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Abstract: The abstract should summarize the content of the paper. Try to keep the abstract below 200 words. Do not make references nor display equations in the abstract. The journal will be printed from the same-sized copy prepared by you. Your manuscript should be printed on A4 paper (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm). It is imperative that the margins and style described below be adhered to carefully. This will enable us to keep uniformity in the final printed copies of the Journal. Please keep in mind that the manuscript you prepare will be photographed and printed as it is received. Readability of copy is of paramount importance. (10 Italic)
Key words: Acute Urinary Retention, Caesarean Section, Bladder Management and Urinary Tract Infection and Urethral Catheterization
[1]. Ghoreishi J, Indwelling urinary catheters in caesarean delivery, Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2003; 83: 267 -270.
[2]. Onile TG, Kuti O, Orji E. O, Ogunniyi SO. A prospective randomized Clinical trials of Urethral catheter removal following elective caesarean delivery, Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2008; 102: 267 -270.
[3]. Jaiyesimi ra, Ojo OE. Caesarean Section In: Okonofua F. Odunsi K, editors. Contemporary Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Developing Countries. Benin City: Women's Health and Action Research Centre (WHARC): 2003: 592 – 619.
[4]. Senanayake H. Elective Caesarean Section without urethral Catheterization. J Obstet Gynecol Res. 2005; 31 (1): 32 – 7
[5]. Barnes JS. Is it better to avoid urethral Catheterization at hysterectomy and caesarean section? Aust NZJ Obstet Gynecol 1998; 38 (13): 315 – 6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pre-Senile cataract: Analytical study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Jitendra Kumar || Dr. Preeti Chaubey || Dr. Vijay Pratap Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1704090609 ![]() |
Abstract: Presenile cataract refers to an onset that occurs at any time from early adult life to age 60 years. Risk factors for presenile cataract include family history; refractive error such as high myopia, metabolic disease such as diabetes mellitus. Other possible causes are atopic dermatitis, use of corticosteroids, trauma, intra-ocular inflammation, electrical current injury, outdoor occupation and occupational exposure to heavy metals. A total of 177 Patients who were diagnosed as a case of pre-senile cataract, were included in this analytical study. All patients (Age between 18 to 45 years) with cataract with or without affected visual acuity were included in this study. An assessment of present complaints, detailed clinical histories (present and past) and personal data were obtained.. Ophthalmological check up as external examination of the eyes, visual acuity, torch light examination, slit.........
Keywords: Atopic dermatitis, Diabetes mellitus, Direct ophthalmoscopy Posterior subcapsular cataract, Presenile cataract, Slit lamp examination , Visual acuity.
[1]. Murthy G, John N, Shamanna BR, Pant HB (2012) Elimination of avoidable blindness due to cataract: Where do we prioritize and how should we monitor this decade? Indian J Ophthalmol 60: 438-445
[2]. Stevens RE, Datiles MB, Srivastava SK, Ansari NH, Maumenee AE, Stark WJ. Idiopathic presenile cataract formation and galactosaemia. Br J Ophthalmol 1989;73:48-51.
[3]. Tsai CK, Teng MC, Wu PC, Kuo HK. Clinical features of patients featuring cataracts in a myopia-endemic area of Taiwan. Chang Gung Med J 2006;29:406-411.
[4]. Al Samarrai AR, Noor Sunba MS, Ul Hassan M. The incidence of unknown diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance in idiopathic presenile cataract. Dev Ophthalmol 1989;17:79-81.
[5]. Gopalakrishna K, Rao PN, Nayak BR, Pattabiraman TN. Nonenzymatic glucosylation of lens proteins in different types of cataracts. Indian J Med Res 1983;78:426-30..
