Version-13 (April-2018)
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Abstract: Introduction: Rectosigmoid cancer represents a major public health problem in developed countries. It ranks third in frequency. Even in developing countries like ours the incidence of Rectosigmoid cancer has been on a steady rise. At present surgical resection remains the most effective modality of treatment in these patients. It was because of these implications that a study was made of the effect of the level of the lesion on the prognosis in carcinoma rectum and the lower part of the sigmoid colon. Objective-"To study the importance of the level of lesion in the prognosis and treatment of carcinoma rectum and low sigmoid colon in department of Surgery at M.Y. & Cancer Hospital, Indore". Material and Method: This is prospective and retrospective study of 51 patients admitted in M.Y. Hospital and Cancer Hospital, Indore during period of June 2010 to June 2013. Digital rectal examination.........
Key words: Rectosigmoid cancer, DRE, LAR, APR.
[1]. Dixoni, C. F.: Anterior Resection for Carcinoma Low in the Sigmoid and the Rectosigmoid. Surgery, I5: 367-377, 1944.
[2]. Mahorner, Howard: Restoration of Continuity after Resection of the Rectum. Ann. Surg., I23: 866-876, I946.
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Abstract: Background and Aims : The anaesthesiologist must have the ability to recognize those patients who may present with difficult airway & must be able to formulate a plan of action to deal with such problem. Unfortunately, the classic predictors of difficult intubation are shown to be less reliable in obese population. So , a study design was formulated to rank the bedside tests for predicting difficult intubation in obese patients according to accuracy . Materials and Methods :The study was carried out in 350 bedded Superspeciality Hospital of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh for a period of 1year. 205 obese patients participated in the study. Six variables that may predict difficult intubation were taken.........
Key words: Modified Mallampati grading, Thyromental distance, Delikan test, Mandibular recession , Mouth opening, Buck teeth, Intubation difficulty scale (IDS)
[1]. Adnet F, Borron SW, Racine SX et al. The intubation difficulty scale :proposal and evaluation of a new score characterizing the complexity of endotracheal intubation. Anaesthesiology 1997;87: 1290-7
[2]. Brodsky JB, Lemmens HJ, Brock-Utne JG, et al. Morbid obesity and tracheal intubation. Anesth Analg 2002; 94:732-6.
[3]. Yentis SM. Predicting difficult intubation - worthwhile exercise or pointless itual? Anaesthesia 2002; 57:105-9
[4]. Benumof JL. Intubation difficulty scale: anticipated best use. Anesthesiology 1997;87:1273–4.
[5]. Juvin P, Lavaut E, Dupont H, Lefevre P, Demetriou M, Dumoulin JL, Desmonts JM: Difficult tracheal intubation is more common in obese than in lean patients. Anesth Analg 2003; 97:595–600
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Abstract: In most patients with advanced head and neck cancer, conventional radiotherapy does not produce locoregional control. Therapeutic ratio may be improved by modifying dose fractionation. The rationale of hyperfractionation is to increase the total dose by using multiple smaller dose fractions without increasing the overall treatment time, that allows to increase the probability of tumour control within the tolerance of late – responding normal tissues. Materials and methods - From June 2016 to December 2016, 80 patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were randomly assigned in this prospective study into two arms. Patients of both arms were treated with 3 cycles of cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil, repeated 3 weekly and randomized to receive either Conventionally.........
[1]. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM, Ferlay J, Ward E, Forman D. Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin2011;61:69‑90.
