Series-6 (January-2019)January-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Systemiclupus erythematosus (SLE) an autoimmune disease more common in women and those of African,Caribbean and Chinese descent. Genetic and drugs have important role in the disease. SLE has abnormalities in apoptosis (a programmed cell death).SLE is"the great imitator" it oftenmimics or is mistaken for other illnesses. Common chronic complaints include fever, malaise, jointpain, muscle pain and fatigue. Neuropsychiatric syndromes can result after SLE affects CNS or peripheral nervous system. Common neuropsychiatric manifestations of............
Keywords: SLE,Role of genetic, Clinical manifestation, Prognosis.
[1]. Handout on Health Systemis Lupus Erythematosus (http:// www.niams health_ info /Lupus/default.asp).Retrieved 12 June 2016.
[2]. DanchenkoN,SatiaJA,AnthonyMAS.Epidemiology of systemic lupus erythematosus:a comparison of Worlswide disease burden.Lupus.2006;15(5):308-318.
[3]. DanchenckoN,SatiaJA,AnthonyMS.Epidemiology of systemic erythematosus: a comparison of worldwide disease burden.Lupus.2006;15(5):308-318.
[4]. LisnevskaiaL,MurphyG, IsenbergD. Syastemic lupus erythematosus .Lancet.;384(9957):1878-88.
[5]. Murphy G,Isenberg D. Effect of gender on clinical presentation in systemic lupus erythematosus.Rheumatology(Oxford England).2013;52(12):2108-15.
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Abstract: Le textilome est une complication postopératoire très rare. Il peut s'agir de compresse, fil non résorbable ou champ chirurgical laissés au niveau d'un foyer opératoire. La découverte du textilome est généralement tardive. L'anamnèse à la recherche d'antécédents chirurgicaux est donc essentielle pour diagnostic vu que la clinique n'est pas spécifique. Le cliché d'abdomen sans préparation est peu contributif. La tomodensitométrie permet un diagnostic topographique précis. Nous rapportons le cas d'un textilome rétropéritonéal, chez un patient opéré 6 mois auparavant pour cure d'un syndrome de jonction pyélo urétéral.
Mots clés: Rétropéritoine, textilome, tomodensitométrie
[1]. Israel C Chambi, MD, Ronald R Tasker MD, Fredgentili, MD et al. Gauze-induced granuloma (gauzoma): an uncommon complication of gauze reinforcement of berry aneurysms. J Neurosurg. 1990 ; 72 : 163-70
[2]. Serghini I, El Fikri A, Salim Lalaoui J, Zoubir M, Boui M, Boughanem M. Textilome abdominal: à propos d'un cas. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2011;9:10.
[3]. Le Néel JC, De Cussac JB, Dupas B, Letessier E, Borde L, Eloufir M, Armstrong O. Textilomes: A propos de 25 cas et revue de littérature. Chirurgie. 1994-1995;120(5):272-6; discussion 276-7
[4]. Israel C Chambi, MD, Ronald R Tasker MD, Fredgentili, MD et al. Gauze-induced granuloma (gauzoma): an uncommon complication of gauze reinforcement of berry aneurysms. J Neurosurg. 1990 ; 72 : 163-70
[5]. Zerati Filho M, Furtado PS, De Andrade LA. Textiloma nine years after nephrectomy. Int Braz J Urol. 2002; 28(6):537-8.
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Abstract: Saving lives is a noble profession and doctors are highly dedicated to it. Doctors are the respectful and an indispensable part of the society. They are getting stressed physically and mentally due to strenuous working and sleepless nights on duty. One side they are considered as God whereas they were being blamed and assaulted for unknown reasons by the patient and their relatives. Dramatic situations existed in our country making them heroes and villain in a click of a moment. Thus, its need of an hour to understand the situation from the doctor's perspective and at the same time care for them and respect their invaluable efforts in the betterment of social health and well-being..
Keywords: Doctor, Doctor-patient relationship, Health disorders, Stress
[1]. Kumar S. Burnout and doctors: Prevalence, prevention and intervention. Healthcare (Basel).2016;4(3):37.