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Abstract: It is important to profile the different types of medico legal cases reported to casualty in order to assess the various medico legal cases arriving to the rural health centre so that the necessary health care facility and the preventive measures can be adopted and to minimise the crime rate in that particular area. The present study attempts to emphasize the pattern of medico-legal cases brought to casualty of Costo-rural hoapital of Murud, Raigad district. The present retrospective study is conducted for a period of one year in 2013 in which all the 424 medico-legal cases were reported to the Casualty. In this study male predominance was noted with most common involved age group was 21 – 30 years. Most of the medico-legal cases registered were due to routine medical examination for fitness, age determination and examination of accused and drunkenness. These results could be useful in interpreting the types and strategic planning can be made accordingly for the benefit of the community.
Keyword: Medico-legal case, Road traffic accident, Burns, Poisoning, Assault, Bites..
[1]. Dogra TD, Rudra A. Lyon's Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology. 11th Ed.Delhi Law House. 2007: 36
[2]. Mahajan A, Dhillon S, Sekhon H. Profile of Medico Legal Cases in Shimla (June 2008- December 2008). Medico-Legal Update, 2011. 11 (2); 64- 66
[3]. Pate RS, Hire RC, Rojekar MV. Pattern of head injury in central India population. Int J Res Med Sci 2017;5:3515-9.
[4]. Garg V,Verma SK.Profile of medico legal cases at Adesh institute of medical Sciences and research Bhatinda Punjab,J Indian Acad Forensic Med;2010;32(2):150-2
[5]. Malik Y, Chawla R, et al. Profile of medico legal cases in causality of a rural medical college of Hariyana, J Indian Acad Forensic Med;2013;35(4):367-68..
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Abstract: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a specialty of dentistry with a scope ranging from the treatment of orofacial congenital anomalies such as cleft lip and palate, through orofacial infections, maxillofacial traumatology, temporomandibular disorders, salivary gland diseases, orofacial pain to neoplasms involving the orofacial region. Being an emerging specialty in Nigeria, it is faced with several challenges. This study was aimed at determining the demographics of the practitioners in Nigeria and to highlight some of the challenges facing the practice. The study design is cross-sectional. Less than 50% of the practitioners had 76-100% of their surgeries done as scheduled. Thirty-five per cent of the surgeons had fifty percent or less of their surgeries performed on schedule. Main reasons reported by.........
[1]. Stoelinga PJW and Williams JLI (2012). 50 years of IAOMS: the development of the specialty. Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181, United States of America. pp 159-160.
[2]. Akinmoladun V I, Gbolahan O O, Akadiri O A, Akinyamoju C A. Evaluation of the scope and practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Nigeria. Niger J Clin Pract 2015;18:282-286.
[3]. Obuekwe ON. Navigating the maxillofacial wilderness: a surgeon's journey. 192 Inaugural lecture 2017;1-4.
[4]. Hunter MJ, Rubeiz T, Rose L. Recognition of the scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery by the public and health care professionals. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1996;54:1227-1232.
[5]. Ogunbodede EO (2015). History of Dentistry in Nigeria. The foundation for dental education museums and archives. Ile-Ife. Pp 108.
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Abstract: Background- Vaginal yeast infections, also known as candidiasis, are a common female condition. A healthy vagina has bacteria and some yeast cells,but when the balance of bacteria and yeast changes, the yeast cells can multiply. This causes intense itching, swelling, and irritation. Treating a vaginal yeast infection can relieve symptoms within a few days. In more severe cases, it may take up to two weeks. Vaginal yeast infections aren't considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Sexual contact can spread it, but women who aren't sexually active can also get them. Aims and Objectives- To study the prevalence of candidiasis in Gwalior, role of cervicovaginal smear examination in it's diagnosis and spectrum of disease in various age groups. Methodology- This is a retrospective...........
