Series-11 (January-2019)January-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fetal Abdominal Cyst |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mattegunta Sahiti || Dr. Keerthy Rethiman M || Prof . Chitra Andrew |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1801110104 ![]() |
Abstract: The recent advances in Fetal diagnostic technologies and the widespread use of ultrasound in pregnancy has enabled early identification and more precise assessment of Fetal intra-abdominal cysts [1].The prenatal identification of intra-abdominal cyst is relatively common [2].The concept of abdominal cyst encompasses many cystic lesions developing from abdominal structures and representing varied pathologies. Regardless of the underlying pathology, the most common sonography presentation is that of a round, anechoic structure or variable size and position [2]. In clinical practice, these lesions are most frequently detected on 18-20 week routine anomaly scan. However some do not become apparent till the third trimester. In differential diagnosis ovarian cysts, enteric duplication cysts, mesentric cysts, meconium pseudocysts and choledochal cysts should be considered apart from cysts with urinary origin..........
[1]. Kuroda T,Kitaro Y,Honna al. Prenatal diagnosis and management of abdominal diseases in pedi attic surgery. J Pediatr Surg 2004;39:1819-22.
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[4]. Khong PL, Cheong SC,Leong LL,Ooi CG (2003)Ultrasonography of intra-Abdominal cystic lesions in the newborn.Clin Radiol 58: 449-454
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Abstract: Total serum cholesterol levels and the use of statin medications are associated with incidence of complications after gastrointestinal surgery. low total serum cholesterol may contribute to the development of infections in induviduals undergoing surgery. It has been postulated that total cholesterol, VLDL, LDL, HDL can protect against endotoxin mediated sepsis.Cholesterol rich lipoproteins , they have the capacity to bind and detoxify bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Circulating cholesterol-rich lipoproteins and triglyceride-rich lipoproteins have the capacity to bind and detoxify bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) . HDL has been shown to compete with lipopolysaccharide binding........
[1]. Cohort study of serum total cholesterol and in-hospital incidence of infectious diseases C. IRIBARREN'*, D. R. JACOBS J R ~S, . SIDNEY, A. J. CLAXTON AND K. R. FEINGOLD Epidemiol. Znfect. (1998), 121, 335-347.
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[4]. Bonville DA, Parker TS, Levine DM, Gordon BR, Hydo LJ, Eachempati SR. The relationships of hypocholesterolemia to cytokine concentrations and mortality in critically ill patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Surg Infect. 2004;5:39–49. doi: 10.1089/109629604773860291.[PubMed] [Cross Ref]
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Abstract: Background- In spite of the tremendous advances in obstetric care and technology, ectopic pregnancy remains an enigma for a women full of dreams of blissful motherhood, as it may turn into a nightmare and a catastrophe. An ectopic pregnancy or eccyesis is a complication of pregnancy in which the embryo attaches outside the uterus1. An ectopic pregnancy is an obstetric emergency if not treated properly, it not only leads to fetal wastage, but also increases the incidence of maternal morbidity and mortality and may even lead to problems of future infertility. Objective-1.To determine the incidence of ectopic pregnancy in respect to other gynaecological admissions, according to age, race, parity, as well as different socio-economic strata. Place And Duration-The present study was...............
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Abstract: Background: Physical well-being is closely related to menarche.The main purpose of this research was to assess the physical and emotional well-being of girls during menarche.The study was carried out in Chennai. The sample for the study comprised of 500 adolescent girls. Significant difference in physical well being was noted during menarche. Aims and objectives: 1. To assess the physical wellbeing of school going adolescent girls during menarche. 2.To suggest recommendations based on study findings. Materials and methods: Study design: simple............
Keywords: Physical well being, Adolescence, Menarche, GHQ Scoring System, BMI.
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Abstract: Osteoporosis has operationally defined by the WHO on the basis of bone mineral density (BMD) assessment. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is a means of measuring bone mineral density (BMD). The DXA scan is typically used to diagnose and follow osteoporosis. DXA scans to measure BMD at the spine and hip have an important role in the evaluation of individuals at risk of osteoporosis, and in helping clinicians advice patients about the appropriate use of anti-fracture treatment. Compared with alternative bone densitometry techniques DXA have number of advantages. FRAX is a computer-based algorithm that employs bone density, age and a number of clinical risk factors to help patients and their doctors predict the likelihood of having a fracture in the next 10 years. Objective: To predict fracture risk in.........