[2]. El-bar N., Levy A., Wald H.S., Biderman A. Compassion fatigue, burnout and compassion satisfaction among family physicians in the Negev area—a cross-sectional study. Isr. J. Health Policy Res. 2013;2(31):1-8.
[3]. Amoafo E., Hanbali N., Patel A., Singh P. What are the significant factors associated with burnout in doctors? Occup. Med. 2015;65(2):117–121.
[4]. Thommasen H., Lavanchy M., Connelly I., Berkowitz J., Grzybowski S. Mental health, job satisfaction, and intention to relocate. Opinions of physicians in rural British Columbia. Can. Fam. Physician.2001;47:737–44.
[5]. Shanafelt T.D., Hasan O., Dyrbye L.N., Sinsky C., Satele D., Sloan J., West C.P. Changes in Burnout and Satisfaction With Work-Life Balance in Physicians and the General US Working Population Between 2011 and 2014. Mayo Clin. Proc. 2015;90:1600–13.
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Abstract: Aim: To identify the various types of ocular injury presenting in a tertiary hospital in northern India..Material & Methods: Hospital-based, retrospective study conducted over a period of one year. A total of 100 patients of ocular trauma were included. Results: Ocular injuries were more commonly seen in adult in age group 21-40 years (40 % ) patients who were involved in road side accident (42%). They were more common in male patients (64 % ). Closed globe injury (79 %) was more common than open globe injury (21 %) . 53 % of the patients had a visual acuity better than 6/60 at presentation; while after completed treatment at two months follow-up, 65 % had best corrected visual acuity better than 6/60. Conclusion: Blunt trauma following road side accident is most common cause of ocular injury in our population. The visual outcome depends upon the site and size of the injury and the extent of the ocular damage..
Key words: Ocular trauma, closed globe injury, open globe injury
[1]. Negrel AD, Thylefors B. The global impact of eye injuries. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 1998;5(3):143-69.
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[6]. Karaman K, Gverović-Antunica A, Rogosić V, LakosKrzelj V, Rozga A, Radocaj-Perko S. Epidemiology of adult eye injuries in Split Dalmatian country. Croat Med J. 2004 Jun;45(3):304-9.
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Abstract: Labour is an intense and often painful experience with as many as 30% of mothers finding it much more painful than expected. Neuraxial techniques are the gold standard for intrapartum labour analgesia. We in our study , studied the efficacy of epidural labour analgesia in the parturient women using low dose bupivacaine (0.0625%) and its maternal outcome with regards tothe duration of labour , mode of delivery, and pain relief and neonatal outcome. In our study there is significant reduction in duration of first stage of labour and total duration of labour with no alteration of second and third stages of labour. The primary caesarean section rate, vaginal delivery rate were similar with a slight increase in the instrumental delivery. Labour epidural analgesia is the cornerstone in the management of pain during labour.
Keywords: Epidural labour analgesia, first stage of labour , second stage of labour, mode of delivery, duration of labour, pain relief
[1]. ACOG - Committee on Obstetric practice Committee Opinion Number 295, July 2004.
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[4]. S.S. Arulkumaran, S.S.Ratnam, K.BhaskarRao – 'Management of Labour Orient Longman Publication, chapter,Pg : 43-53.
[5]. Bruhn.M.A.,Diernaes.E.Dec. 1990, Delayed pushing and frequency of vacuum extraction in deliveries under lumbar epidural analgesia, Ugeskrlaeger, Vol.152 (49), Pg. 3711-3713.
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Abstract: Subdural haematoma is collection of blood between the dura and arachnoid usually caused by tear of bridging veins1. ct scan of head is the preferred modality for acute subdural haematomas and usually shows a crescent shaped hyper dense lesion crossing suture lines2. SDH is managed by two standard burr holes placed on same line as trauma flap followed by saline irrigation using soft jacques cathetar3, a large burr hole (2.5 cm) i.e. sub temporal craniectomy with gel foam placed into the opening this allows contents to drain into subtemporal muscle3.,single burr hole with subgalead drain left in situ for 24- 48 hrs when the output is negligible. it has been shown that the drain reduced recurrences rates from 19% to 10%3.