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[4]. Kreimer A, Clifford GM, Boyle P, Franceschi S. Human papillomavirus types in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas worldwide: A systematic review. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev2005;14:467‑75
[5]. Parkin DM, Pisani P, Ferlay J. Estimates of the worldwide incidence of 25 major cancers in 1990. Int J Cancer 1999;80:827‑41
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Abstract: Post mortem of Unknown or Unidentified dead bodies always pose a problem in almost all autopsy centers. This may be due to various reasons such as uninterested investigating police officers, lack of proper history regarding the case and partial or complete decomposition. Opinion about the cause of death in these unknown bodies often tests the skill of the Forensic expert as autopsy yields little or no results. In these cases, identification of the body is also a greater problem. These persons have lost all identity – age, address, occupation, family except sex. The present 4 year study was undertaken to study the profile of these unknown bodies - in terms of sex, age, cause of death, place from where the bodies have been retrieved and the time duration between into mortuary & autopsy........
Key words: Identification, Unknown bodies, DNA Profiling, Dead, Decomposition, Cause of death.
[1]. Kumar A, Tyagi A, Aggarwal NK. Sex determination by morphology of talus bone. J For Med Toxicol 2008;25(1):50-3
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[3]. Ritter N. Missing persons and unidentified remains: the nation‟ssilent mass disaster. J Nat Instit Justice 2007;256:2–7.
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[5]. Riepert T, Ulmcke D, Schweden F, Nafe B. Identification of unknown dead bodies by X-ray image comparison of the skull using the X-ray simulation program FoXSIS. For SciInt 2001;117(1-2):89-98
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Abstract: To estimate and interpret the Fibrinogen Levels in Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Materials: - 50 patients of established NIDDM in King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam were taken. 25 control subjects without history of NIDDM and who are age and sex matched were taken. Plasma Fibrinogen along with Blood Glucose, HbA1 C, Total Cholesterol and Serum Triglycerides were estimated. Results: - In Control Group the mean values of FBS (60-90 mg/dl), HbA1 C(6-5 %)Serum Cholesterol (140-240 mg/dl), Serum Triglycerides (80-180 mg/dl), Post Prandial Sugar (110-150 mg/dl), Urinary AIb excretion rate(0-70mg/min) and Plasma Fibrinogen (200-400 mg/dl) are within normal range. The mean + SD + SE. Fibrinogen, HbA1 C and Urinary........
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Abstract: Approximately 10% of population will have at least one seizure in their lifetime at some point of time.Half of these will occur during childhood and adolescence,with highest risk before 1 year. Some patients with a first seizure eventually go on to have additional seizures and be diagnosed with epilepsy. Thus the occurrence of a single seizure in childhood deserves a careful consideration. Objectives- To determine the percentage of children presenting with first episode of a generalized seizure having some neurological abnormalities in the brain. To evaluate the utility of neuroimaging (Computed Tomography[CT] or Magnetic Resonance Imaging[MRI]) in the diagnosis of the cause of seizure.........
[1]. Intracranial structural lesions in young epileptics: a computed tomographic study.Kapoor M1, Talukdar B, Chowdhury V, Puri V, Rath B
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Abstract: One of the prime emerging issues in the development of medical students is the exposure and adjustment difficulties to the new environment. These difficulties primarily include anxiety, academic burden, learning styles, homesickness, time management issues and individual factors like overuse of social media, personal IQ, family background, parental and peer pressures.1 In order to resolve these adjustment issues, we established a counselling system to identify various factors affecting the academic performance of students and to improve their performance in physiology by addressing those factors on individual basis. The pivotal aim of undergraduate medical education is to generate competent doctors. This aim can only be achieved if students are brought up in teacher -student friendly atmosphere. Good interpersonal relationships need to be developed and this enable students to develop self understanding and to make positive changes in their lives for fruitful outcome..........
[1]. Donghych Lee, Elizabeth A Oleon, Ben Locke, Sandra Testa Micheleon, Eleonara Odes. The effects of college counselling services on academic performances and retention. Journal of College Student Development. 2009 May/June ;50 (3): 305-19.
[2]. Renuka Devi MR, PR Devaki, MadhanikaMadhavan , P Saikumar. The effect of counselling on the academic performance of college students. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.2013 June ; 7(6): 1086-1088.