Key words: osteoporosis, fracture, bone mineral density, clinical risk factors, FRAX, 10-year probability
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Abstract: This study was undertaken to evaluate correlation between level of serum proteins in pregnant women with peptic ulcer .100 cases were compared with 50 normal pregnant women and 50 nonpregnant women. Age, parity, BMI, co-morbidities, endoscopic findings , serum protein and their differential fractions were recorded. Gastric biopsies were examined histopathologically using Giemsa stain. .patients with peptic ulcer disease showed decrease persistent decrease in albumin,a2globulin and b globulin and just slight decrease or no decrease in levels of a1 and gamma globulin when compared with pregnant controls. .value of a/g was persistently low in pregnant cases and control.malnutrition and inflammatory response in peptic ulcer disease was found to be causative in low level of serum proteins present in cases with peptic ulcer disease.
[1]. estimation of serum proteins by electrophoresis was undertaken in 100 pregnant women with symptoms of peptic ulcer with 50 normal pregnant women and 50 non pregnant women
[2]. patients with peptic ulcer disease showed decrease persistent decrease in albumin,a2globulin and b globulin and just slight decrease or no decrease in levels of a1 and gamma globulin when compared with pregnant controls
[3]. normal pregnant women showed increase in level of a1.a2 beta andgamma globuin and decrease in albumin when compared with non pregnant controls.
[4]. value of a/g was persistently low in pregnant cases and control
[5]. persistently low value of albumin in peptic ulcer ds in pregnancy points to association of malnutrition and inflammatory response attributes to decrease in globulin in peptic ulcer in pregnancy
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Abstract:Intravenous drug administration is used when we want to give a large amount of fluid or when we need to dilute a medication in a lot of fluid to make it the correct strength or prevent it from causing irritation. There are different products formulated for Intravenous administration like IV Admixtures, IV fluids and Electrolyte preparations, parenteral antibiotic preparations. Intravenous Incompatibilities occur when two are more drugs are administered through a single intravenous line or given in a single solution, resulting in an undesirable reaction. This was a prospective observational study which was conducted with the total of 125 cases for 6 months among intravenous..........
Key words: Admixtures, compatibility, Drug-drug interactions, Intravenous, MICU.
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Abstract: Aim : To evaluate the treatment with topical cyclosporine A (CsA) in patients with subepithelial infiltrates (SEI). Material & Methods: Hospital-based study was conducted over a period of one year. A total of 25 patients, 36 eyes with supepithelial infiltrates following adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis were included in the study. All patients had been previously treated with topical corticosteroids without any improvement. Data was recorded in form of best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), evaluation of corneal subepithelial infiltrate score (CSIS) prior to treatemt and after the last follow up visit. Results:10 females(40 %) and.......
Key words: Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, subepithelial infiltrates, cyclosporine A
[1]. Jhanji V, Chan TC, Li EY, Agarwal K, Vajpayee RB: Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis. Surv Ophthalmol 2015;60:435–443.
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[5]. Okumus S, Coskun E, Tatar MG, Kaydu E, Yayuspayi R, Comez A, Erbagci I, Gurler B: Cyclosporine a 0.05% eye drops for the treatment of subepithelial infiltrates after epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. BMC Ophthalmol 2012;18:12–42..
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Abstract: CAR T cell therapy havean extraction from designed T cells (dTc) locomotive engineered of chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) for tumoricidal action correspond potency having elevation of specific role for the management of cancer. In this study, the first generation dTc are adapted with chimeric immunoglobulin T cell receptor while the second generation dTc are engineered with an immunoglobulin CD28 T cell receptor which integrated a CD28 costimulatory signal for optimal T cell stimulation. It determines the cognition of chimeric T cell receptors (CTR) load-bearing T cells to recognize humanlike prostate specific membrane antigen (hPSMA) on epithelium targets in both vitro and vivo. The CAR T cells are created using the anti-PSMA, and the intracellular signaling domains, CD3ζ and CD28. T cells supporting the third generation anti-hPSMA CAR, P28BBζ, were capable.......
