Series-1 (February 2020)February 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Purpose:- To evaluate various clinico-pathological changes occuring in the eye during pregnancy. Material and Methods :- A prospective observational study was conducted. All investigations related to ocular problems were explained and done. Results :- Of 241 patients presented with any eye problems during pregnancy, Chloasma was seen in 58 patients(24.1%) among which maximum resolved postpartum. Lid abnormalities were present in 10 patients (4.2%) among which 1 patient of naevus of Ota and 2 patient of mole remained stationary while other conditions improved. Conjunctival pathologies were seen in 16 (6.6%) out of which conjunctival naevus didn't show any changes while rest conditions resolved. In visual status 99.17% patients achieved 6/6 vision at end of follow up while two patients...
Key words:- Eye changes in pregnancy, HTN retinopathy, Exudative RD, diabetic retinopathy, optic atrophy.
[1]. Garg P et al. Ocular changes in pregnancy. Nepal J Oph- thalmol.2012;4(7):150-61.
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Abstract: Introduction: Ophthalmiclesions show varied distribution on the basis of geographical location. They include a wide range of lesions from benign, premalignant and malignant lesions. Eye being a unique sensory organ need to be studied both clinically and histopathologically. Materials and methods: This study is a Restrospective-prospective study undertaken in the Department of Pathology at a tertiary care hospital over a period of 6 years(July 2013-June2019). Results: A total of 107 cases was studied, out of which benign combined with non-neoplastic lesions were more common, followed by malignant and other lesions. The most common age group ofpresentation was 41-50 years. Among all the cases, Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common malignant lesion in this study whereas nevus was a more common lesion in the benign category......
Keywords: Nevus, Cavernous hemangioma, Squamous cell carcinoma
[1]. Menon MKK. The evolution of the treatment of eclampsia. J Obstet Gynaec Brit C' Wealth1961;68:17.Varawalla Nermeen Y., Shrad Ghamande and Kumud M. Ingle. A five year analysis of eclampsia. J Obstet Gynaecol Ind, 1989;39:513-5.
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Abstract: Introduction: Periampullary region encircles a radius of 2cm diameter around ampulla of Vater, which includes pancreatic head and uncus, lower common bile duct, ampulla of Vater and periampullary duodenum. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm arising from this region and is the 4th most common cause of cancer-related deaths, with the least survival rates ranging from 6.8 to 15%. As malignant lesions are more common than benign counterparts, early diagnosis and management improve survival. Aims & Objective: To analyze the histological spectrum of pancreatic and periampullary lesions in the period between 2015 and 2018......
Keywords: Pancreatic lesions, periampullary carcinoma, pancreaticobiliary type, intestinal-type ampullary adenocarcinomas.
[1]. Verma A, Shukla S, Verma N. Diagnosis, Preoperative Evaluation, and Assessment of Resectability of Pancreatic and Periampullary Cancer. The Indian Journal of Surgery. 2015;77(5):362-370. doi:10.1007/s12262-015-1370-0. [2]. Tempero MA, Malafa MP, Chiorean EG, Czito B, Scaife C, Narang AK, Fountzilas C, Wolpin BM, Al-Hawary M, Asbun H, Behrman SW. Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Version 1.2019. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. 2019 Mar 1;17(3):202-10.
[3]. Zhou H, Schaefer N, Wolff M, Fischer HP. Carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater: comparative histologic/immunohistochemical classification and follow-up. Am J Surg Pathol. 2004;28:875-82.
[4]. Fischer HP, Zhou H. Pathogenesis and histomorphology of ampullary carcinomas and their precursor lesions. Review and individual findings. Pathologe. 2003;24:196-203.
[5]. Fred T. Bosman, Fatima Carneiro, Ralph H. Hruban, Neil D. Theise World Health Organization Classification of Digestive system tumors. 5th ed. IARC Press, Lyon; 2019.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | To compare adropand CRB 65 forpredictingthe Severityin Communityacquiredpneumonia |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR Muppidi Sravan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1902012527 ![]() |
Abstract: The A-DROP scoring system assesses the following parameters: (i) Age (male >or= 70 years, female >or= 75 years) (ii) Dehydration (iii) Respiratory failure (SpO(2) <or= 90% or PaO(2) <or= 60 mm Hg); (iv) Orientation disturbance (confusion);.....
[1]. Ewig, S. and Welte, T. (2008). CRB-65 for the assessment of pneumonia severity: who could ask for more?. Thorax, 63(8), pp.665-666.
[2]. Shindo, Y., Sato, S., Maruyama, E., Ohashi, T., Ogawa, M., Imaizumi, K., & Hasegawa, Y. (2008). Comparison of severity scoring systems A-DROP and CURB-65 for community-acquired pneumonia. Respirology, 13(5), 731–735. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2008.01329.x
[3]. Bont, J. (2008). Predicting Death in Elderly Patients With Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Prospective Validation Study Reevaluating the CRB-65 Severity Assessment Tool. Archives of Internal Medicine, 168(13), 1465. doi: 10.1001/archinte.168.13.1465
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Abstract: Introduction: Accurate anthropometric measurements and critical analysis of growth data allow the clinician to promptly recognize children with short stature. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of etiological factors causing short stature among children referred to the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolioc Disorder (outdoor unit), Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Material & Methods: This was a cross sectional study which was conducted in the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolioc Disorder (outdoor unit), Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh in the mentioned hospital were finalized as the study population. We conducted this descriptive observational study from Jan 2015 to Dec......