Key Words- Candidiasis, Leishman-Giemsa, Cervicovaginal Smear
[1]. Sobel J D, Faro S, Force R W. Et Al Vulvovaginal Candidiasis: Epidemiologic, Diagnostic, And Therapeutic Considerations. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998178203–211.211 [Pubmed]
[2]. Foxman B, Barlow R, D'arcy H, Gillespie B, Sobel Jd. Candida Vaginitis: Self-Reported Incidence And Associated Costs. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2000;27(4):230–235. [Pubmed]
[3]. Røttingen Ja, Cameron Wd, Garnett Gp. A Systematic Review Of The Epidemiologic Interactions Between Classic Sexually Transmitted Diseases And Hiv: How Much Really Is Known? Sexually Transmitted Diseases.2001;28(10):579–597. [Pubmed]
[4]. Roberts Cl, Morris Jm, Rickard Kr, Et Al. Protocol For A Randomised Controlled Trial Of Treatment Of Asymptomatic Candidiasis For The Prevention Of Preterm Birth [Actrn12610000607077] Bmc Pregnancy And Childbirth. 2011;11, Article 19 [Pmc Free Article] [Pubmed]
[5]. Sobel Jd. Vulvovaginal Candidosis. Lancet. 2007;369(9577):1961–1971. [Pubmed].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Medicolegal Study on Death from Poisoning |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhaskar Chowdhury || Biplab Shee || Shouvanik Adhya |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1704092226 ![]() |
Abstract: Rapid development in science and technology and rapid growth in agriculture and industrial sector has led to increase in the incidence of poisoning, taking away a lot of precious human life. The chemical substances developed to protect the agriculture products from rodents and pests, to save the human beings from starvation, are themselves becoming a threat for the human life. Trends of poisoning had been constantly changing throughout the world with advent of new agents. This study aims to evaluate Incidence and pattern of poisoning in the district of Murshidabad.The study included all the cases of suspected poisoning brought for autopsy during the period september 2012 to august 2017. A total of 1400 cases of suspected poisoning death were analyzed. Male victims (62.50%) outnumbered females (37.50%) and maximum numbers of cases (63.714%) were in the age group 21-40............
Keywords: Poisoning, Suicide, Insecticide, Death, Organophosphorus
[1]. Anitha MR, Raju GM, Vijayamahantesh SN, Vijayanath V. Forensic view on aluminum phosphide poisoning. JIAFM 2011 Oct-Dec; 33(4): 289-91
[2]. Dasari H. Recent advances in the management of poisoning cases. JIAFM 2011 Jan-Mar; 33(1):74-8.
[3]. Dalal SJ, Khurana P, Multani SA, Tejpal RH. The study of aluminium phosphide poisoning in a tertiary care hospital Amritsar. JIAFM 2011 Oct-Dec; 33(4): 330-4
[4]. Pillay VV. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 16th ed. Hyderabad; Paras Medical Publisher; 2011.p.402-57
[5]. Kishan R Siddapur. Trends of poisoning and gross stomach mucosal appearance in fatal poisoning cases an autopsy study. JIAFM 2011 Apr-Jun; 33(2): 106-11..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nerve Conduction Studies in Leprosy- A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Priyanka Gupta || Dr. Amit Mainra || Dr. Aditi Dhanta |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1704092732 ![]() |
Abstract: Leprosy involves peripheral nerves sooner or later in the disease course leading to gross deformities. However, by the time it becomes clinically apparent, the nerve damage is already quite advanced. If the preclinical damage is detected early, it can be prevented to a large extent. Nerve conduction studies (NCS) are very important for the study of peripheral neuropathy. These studies can be helpful in the early diagnosis of neural involvement, and in the follow-up of patients under treatment.
Key Words: Leprosy, electrophysiology, nerve conduction, neuropathy
[1]. Jopling WH, McDougall AC. Handbook of leprosy. 5th ed. New Delhi: CBS publishers and distributors; 1996.p.1-2.
[2]. Hackett ER, Shipley DE, Livengood R. Motor nerve conduction velocity studies of ulnar nerve in patients with leprosy. Int J Lepr.1968;36:282-7.
[3]. Antia NH, Mehta L, Shetty V, Irani PF. Clinical, electrophysiological, quantitative, histologic and ultra-structural studies of the index branch of the radial cutaneous nerve in leprosy: I. Preliminary report. Int J Lepr. 1975;43:106-13.