Key words: prostate specific antigen/therapeutic use/biosynthesis; receptors, Antigen, t- cell/therapeutic use; prostate Cancer/treatment reviews
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Abstract: Many factors are known to play a role in flap necrosis, such as inadequate blood flow and disturbed venous drainage, which lead to decreased flap nutrition and necrosis. Aim of the study was to assess a custom made device for flap adaptation and stabilization for different flaps like nasolabial flap, Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap( PMMC), Collagen membrane, Buccal pad of fat etc. A device was fabricated using biocompatible and economical resources and used on patients and assessed for its compatibility and adaptation. It was further found that the device served the purpose to maximum and had many advantages. Hence fabrication of such a device would lead to reduction in many complications of various flaps used in head and neck surgeries........
Key words: Oral submucous fibrosis, pectoralis major myocutaneous flap,flap adaptation,flap necrosis
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Abstract: Apert syndrome is a rare, congenital, developmental disorder characterized by craniosynostosis, cone shaped calvarium, midface hypoplasia, ocular manifestations and symmetric syndactyly of hands and feet. These incapacities emphasize the imperative of multidisciplinary approaches, considered invariably at a very early stage including pedodontic and orthodontic management. A prosthetic management of the condition is arguably more economical than complex surgical treatments when the patient's demand is more on esthetic correction, especially in the advanced stage. The present case study is a detailed report of the treatment of a patient diagnosed with Apert syndrome distinguished with a deformity in the upper anterior region using removable prostheses
Key words: Apert syndrome; Craniosynostosis; Removable prostheses; Telescopic overdenture.
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[4]. Estudillo A, Bérber M, Rodríguez S, Pozos A. Dental approach for Apert syndrome in children: A systematic review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2017 Nov;22:660-8.
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Abstract: Hematologyis a branch of medicine related to different categories of clinical conditions and diseases related to components of bloodwhichmayberedbloodcells or white bloodcells or platelets .Anemiais the mostcommonly condition found in hematologicalduseaseswhichisdefined as decrease in redbloodcells or hemoglobin due to variable causes.
Keywords –Red blood cells (RBCs), Hemoglobin (Hb), peripheral blood smear (PBS)
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Abstract: Oral submucous fibrosis is an insidious chronic debilitating disease affecting the oral cavity, pharynx, and upper digestive tract and associated with restricted mouth opening. Its etiology is directly linked to betel nut chewing, common to the Indian subcontinent, South East, and Pacific Region. Autoimmune and genetic etiologies have been proposed, but betel nut chewing is thought to be the primary cause. OSF's morbidity/mortality is associated with significant masticatory dysfunction and discomfort, as well as an increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma. OSF has a malignant transformation rate of 7% to 30% described in different literatures [1,2]. Surgical management of advanced oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) using bilateral inferiorly based nasolabial flaps is becoming increasingly popular..
Key words: Oral submucous fibrosis, Nasolabial flap, axial pattern flap
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Abstract: Objectives: Clonidine is a centrally acting sympatholytic agent with antihypertensive activity. It blunts stress response, provides analgesia, sedation and augments effects of anesthesia. Hence it was hypothesized to be an ideal agent to prevent stress response associated with laparoscopic surgeries and provide post-operative analgesia. Patients and Methods: 120 adult patients of ASA physical status I and II scheduled to undergo elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia were randomly allocated to receive oral clonidine (150 mcg) premedication (Group I, n=60) or placebo (Group II, n=60) 90 mins prior to induction. Intra-operatively they were managed by standard anesthetic agents. The two groups were compared in terms of hemodynamic parameters, sevoflurane concentrations at predetermined intervals during surgery, post-operative time to analgesic request and cumulative analgesic requirements. Results: Mean heart rate.........
Keywords: laparoscopic, clonidine, hemodynamic, stress, postoperative, pain
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Abstract: Rehabilitation of Multiple missing teeth is always challenging job for a prosthodontist in partial edentulous patient especially in distal extension cases. Successful treatment can be done with accurate diagnosis and careful treatment planning. Implant fixed prosthesis has become contemporary choice for the replacement of natural teeth in distal extension cases. But all the patients cannot afford the cost. A small number patient who can afford may have limitations like systemic diseases, or the anatomical considerations may contraindicate the dental implant options. So for that group of patient conventional methods of fabrication of the removable partial denture is a best treatment option. In modern dentistry claspless cast partial denture with precision attachment is a newer treatment modality for partially edentulous arch. Prime function of attachment retained partial denture is to distribute the masticatory forces to the wide area thereby reducing the damage to the abutments, soft tissues and bony........
Keywords: Cast partial denture, Precision attachment, Distal extension
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