[3]. MashayekhiF, Rafati S, Mashayekhi M, Rafati F, Mohamadisardoo M R, and Yahagh E. The relationship between the study habits and the academic achievement of students in Islamic Azad University of Jiroft Branch. International Journal of current research and academic review. 2014;2 (6): 182-187.
[4]. Mandal A , Ghosh A, Sengupta G, Bera T, Das N, Mukherjee S. Factors affecting the performance of undergraduate medical students: A perspective .Indian Journal of Community Medicine.2012;37(2):126-129.
[5]. Haq A. & Chand S.(2012) .Pattern of Facebook Usage and it's impact on Academic Performance of University Students: A Gender Based Comparison. Bulletin of Education and Research, vol. 34(2),pp. 19-28
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Abstract: Background:Anovulation is one of the causes of female factor infertility. In sub-Saharan Africa, anovulation has received minimal attention as a cause of infertility due to the very high prevalence of tubal factor infertility. Management of anovulatory infertility requires understanding of the classes of anovulation and available treatment options.Some classes of anovulatory infertility are easily treated with pharmacologic agents, others may require assisted conception techniques involving ovum donation. There is need to identify the different types of the disease as first step towards appropriate effortsin helping couples with anovulation. Objective: To determine the incidence and prevailing classes (using WHO classification) of anovulatory infertility amongst women with infertility presenting to the gynaecology clinic of the University of Port Harcourt teaching Hospital........
[1]. Okoli AC. Commercialism and commodification of illicity: A political economy of baby buying/selling in south east of Nigeria. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science 2014; 2(2):77-86.
[2]. Zegers-Hochschilda F, Adamson GD, de Mouzon J, Ishihara O, Mansour R, NygrenK,Sullivan E, Vanderpoel S. International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART) and the World Health Organization (WHO) revised glossary of ART terminology, 2009. Fertility and Sterility 2009; 92( 5):1520-1524.
[3]. Larsen U. Trends in infertility in Cameroon and Nigeria. International Family Planning Perspectives 1995; 21:138–142.
[4]. Akinloye O,Truter EJ. A review of management of infertility in Nigeria: framing the ethics of a national health policy.Int J Womens Health. 2011; 3:265–275.
[5]. Araoye MO. Epidemiology of infertility: social problems of infertile couples. WAJM 2003; 22(2): 190-196
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Abstract: Dental identification of a deceased individual is a core task in forensic odontology. The accurate recording of clinical dental procedures has become more important over time because of the increasing trend of lawsuits worldwide. Previous reports have discussed the practical usefulness of endodontic evidence for human identification. Advances in endodontic imaging, root and root canal anatomy, and biomaterials have been consistently emerging in endodontic research and practice. This article provides an update on the interrelationship between endodontics and forensic personal identification. Dental identification plays an important role in the identification of remains when there is a lack of a fingerprint record. Post-mortem radiograph taken in a way that it duplicates the ante-mortem radiograph are extremely useful in the comparison process for personal forensic identification. Even the status of a person's teeth changes throughout life and the combination of decayed, missing, and filled teeth is measurable and comparable at any fixed point in time.(1).
Key words: forensic odontology, endodontics, post-mortem, ante-mortem, radiograph
[1]. Ahmed HM. Endodontics and forensic personal identification: An update. Eur J Gen Dent 2017;6 :5-8.
[2]. Ata-Ali Javier, Ata-Ali Fadi. Forensic dentistry in human identification: A review of the literature. J Clin Exp Dent. 2014;6(2):e162-7.
[3]. Khalid et al. Discrimination Potential of Root Canal Treated Tooth in Forensic Dentistry. JFOS. July 2016; Vol.34: 19 – 26.
[4]. Cleghorn BM, Christie WH, Dong CC. Root and root canal morphology of the human permanent maxillary first molar: a literature review. Journal of endodontics. 2006 Sep 1;32(9):813-21.