[4]. Khambati FA, Shetty VP, Ghate SD, Capadia GD. Sensitivity and specificity of nerve palpation, monofilament testing and voluntary muscle testing in detecting peripheral nerve abnormality, using nerve conduction studies as gold standard; A study in 357 patients. Lepr Rev. 2009;80(1):34–50.
[5]. Kar S, Krishnan A, Singh N, Singh R, Pawar S. Nerve damage in leprosy: An electrophysiological evaluation of ulnar and median nerves in patients with clinical neural deficits: A pilot study. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2013;4(2):97-101...
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Abstract: Objective To evaluate the role of sublingual misoprostol as a cervical priming agent in first trimester pregnancy termination by suction evacuation Material and Methods A prospective randomized study carried was conducted in Dr Baba SahebAmbedkar Hospital, Delhi over a period of two years. 80 womenbetween 6-12 weeks of gestational age, seeking termination of pregnancy were randomized into two groups. Women in group I received sublingual misoprostol two hours prior to suction evacuation. Women in group II did not receive any treatment. The Outcome measures of the study : cervical dilatation,blood loss, duration of procedure and side effects were comparatively evaluated............
[1]. Special tabulations of updated data from Sedgh G et al., Abortion incidence between 1990 and 2014: global, regional, and subregional levels and trends, Lancet, 2016, 388(10041):258–267.
[2]. Guttmacher Institute, Adding it up : Investing in contraception and maternal and newborn health, 2017, Fact Sheet, New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2017.
[3]. Nagi SW, Chan YM, Tang OS, Ho PC. The use of misoprostol for cervical dilatation prior to vacuum aspiration: a randomized trial. Hum Reprod 1999;14(8): 2139-42.
[4]. Molin A. Risk of damage of the cervix by dilatation for first trimester induced abortion by suction aspiration. Gynecol Obstet Invest 1993;35:152-4.
[5]. Macisaac L, Grossman D, Balistreri E, Darney P. A randomized controlled trial of laminaria, oral misoprostol andvaginal misoprostol before abortion. Obstet Gynecol 1999;93:766-70..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of the types of breast pain-a retrospective study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krishnamurthy S.R |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1704093943 ![]() |
Abstract: Purpose: To determine the most common type of breast pain and presence of malignancy in breast pain patients. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of the symptoms, clinical examination findings and breast imaging results among 260 breast pain patients. These were patients between 15-45 years who had presented to the General Surgery OPD from March 2017-March 2018. Results: A majority of mastalgia patients were between 25-35 years (58.3%). Cyclical mastalgia was more common in the 25-35 years group (71.8%) with p value<0.00001. Bilateral mastalgia was also more in the 25-35 years group (69.7%) with p value<0.0001. 172 (66.2%) patients demanded imaging due to cancerophobia. In imaging only 15% patients had dense breasts, 67.2% patients with dense breasts had history of unilateral mastalgia while 59.6% of patients with normal breasts had bilateral mastalgia (p<0.01). Conclusion: Cancerophobia is very high among our patients although no malignancy was detectable. Mastalgia is most common in the 25-35 year age group and tends to be bilateral and cyclical .
[1]. Ader DN, Browne MW. Prevalence and impact of cyclic mastalgia in aUnited States clinic-based sample. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;177:126-32.
[2]. Ader DN, Shriver CD. Cyclical mastalgia: prevalence and impact in anoutpatient breast clinic sample. J Am Coll Surg 1997;185:466-70.
[3]. Goodwin PJ, Miller A, Del Giudice ME, Ritchie K. Breast health andassociated premenstrual symptoms in women with severe cyclicmastopathy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;176:998-1005.
[4]. Griffith CD, Dowle CS, Hinton CP, Blamey RW. The breast painclinic: a rational approach to classification and treatment of breast pain.Postgrad Med J 1987;63:547-9.