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[5]. By April kahan medically reviewed. By Deborah weatherspoon , PH- D,MSN , RN , CRNA on nov 25, 2015..
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Abstract: Introduction:Alpha 2 adrenergic agonists such as Dexmedetomidine & Clonidine are used as adjuvants for achieving multiple benefits in Spinal anaesthesia.Dexmedetomidine which is a new alpha 2 agonist has alpha 2: alpha 1 selectivity of eight times higher selectivity more than clonidine.Hence the present study was undertaken to compare Dexmedetomidine & Clonidine for use with intrathecal hyberbaric Bupivacaine. Results:In the present study it was noted that Dexmedetomidine 5μg when added to 12.5mg 0.5% hyberbaric bupivacaine had a faster onset of motor blockade and a longer duration of sensory blockade,motor blockade and a longer duration of analgesia when compared to Clonidine 30μg when added to 12.5mg 0.5% hyperbaric Bupivacaine...........
Key Words: Dexmedetomodine,Clonidine,Intrathecal hyberbaric 0.5% Bupivacaine.
[1]. Gordh T Jr, Post C, Olsson Y. Evaluation of the toxicity of subarachnoid clonidine, guanfacine, and a substance P-antagonist on rat spinal cord and nerve roots: light and electron microscopic observations after chronic intrathecal administration. Anesth Analg 1986; 65 (12): 1303–11.
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Abstract: Background The study conducted to determine diamentional stability of irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials stored at different time interval.Diamensional stability of irreverssible hydrocolloids is an important and thoroughly discussed topic. Many studies says that to prevent distortion, it is generally recommended that irreversible hydrocolloid impressions to be poured immediately or within a few minutes from removal from the mouthwithout wrapping in a wet paper towel. Aim The aim of this study was to determine dimensional stability of irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials. Methods..........
[1]. Coleman RM, HembreeJr JH, Weber FN. Dimensional stability of irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. American journal of orthodontics. 1979 Apr 1;75(4):438-46.
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Abstract: Lower Segment Cesarean section is now the most common surgical procedure performed in many developed and developing nations.1 Factors contributing to increased cesarean rate seen today are multiple.1 Higher cesarean rates translate into higher health cost.2Increasing incidence of primary cesarean sections has led to increase in number of patients with previous 1 lower segment cesarean section. 2Previous lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) predisposes to various complications antenatally, intrapartum, intraoperative and postnatally hence there is a need for intrapartum counselling and institutional delivery. 2This study was conducted in Goa Medical College from October 2013 to June 2015.All women with pregnancy above 28 weeks of gestation,with a live fetus ,with a history of..........
[1]. WHO statement on caesarean section rates:WHO/RHR/15.02;April 2015
[2]. Sancheeta Ghosh and K.S James :Increasing cesarean section delivery: A threat to urban women's health? 2013
[3]. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: New insights Prepared for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality;number 191;2010
[4]. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology (ACOG). ACOG Practice Bulletin: :Clinical management Guidelines ;Vaginal birth after previous caesarean delivery number 184,2017
[5]. Royal College of Obsteticians and Gynecology Guidelines;Birth after Previous Caesarean Birth (Green Top Guideline No 45);2015
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Abstract: The time span of orthodontic treatment is the principal concern of many orthodontic patients. Unfortunately, long orthodontic treatment time poses several disadvantages like a higher predisposition to dental caries, gingival recession and root resorption. Consequently, researchers introduced few methods toaccelerate the velocity of the tooth movement. These kind of methods became popular as accelerated orthodontics. Orthodontic treatment involves the response of the tissues surrounding the tooth on which the force is being applied that happens on a chemical, cellular and mechanical level. So to enhance the body's response to these orthodontic forces, various ways were found to accelerate the treatment. This article reviews the biology of tooth movement and discusses various methods like surgical methods-osteotomy and corticotomy and physical methods like low level lasers, direct electric current effect and their promising results along with their limitations..