[5]. Monika RD, Dhawan S, Mehta P. Analysis of Root Canal Anatomy & Morphological Variations of Maxillary 1st Molar by Different Methods-An In Vitro Study. ENDODONTOLOGY. 2014 Dec;26(2).
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Abstract: With increase in number of road traffic accidents, injury to the face and facial skeleton has become more important. A total of 100 patients with road traffic accident were included in the study attending in the Tripura medical college and Dr. BRAM Teaching Hospital during the period of June 2013 to December 2015. The median age of patients at presentations was 18 years (range 1 to 72 years). There were 80 males and 20 female with male to female ratio was 4:1in this study. Isolated ENT injuries were reported in 87.2% patients while 13.8% patients had multiple injuries. The nose was the most common body region injured accounting for 50% followed by ear (35%) and throat (15%). Nasal bleeding (50%), soft tissue injury (30%) and fracture nasal bone (20%) are the most common nasal presentation following road traffic accident. Bleeding from ear (57%), pinna injury (20%), tympanic membrane perforation (17.1%) and temporal bone fracture (2.8%) are the most common ear presentation following road traffic accident and Soft tissue injury (80%) and cut injury (20%) are the most common throat presentation..
Key words: Road traffic accident, facial trauma, nasal bone fracture, epistaxis, rack less driving
[1]. Aremu SK, Alabi BS, Segun-Busari SW, Omotoso SW: Audit of Pediatric ENT Injuries. Int J Biomed Sci. 2011, 7: 218-221.
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[3]. Matilda I, Lucky O, Chibuike N: Ear, nose and throat injuries in a tertiary institution in Niger delta region Nigeria. J Med Res Prac. 2012, 1: 59-62.
[4]. Arif RK, Naseem U, Inayat U, Shah ED, Noor SK: Causes and complications of ear, nose and throat injuries in children. A study of 80 cases. J Med Sc. 2006, 14 (1): 57-59.
[5]. Sogebi OA, Olaosun AO, Tobih JE, Adedeji TO, Adebola SO: Pattern of ear, nose and throat injuries in children at Ladoke Akintola
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thyroid Disease andDiabetes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Manoj Kumar || Dr Santosh Kumar || Dr Dharmendra Kumar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1704135457 ![]() |
Abstract: The study was carried out to estimate thyroid hormones (T3, T4 andTSH) level in diabetic patients and to compare it with normal controls in an attempt to find out the importance of thyroid hormone estimation in diabetic cases. Sixty cases of diabetes mellitus who attended Diabetic Clinic, J.L.N.M.CH Bhagalpur during the period from October 2016 to March 2017 were taken as the cases and 30 healthy individuals were selected as control group. Serum total Tri-iodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), thyroid stimulating hormone and blood sugar were estimated in the cases and controls. The study showed that diabetes was more prevalent in the age group of 51-65 years, and more in males (52%). The mean fasting blood sugar(126.17 ± 37.92 mg%) and serum TSH level (4.58 ± 2.90 mIU/L)were increased significantly (r=0.884, p>0.05) whereas serumT4 level (5.79 ± 4.39 μg/dl) was decreased significantly in diabetic cases when compared with controls meanT3 level of diabetic cases was higher than controls but it.........
[1] Nathan, D.M., Long - term complications of Diabetes mellitus, N. Engl. J.Med., 328, 1993, 1676 – 1685.
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Abstract: Objective: To analyze the hearing loss in tympanic membrane perforation based on shape, site and size of the perforation. Study design: Prospective hospital based study design Setting: ENT OPD at NSCB Medical College & Hospital (tertiary referral centre) Materials and methods: Patients reporting to ENT OPD with unilateral or bilateral CSOM Safe type were selected between March 2015 and August 2016. The inclusion criteria were of dry central perforation, pure conductive hearing loss and intact ossicular chain. These patients were subjected to Tuning fork tests and pure tone audiometry before and after patch paper test. Results: 54 patients were selected with unilateral or bilateral ear involvement making a total of 70 cases. Maximum patients belonged to low.........