[5]. Leinster SJ, Whitehouse GH, Walsh PV. Cyclical mastalgia: clinicaland mammographic observations in a screened population. Br J Surg1987;74:220-2..
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Abstract: Tin leaf (Ficuscarica folium) is the fig tree plant. The fruit and the leaf of this plant rich of polifenolantioksidant such as flavonoid, can used for to reduce the level of blood sugar. To know the activity on Tin leaf (Ficuscarica folium) toward the reduction of blood sugar to Mice (Musmusculus) This research is experimental, the mice divided into six group. there are Normal group, K group (CMC Na 1%), variation dose 100 mg/kg group, Variation dose 300 mg/kg group, variation dose 600 mg/kg group and positive group (Glibenclamide 0.65 mg/kg). using two way anova analysis method. the result of this research show reduction effect of mice's blood sugar on 100 mg/kg dose (17.3%), 300 mg/kg dose (29.3%), 600 mg/kg dose (35.2%) and the positive group (44.3%). Variation dose 600 mg/kg (35.2%) give the highest blood sugar reduction, which close to positive group (44.3%) compared with the 100 mg/kg dose (17.3%), 300 mg/kg dose (29.3%).
Keywords: Tin leaf, blood sugar, Mice
[1]. Astrian, R. T., & Barlian, A. (2012). "Pengukuran Efek Antidiabetes Polifenol (Polyphenon 60 ) Berdasarkan Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Histologi Pankreas Mencit (Mus musculus L.) S.W. Jantan yang Dikondisikan Diabetes Mellitus" . Jurnal Matematika & Sains , 79-81.
[2]. Damanik, D. d., Surbakti, N., & Hasibuan, R. (2014). EkstraksiI Katekin dari daun Gambir (Uncaria gambir roxb) dengan metode maserasi. Jurnal Teknik Kimia USU, Vol. 3, No. 2 , 10-13.
[3]. Dini, I. (2008). "Senyawa Terpenoid Turunan Lupeol dari Ekstrak Kloroform Kulit Batang Tumbuhan Paliasa (Kleinhovia hospita Linn.)". Jurnal Chemica Vol. 9 Nomor 2 , 26-29.
[4]. Fadilah, R., Ratnasari, E., & Isnawati. (2014). Induksi dan Pertumbuhan Kalus Daun Tin dengan Penambahan berbagi kombinasi Konsentrasi IBA dan Kinetin pada Media MS secara in vitro. 141-146.
[5]. Ficso, E., Szentmihályi, K., Lemberkovics, É., Blázovics, A., & Balázs, A. (2013). "Analysisof Ficuscarica L. – volatilecomponentsand mineral content" . Eur. Chem. Bull , 126-129..
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Abstract: Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) of Oral Cavity is a common malignant tumor of themouth that typically affects elderly men and women. It is more aggressive than conventional squamous cell carcinoma affecting other body regions. Our study consisted of 115 OSCC patients which were diagnosedclinically and histopathological. According to histological findings, oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is graded into three distinct categories, by Border's grading system. The severity of OSCC by the grading system is according to descending order. The control population consisted of 45 normal, apparently healthy, age and sex matched subjects. The total protein content in saliva of OSCC patients were significantly increases compare to healthy controls. The total protein content values were also estimated and were found to be increased with the severity of the disease The values are statistically significant.
Keywords- biomarkers, Oral cancer, OSCC, Protein, salivary diagnostic.
[1]. Myers JN, Elkins T, Roberts D, et al. "Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue in young adults:increasing incidence and factors that predict treatment outcomes" Otolaryngol head neck surgery.2000;122:44-51.
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[5]. Lamkin, MS & Oppenheim, GF "Structural features of salivary function" crit rev oral biol med,1993 vol.4, No.3/4, pp.251-259, ISSN 1045-4411...
