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Abstract: Leclercia adecarboxylata has been regarded as an opportunistic pathogen that causes infections mainly in immunocompromised patients. Blood stream infections caused by L. adecarboxylata is considered as a complication in patients with indwelling catheters Although L. adecarboxylata has been recognized as a human pathogen with low virulence and high antibiotic susceptibility, there has been emergence of multi-drug resistant strains, leaving behind limited therapeutic options. We report a case of catheter-related bacteremia in a fifty-year-old female with breast carcinoma, caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing L. adecarboxylata. Rapid and correct identification and timely institution of appropriate antibiotic therapy was the key to favorable clinical outcome in our case.
Keywords: Leclercia adecarboxylata, Bacteremia, Indwelling catheters, ESBL
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review on Segregation and Management of Biomedical Waste |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Soumik Kabasi || Dr. BhaswatiBiswas Kabasi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2203060711 ![]() |
Abstract: Any kind of waste which may be either solid or liquid containing injurious materials produced by healthcare facilities is known as biomedical waste. Management of these biomedical wastes involves separating, gathering, storing, transporting, processing and its dumping. It requires commitment at all levels from healthcare employees to sanitation workers because improper management of biomedical waste causes direct health risk to the public, the healthcare personnels and the environment. Thehealthcareprofessionalsadministrators working under public and private sector institutes, auxiliariesworking in different colleges and hospitals and various health workers of the society should be made aware of the.......
Keywords: Waste Management; Biomedical Waste; Healthcare Services; Infectious; Hazardous
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Abstract: Background: A Delayed union is defined as a fracture which has not united in the time in which one would expect it to unite. Of the long bones, Tibia is the most common site for delayed union development. These often results in need for secondary intervention or additional treatment to stimulate bony union. Percutaneous autologous bone marrow injection is minimally invasive and can promote bone healing. PRP is autologous blood product containing very high concentration of platelets. There is currently no well established, less invasive approach available to foster fracture healing in patients with delayed unions. In view of the above facts and to find a cheap, non.....
Keywords: Delayed union, Tibia fracture, Bone Marrow Aspirate, Platelet Rich Plasma
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Abstract: Gene flow, genetic diversity and differentiation of myocilin gene were assessed among patients with Adult - Onset Primary OpenAngle Glaucoma in Rivers State, Nigeria. Blood samples were collected from patients and control groups from which DNA was extracted and subjected polymerase chain (PCR) using myocilin gene primers. PCR amplicons were sequenced and the sequences subjected to bioinformatics analysis. The results revealed thatnumber of segregating sites (S) was 177.00 among the control while a higher value of 194.000 was observed among the patients. Haplotype diversity (Hd) of 0.778 was observed among the control group but a higher value of 0.917 was recorded among the patients. Average number of differences (k) in the myocilin nucleotides was 36.178 among.....
Keywords: Gene flow, Genetic diversity, Glaucoma, Myocilin
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Abstract: Gun-powder fireworks are used for festivals and celebrations in most developing countries, especially in the rural areas and country-sides. Ocular injuries that are sustained throughgun-powder (cannon-gun) blastsare usually horrible and often results in structural and functional damage of the eyes and, in some cases, cause a permanent visual loss.
Here, we report a case of Mr. A.N., a 70-year-old male rural dweller in Southern Nigeria who sustained gun-powder blast injury in both eyes following careless and improper use of fireworksduring a burial ceremony. Mr. A. N. was apparently......
Keywords: Gun-powder eye injury, panophthalmitis, rural dweller, Southern Nigeria
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Abstract: Introduction: Relaparotomy is a laparotomy performed within 60 days of the initial surgery. Relaparotomy is a major problem for surgeons and patients as they experience second surgery within a short time period. It challenges the physical and mental endurance of patients. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to find out the indications and risk factors of relaparotomy in gynae and obstetrics cases in DMCH. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 30 patients who met the inclusion criteria and were admitted to the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dhaka Medical College Hospitalduring the period from July 2017 to December......
