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Abstract: Introduction: Volatile induction maintenance anaesthesia (VIMA) can be considered as one of the pinnacles of achieving balanced general anaesthesia. Employing volatile agents like sevoflurane and now desflurane,under precise depth of anaesthesia monitoring, it is possible to tailor the peri-operative management precisely. Methods: A prospective study was carried out to compare the efficacy of sevoflurane and desflurane using volatile induction and maintenance anaesthesia (VIMA) in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgical procedures. 80 ASA Grade I & II patients undergoing.......
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Abstract: Seckel syndrome, autosomal recessive in its inheritance, is a rare genetic disorder presenting at birth. Growth retardation, a very small head (microcephaly), intellectual disability and distinctive physical traits like unusually large eyes, a beak-like nose, a narrow face, and a receding lower jaw are all characteristics of Seckel syndrome. Due to the multiple systemic involvements in Seckel syndrome, a single approach is not enough. The treatment is mainly supportive and based on the presentation of symptoms. Thus, a multidisciplinary team is needed for oral and maxillofacial management.We present a case report describing the dentofacial management executed on a 9-year-old female Seckel syndrome patient who came in with the complaint of a cystic lesion.
Key Word: Seckel Syndrome; Bird-Headed Dwarfism; Craniofacial Anomalies; Dentofacial Features; Genetic
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Abstract: Total glossectomy affects speech, mastication and swallowing to a greater proportion. It may also lead to psychological impairment of the patient. Prosthetic rehabilitation of tongue using tongue prosthesis, efficiently improves speech and deglutition abilities of the patient leading to a better quality of life. This article presents a clinical case report of prosthodontic rehabilitation of completely edentulous patient who underwent total glossectomy with acrylic tongue prosthesis using precision attachments........
Keywords: Glossectomy, Tongue Prosthesis, Precision attachment
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Abstract: Background: Supratrochlear foramen (STF) is an important variation in the lower end of humerus which has been neglected and the knowledge of the presence of Supratrochlear foramen in a humerus may be important for preoperative planning for treatment of supracondylar fractures. Materials and Methods:The present study was carried out on 88 dried human humeri of unknown sex and age from anatomy department of Government medical college Kota Shape and size of the Supratrochlear foramen was recorded. Vertical and transverse diameters were measured by vernier caliper. Translucent and opaque septum was seen with the help of flash......
Keywords: Humerus, Supratrochlear Foramen (STF), Translucent septum, Oval shape, Intramedullary nailing.
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Abstract: Since its invention by August Bier in 1908, intravenous regional anaesthesia (IVRA) has grown to be a crucial tool in anaesthesiologists' toolbox. For a while, this approach was very well-liked. In addition to lowering the chance of local anaesthetic toxicity, adjuvants to local anaesthetics have significantly increased the potential applications of regional anaesthesia by providing quicker onset times, inhibiting tourniquet pain, extending post-operative analgesia, and improving peri-operative analgesia(1,2). Dexmedetomidine, a parenterally administered alpha agonist, has analgesic effects in this regard via acting on alpha-adrenergic receptors found in nerve terminals as well as lowering nerve action potentials, particularly in C fibres.....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Health Effects of Motorsports on Racing Car Drivers: A Review |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Shlok Lavsi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2203143138 ![]() |
Abstract: Motor racing demands a high level of mental and physical fitness, just like any other sport. From a physiological point of view, endurance drivers are just as complicated as the cars they drive(Owen, King and Lamb, 2015). Existing research demonstrates that pit crews and driver athletes face a variety of physiological difficulties, such as cardiovascular, physical, and environmental stressors. These difficulties have an impact on race performance and may put racers in danger. (Reid, 2019) The goal of this study is to conduct a literature review of the numerous physiological effects on race car drivers, as well as new technology advancements....
Keywords: motorsports, physiological effects, racing drivers, stressors, technological innovations
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Abstract: This systematic review seeks to provide high-quality evidence on the performance of different radiological imaging modalities for estimation of tumor thickness of oral cancer. Until 2021, a systematic electronic literature search was undertaken utilizing keywords and MESH search phrases in the PubMed/Medline, Cochrane Central, Scopus, and EBSCO databases, as well as Google Scholar. In addition, the reference lists of the systematic reviews included in the study were manually searched. Patient satisfaction and complications were collected from prospective and experimental studies that provided the greatest degree of evidence. Articles were evaluated critically,.....
Keywords: MRI, PET, Ultrasonography, oral cancer, tumor thickness
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Abstract: Root canal perforation is an undesirable and apprehensive situation for the dentist, sinceit can significantly influence the root canal treatmentoutcome. The prognosis of the perforation repairdepends on variousfactors likelocation of the perforation, the time the perforation is open to contamination, the ability to seal the perforation, and accessibility to the main canal.Eventhoughmost of the cliniciansprefer non surgicalmethods for perforation repairusingdifferentnewerbiocompatible materials like MTA and Biodentin, certain situations warantee the need for surgicalintervention for favourable outcome and patient benefit..
Key Word: Root canal perforation, Biodentine, CBCT, Surgical Repair
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Abstract: Acute Abdomen is loosely defined as a clinical course of abdominal symptoms that can range from minutes to hours to weeks, and is often used synonymously for a condition that requires immediate operative intervention. Surgical acute abdomen is one of the commonest cases seen at surgical emergency as sudden onset of abdominal diseases condition which requires immediate surgical evaluation and probable intervention.[1] Acute abdominal pain can be caused by a variety of diseases ranging from mild and self-limiting to life-threatening diseases.[2] An early and accurate diagnosis results in more accurate management, that leads to better outcomes. Urgent.....
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Abstract:Retinomas are benign retinal tumors that are caused by mutations of the retinoblastoma gene. Diagnosis of retinoma is made on the basis of a characteristic clinical appearance and absence of growth. These tumors were all associated with vitreous seeding. Through this clinical case, we report a retinoma revealed by an eye trauma by stone throwing and whose regular monitoring for 10 years of the retina finds no sign of evolution. Retinoma or retinocytoma is a rare retinal tumor whose recognition by any ophthalmologist is essential. Screening and monitoring can improve the prognosis of this disease by early treatment of the tumor in case of signs of malignancy.
Keywords: Vitreous retinoma , retinocytoma , retinoblastoma , pediatric ophthalmology
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Abstract: Background: Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide and primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is the most prevalent clinical type of glaucoma in sub-Sahara Africa. Existing comorbid status in patients influence the course and management of glaucoma. Recognizing the role and influence of the comorbidities in POAG in our environment could be important in determining the course of and effective management of POAG. Methodology: This was a 5-year retrospective study of the demographic, epidemiological, and comorbid clinical status of 500 POAG patients attending the Glaucoma unit of the Ophthalmology department of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Findings from clinical records and basic ophthalmic examinations were used to obtain data from the respondents......
Keywords: Glaucoma, Comorbidities, Port Harcourt.
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