Key Words: Accelerated Orthodontics; Corticotomy; Lasers
[1]. Davidovitch Z, Nicolay OF, Ngan PW, Shanfeld JL. Neurotransmitters, cytokines, and the control of alveolar bone remodeling in orthodontics. Dent Clin North Am. 1988; 32(3):411–35.
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Abstract: Objective:- A cross sectional study prospective study in BintAlhuda teaching hospital extended from 1st of Oct2017.-1st of Fab.2018 the study was undertaken with the aims of determining the prevalence and most frequent grade of IVH as well as associated risk factors in preterm neonates admitted to the NCU at bent alhuda teaching hospital , Nassriya ,Thiqar province Results:- In this study the prevalence of IVH in preterm infant was found to be 11,7..,with mild IVH being the most frequent at 8,7%,while sever IVH accounted for 1% .. Conclusions.........
Key Words: Intraventricular hemorrhage, preterm baby, Risk factors
[2]. Neonatology, Gomella,,7th edition p728
[3]. P298,299. Chapter 22 , essential neonatal medicine- sinha.L.Miall.L.jordine 2018
[4]. Neonatology of glance 2016 P77
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pathogenesis of Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor – A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nivia M || S Sunil |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1801067679 ![]() |
Abstract: Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumorb (AOT) is a benign epithelial odontogenic tumour. Pathogenesis of AOT is explained with the help of many theories. Better understanding of the pathogenesis will help in developing new treatment approaches and better prognosis. An attempt is made to discuss the current concept of pathogenesis related to molecular and genetic changes..
Key Words: Odontogenic tumour, Pathogenesis, Adenomatoid odontgenic tumour
[1]. Salehinejad, Zare - Mahamoodabadi R, Saghafi S, Jafarian AH, Ghazi N, Rajari AR, Marouzi P. J Oral Sci 2011; 53(2): 213-7.
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[4]. Philipsen HP, Reichart PA. The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor: Ultrastructure of tumor cells and non-calcified amorphous masses. J Oral Pathol Med.1996;25:491-6.
[5]. Philipsen HP, Samman N, Ormiston IW, Wu PC, Reichart PA. Variants of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor with a note on tumor origin. J Oral Pathol Med 1992; 21(8): 348-52...
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Abstract: Introduction: Good oral health help us to ensure the over all health and well being. In order to improve the oral health outcomes an adequate use of health services and factors predictive of this behaviour is essential. Aim: To assess the factors and barriers effecting the utilization of dental health care services among 12‑year‑old school children. Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional survey was conducted among 350, 12 year old school children in Nellore city. Factors and barriers affecting utilization of dental care were assessed using a questionnaire which contains the information on Socio demographic characteristics, Oral hygiene practices, the time and reason for their last dental visit and the reasons prevented them from visiting the dentist Results: Utilization rate...........
Key Words: Schoolchildren, Dental care, Utilization, Barriers
[1]. Kadaluru UG, Kempraj VM, Muddaiah P. Utilization of oral health care services among adults attending community outreach programsIndian J Dent Res. 2012 Nov 1;23(6):841.
[2]. Devaraj CG, Eswar P. Reasons for use and non-use of dental services among people visiting a dental college hospital in India: A descriptive cross-sectional study.Eur J Dent..2012 Oct;6(4):422.
[3]. Vashisth S, Gupta N, Bansal M, RaoNC.Utilization of services rendered in dental outreach programs in rural areas of Haryana. ContempClin Dent. 2012 Sep;3(Suppl 2):S164.
[4]. Brown LJ, Lazar V. Dental care utilization: How saturated is the patient market? J Am Dent Assoc 1999;130:573‑80
[5]. Sakri SB, KishorS.Association of Dental Caries with Utilization of Dental Care among Rural Children.Biohealth Science, 2010, 2(2), 69 - 72..