Keywords: Relaparotomy, Gynecological, Obstetrics, Indications, Surgery
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Abstract: Introduction: Cervical schwannomas are benign peripheral nerve tumors developed exclusively from Schwann cells. Involvement of the cervical vagus nerve is relatively rare; the treatment of these tumors is surgical. Case report: A 26-year-old patient consulted for an isolated left latero and basi-cervical mass with no adjacent inflammatory signs, evolving for four years. Imaging (CT and MRI) of the neck revealed a lateral basi-cervical left intermuscular solido-cystic mass without signs of regional infiltration, with permeable cervical vascular axes of normal caliber. A noncontributory cytological examination led to total extra capsular surgical excision of the mass by cervicotomy. It was a.....
Keywords: Schwannoma, vagus nerve, surgery.
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Abstract: Introduction:Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a condition that occurs during pregnancy and is characterized by glucose intolerance. It can have severe adverse effects on fetal and neonatal outcomes. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between GDM and asymptomatic urinary tract infections among pregnant mothers. GDM affects 3-10% of pregnancies and UTIs are common in pregnant women, with around 8.3 million cases reported every year. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was toinvestigate the gestational diabetes mellitus and asymptomatic urinary tract infection among pregnant mothers.....
Keywords: Gestational, Diabetes, Asymptomatic, UTI, Pregnant
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Abstract: Introduction:Congenital heart disease (CHD) is responsible for nearly one-third of all congenital anomalies. The prevalence of CHD is 9.410 per 1000 live births, which has been increasing since 1970. The prevalence of congenital pulmonary stenosis (PS) is 8-10% (about 1 per 2000 live births worldwide) of all CHD including valvular, subvalvular, and supravalvular ones. However, this prevalence is slightly higher in Asian countries compared to Europe and the United States. PS can be present isolated or associated with other CHD, such as Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), Patent......
Keywords: Pulmonary Stenosis, Echocardiography, PBPV, Dyspnea
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Abstract: Background:Infertility seems to be a great worldwide problem. Male infertility is a multifaceted state and overlaps a lot factors and affects infertility in about 8–5 % of the people in the world and the man is responsible for 40% of these cases. The FSH, LH and testosterone evaluation is useful in the management of male infertility. For initiation of spermatogenesis and maturation of spermatozoa, FSH is necessary. In the infertile men, higher concentration of FSH is considered to be a reliable indicator of germinal epithelial damage, and was shown to be associated with azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia Objective: The aim of the study is to analyze the levels of reproductive hormones among different groups of infertile patients........
Keywords: Infertile Male, Testosterone, Prolactin, FSH, LH, Sudanese
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Abstract: Background:H. pylori is atype of bacterium of gram negative bacillus little pet air, that colonizes the stomach and duodenal mucosa.Mucositis is associated with the peptic ulcer in the stomach, duodenum and stomach cancer. Objective:The aim of this study is to assess the serum levels of liver function test in H. pylori patients. Materials and method:This is a cross sectional study, conducted in Port Sudan, Red Sea State, Sudan, during the period from July to October 2019. Include one hundred samples, 50 H.pylori infected patients were selected as study group and....
Keywords: Liver Function Tests, H. pylori Infection
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Abstract: Congenital pouch colon is a very rare abnormality in which varying degree of pouch-like dilatation of dysplastic colon is associated with an anorectal malformation. The pouch usually communicate with a fistulous track with the genitourinary tract. CPC is classified on anatomic morphology into five types as per the length of the colon involved. In "Saxena and mathur Classification based on anatomic morphology the type 5 CPC shows double ouch colon with short normal interpositioned colon segment. CPC malformation is exclusively seen in Northern India, only (7.8%) cases of (CPC) have been reported outside India. However, recently there is increasing awareness about this rare anomaly and some cases are now reported from other parts of the world. The aim....
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