NPs coated by HA on human tongue squamous cell carcinoma and human normal oral epithelial cell lines......
Keywords: Squamous cell carcinoma, thymoquinone, chitosan, hyaluronic acid, nanoparticles.
[1]. Johnson DE, Burtness B, Leemans CR, Lui VWY, Bauman JE, Grandis JR. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2020;6:1–22.
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Abstract: Background: Hypertension and its co-morbidities have crippled many in both developed and developing countries. Vitamin D deficiency is an environmental risk factor which serves as a trigger to contribute to the development of hypertension in vulnerable middle-aged people. Vitamin D deficiency causes hypocalcemia, which in turn causes increased secretion of parathyroid hormone, i.e. secondary hyperparathyroidism. Increased parathyroid hormone has direct correlationship with development of hypertension. This study was taken up to estimate the level of serum calcium and vitamin D in hypertensive cases and to study the correlation between the level of vitamin D and severity of hypertension.........
Keywords: Vitamin D, Calcium, hypertension
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Abstract:Hospital buildings require continuous functioning without interruption, which leads to ranking them to be second most to use a large amount of energy in the building sector. The energy consumption in the new hospital buildings is increased compared to older building due to usage of sophisticated equipment
Since the hospital buildings operate 24 hours, 365 days a year for the treatment and restoration of patients, they are approximately 2–3 times more energy-intensive than normal buildings [1]. It is extremely difficult to reduce the energy consumption, because spaces that have various operating hours and usage patterns co-exist, such as wards, outpatient clinic, operating rooms
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Abstract:Introduction – Hydatid disease is a parasitic infection caused by Echinococcus granulosus (dog tapeworm). Man act as a dead end host. In this case report, we present a case of a male with hydatid cyst of the liver. Case presentation – A 58year old male came with complaints of painless swelling in the liver of chronic duration. Abdominal sonography revealed a well defined cystic lesion of size 17X13X14cm (volume ~ 1700cc) and another cystic lesion of size 7X6.7X4.5cm (volume~100cc) in the right lobe of liver. He underwent Exploratory laparotomy with surgical drainage and eneucleation. Postoperative period was uneventful and had complete recovery.
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: HIV disease in humans is caused by HIV-1 or HIV- 2. HIV is RNA retrovirus belonging to family retroviridae that causes incurable infection that over a period of time leads to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Globally around1.3 million women and girls living with HIV become pregnant each year . In the absence of intervention the rate of transmission from mother to the child ranges from 15-45%. Mother to child transmission is `the primary route of HIV transmission in children. Mother to child transmission can be preventable with appropriate interventions by providing antiretroviral therapy to mother, antiretroviral prophylaxis to infants.........
Key words: HIV, pregnancy, vertical transmission, EMTCT.
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Abstract: Wound closure is one of the most important end points in surgical practice. Surgically created wounds are mostly planned in such a way so that wound closure does not involve much effort. Even in cases of surgical site infections, the skin cover can be achieved in most of the cases. In cases of extensive tissue loss, exposed bone and tendon surfaces, deep deformed wounds like necrotizing soft tissue infection or post traumatic wounds, special efforts or additional surgical procedures may be required to achieve viable skin cover. A successful wound closure should essentially cover all the bony and muscular surfaces with a stable skin cover without affecting the primary function of that particular part of body.
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