Key words: conductive hearing loss, paper patch, tympanic membrane perforation, audiometry
[1]. Krunger, Tonndorf: Tympanic-membrane perforation in cats with experimentally induced tympanic membrane perforation. J Acoustic Soc Am 1978
[2]. Telian SA, Schmalbach CE, Chronic Otitis Media In: Ballenger's Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; JB Snow and JJ Ballenger eds, 16th edition, Hamilton: BC Decker, 266. [3]. Prasansuk, Suchitra, and R. Hinchcliffe. "Tympanic membrane perforation descriptors and hearing levels in otitis media." Audiology 21.1 (1982): 43-51.
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Abstract: Surgery is the common method for the treatment of benign nodular goiter. Even though optimal operative strategy for treating benign nodular goiter remains controversial.Long standing large goiters are extremely unusual and often result as a consequence of ignorance, neglect, lack of inadequate medical facility, fear of undergoing surgery. These patients pose a specific challenge and need to be managed by experienced surgeon and anesthetist.Tracheomalacia is a life threating complication which must be taken care before extubating. Thyroidectomy for such goiters is a surgical challenge due to the possible association of tracheomalacia, difficult intubation along with distorted and displaced anatomy.
Key words: Hemithyroidectomy, Fiberoptic-Bronchoscopy, Tracheomalacia
[1]. Rios A,RodrlguezJM, CanterasM, Galindo PJ,TebarFJ,ParrilaP: Surgical management of multinodular goiterwith compressive symptoms. Arch Surg2005, 140:49-53.
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[5]. ApfelbaumJL,HagbergCA,CaplanRA, BlittCD, ConnisRT, Nickinovich DG, BenumofJL, Berry FA, Bode RH, Cheney FW, Guidry OF and OvassapianA.Practice guidelines for management of the difficult airway: an update report by the American Society of AnesthesiologistsTask Force on Management of the Difficult Airway. Anesthesiology.2013; 118:251-70. ǀArticleǀ PubMed.
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Abstract: Extraarticular distal tibial fractures are among the most challenging fractures encountered by an orthopedician for treatment.The surgical treatment of fractures according to AO principles has seen a change in the past decade, from anatomical reduction and rigid fixation to the current concept of biological fixation. The LCP is a screw plate system that offers the possibility of inserting conventional and locking head screws into the specially designed combination holes. We aimed to study the nature of fracture union and the functional outcome of distal tibial fractures treated with LCP by MIPPO technique, and to analyse any complications arising out of this technique This is a prospective study.........
Key words: Locking compression plate (LCP), internal fixator, Biological fixation, MIPPO, distal tibial fractures.
[1]. Kortor JN, Yinusa W, Ugbeye ME. Lower limb injuries arising from motorcycle crashes.Niger J Med. 2010 Oct-Dec; 19(4):475-8.
[2]. Court-Brown CM, McBirnie J. The epidemiology of tibial fractures. J Bone JointSurg Br. 1995 May;77(3):417-21.
[3]. Khalsa AS, Toossi N, Tabb LP, Amin NH, Donohue KW, Cerynik DL. Distal tibia Fractures: locked or non-locked plating? A systematic review of outcomes.ActaOrthop. 2014 Jun;85(3):299-304.
[4]. Tao Yu, Qianming Li, Hongmou Zhao, Jiang Xia, AshwinAubeeluck, Guangrong Yu. Treatment of distal tibia fractures with intramedullary nail or plate: A Meta-Analysis. Pak J Med Sci 2012;28(4):580-585.
[5]. Muzaffar N, Bhat R, Yasin M. Plate on plate technique of minimally invasivepercutaneous plate osteosynthesis in distal tibial fractures, an easy andinexpensive method of fracture fixation. Arch Trauma Res. 2014 Sep 2;3(3):e18325