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Abstract: Cord care practice is one of the most important practice for prevention ofNeonatal Tetanus including other practices are safe delivery, mother's immunization, early diagnosis and management of Neonatal Tetanus.In 2008, Bangladesh achieved "Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus" (MNT) elimination,but still cases of neonatal tetanus is being reported frequently. This study aims to assess the cord care practices among the neonatal tetanus cases and to assess further scopes of interventionto reduce its incidence.A cross-sectional descriptive type of study carried out atInfectious Disease Hospital(IDH), Dhaka duringJanuary 2004 to October 2005 A total number of sixty-threeneonatal tetanus caseswere assessed by interviewing mothers and examining cases. Among the cases of NNT 96% was home deliveries, 97% deliveries were by unskilled birth attendants, 78% of the mothers were not.........
Keywords: Neonatal tetanus, Cord care, Mother of new born
[1]. Roper MH, Vandelaer JH, Gasse FL. Maternal and neonatal tetanus. Lancet, 2007; 370: 1947-59.
[2]. WHO. Tetanus.Expanded programme on immunization. 2012
[3]. UNICEF. Improving Equity by Eliminating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. 2004.
[4]. Abuwa P. N. C., Alikor E. A. D., Gbaraba P. V., et al. Epidemiology of neonatal tetanus in Rivers State of Nigeria (1997). J Epidemiol Commun Health 51:336
[5]. The Ittefaq. . UN: Tetanus eliminated in Bangladesh. 2013
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Hyponatraemia is the most common electrolyte disorder among hospitalised patients occurring in upto 22% of them and has been associated with increased mortality. There is scarce data about the clinical profile of hyponatraemia in Indian ICU settings. David B Mount defined hyponatraemia as a serum sodium concentration (Na+) less than 135 mEq/L. MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective observational hospital-based study was conducted from September 2015-March2017 at Sri Aurobindo Medical College & Post Graduate Institute, Indore (M.P.). A total of 100 cases with serum sodium level <135mEq/L were studied. History and clinical examinations were recorded in all patients. Necessary laboratory and radiological investigations were done...........
Keywords: Hyponatraemia, Euvolemia,Hypovolemia, Hypervolemia[1]. Fried LF, Palevsky PM. Hyponatremia and hypernatremia. Med Clin North Am 1997;81:585-609.[PUBMED] [2]. Fall PJ. Hyponatremia and hypernatremia. A systematic approach to causes and their correction. Postgrad Med 2000;107:75-82.[PUBMED]
[3]. Freda BJ, Davidson MB, Hall PM. Evaluation of hyponatremia: A little physiology goes a long way. Cleve Clin J Med 2004;71:639-50.[PUBMED]
[4]. David B Mount, Fluid and electrolyte disturbances, 19th edition.chapter 63 Harrison principles of internal medicine.;p.298-301.2015
[5]. Barclay L, Nainggolan L. New European Guidelines Address Hyponatremia Management. Medscape Medical News. Available at http://www.medscape. com/viewarticle/ 821130. Accessed: March 1, 2014.
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Abstract: Background/Objectives: Optimal level of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25OHD) in serum (concentration above 30 ng/ml) is essential for protecting the health of the mother and the developing fetus. Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining proper bone structure, preventing infections, reducing the risk of premature birth and gestational diabetes. The aim of the study was to verify whether healthy pregnant residents of Dhaka, Bangladesh were low (deficient and insufficient) in vitamin D. Material and methods: The material consisted of 140 serum samples of different trimesters of pregnancy. The concentration of 25OHD was measured using the vitamin D total assay on Snibe Maglumi 1000 CLIA system (Diamond Diagnostics Inc., China). Results: The average serum 25OHD concentrations.............
Keywords - Vitamin D, Deficiency, Insufficiency, Pregnant Woman
[1]. Retrieved from [2]. Retrieved from [1]. Hollis BW. Vitamin D requirement during pregnancy and lactation. J Bone Miner Res 2007: 22 Suppl 2:V39–44.
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[3]. Yu CK, Sykes L, Sethi M, Teoh TG, Robinson S. Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation during pregnancy. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2009: 70:685–90.
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