Key Words: Etiological Factors, Short Stature, Adolescent
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[5]. Bhadada SK, Agarwal NK and Singh SK. Etiological profile of short stature. Indian J Pediatr2003;70:545–547.
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Abstract: The most common type of male infertility is idiopathic, which is characterized by the presence of one or more abnormal semen parameters with no identifiable cause.Varicoceles are dilatation and tortuosity of the testicular & pampiniform plexus of veins.The surgical treatment is varicocelectomy i.e. ligation of testicular veins along with pampiniform plexus.Evaluation of a male patient with infertility should include a careful medical and reproductive history, physical examination, and at least two semen analyses.Varicoceles are typically graded on a scale of 1 to 3. Aim &Objectives : To establish varicocelectomy as an standard treatment option for male infertility with varicocele before assisted reproductive....
[1]. Outcome of Varicocelectomy with Different Degrees of Clinical Varicocele in Infertile Male Hindawi Publishing Corporation;Advances in AndrologyVolume 2015, Article ID 432950, 9 pages;
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Abstract: This research study approach explains of applicant reaction on recruitment & selection, and job choice. A Case study ASDA- Wal-Mart. In this aim, 35 questionnaires collected for data interpretation. The survey report assists the investigator for more understanding and perception regarding the applicant's reaction to the recruitment & selection process and job choice. The goal and purpose of this research work to find out the focal factor behind applicant reaction on recruitment & selection process and job choice. Here the finding declared clearly that procedural justice, fair recruitment, and selection process, positive organizational view, interviewer friendliness has a significant co-relation on job choice. This report indicates a core list of procedures that affect the applicant in job choice through fair and procedural justice in the recruitment and selection process. The study carried out under the department of Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University, United.....
Keywords: Applicant, Recruitment, Organizational, Interview, Job, Reaction
[1]. Taylor, M. Susan, Bergmann, Thomas J, (1987) Organizational Recruitment Activities and Applicants' Reaction at Different Stages of the Recruitment Process, Personnel Psychology, Summer87, Vol.40 Issue2, p261-285,25p.
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Abstract: Background: Open apex is often used to describe an exceptionally wide apical foramen, in which preparation of an apical stop is difficult. It may also be iatrogenic and the result of over instrumentation or root resection .In these type of cases success of endodontic treatment is depend upon correct determination of working length. Materials & method: Twenty five freshly extracted single rooted human teeth were selected. Apical 3 mm of root cut from the apical tip to simulate the defect. A size 15 K-type stainless steel file was inserted into the canal until the file tip became visible at apical tip. After this samples were embedded up to the cemento-enamel junction in a plastic container containing freshly mixed alginate to simulate periodontium and determination of working length was done with I-Pex and Raypex-.....
Keywords: I-pex apex locator, Raypex-6 apex locator, Open apex, Working length
[1]. ElAyouti A, Weiger R, LCost C. Frequency of overinstrumentation with an acceptable radiographic working length. J Endod 2001; 27:49–52.
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[3]. Tselnik M, Baumgartner JC, Marshall JG. An evaluation of Root ZX and Elements Diagnostic Apex Locators. J Endod 2005; 31: 507–9.
[4]. Cianconi L, Angotti V, Felici R, Conte G, Mancini M. Accuracy of three electronic apex locators compared with digital radiography: an ex vivo study. J Endod 2010;36: 2003–7.
[5]. De Vasconcelos BC, do Vale TM, de Menezes AS, et al. An ex vivo comparison of root canal length determination by three electronic apex locators at positions short of the apical foramen. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 110: 57–61.
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Abstract: Background: Pro-inflammatory markers have come a long way as indicators of periodontal disease. One such marker which can be detected in the serum is the ceruloplasmin. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum ceruloplasmin (CP) levels before and after non-surgical periodontal therapy in chronic periodontitis patients. Methods: The study was conducted on 80 subjects. The subjects were divided into 2 groups: group 1 included chronic periodontitis patients (study group, n = 40), and group 2 included periodontally healthy subjects (control group, n = 40). Serum ceruloplasmin levels in blood sample and periodontal clinical parameters were recorded at baseline for both groups. The study group received meticulous scaling and root planing twice weekly for 2 weeks. Four......
Keywords: biomarker, ceruloplasmin, non-surgical therapy, periodontitis.
[1]. de Queiroz AC, Taba M, Jr, O'Connell PA, da Nóbrega PB, Costa PP, Kawata VK, et al. Inflammation markers in healthy and periodontitis patients: A preliminary data screening. Braz Dent J. 2008;19:3–8.
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Abstract: The main drawback of composites is their polymerization shrinkage and the stresses they cause.Polymerization shrinkage have the potential to originate failure of the composite-tooth interface, producing interfacial gaps, micro-leakage, marginal discoloration and secondary caries.1Also, polymerization contraction stresses when transferred to the tooth can cause its deflection resulting in post-operative sensitivity and may open pre-existing enamel micro-cracks.2 The shrinkage stresses following the polymerization procedureare influenced by restorativetechnique, resin elastic modulus, and configuration of the cavity or ""C-factor,‟‟which is defined as the ratio between bonded andun-bonded composite resin surface area.3-6 In order to reduce these stresses, the use of anincremental technique is recommended, which........
[1]. Soares CJ, Faria ESAL, Rodrigues MP, Vilela ABF, Pfeifer CS, Tantbirojn D, et al. Polymerization shrinkage stress of composite resins and resin cements - What do we need to know? Braz Oral Res. 2017;31:e62.
[2]. Singhal S, Gurtu A, Singhal A, Bansal R, Mohan S. Effect of Different Composite Restorations on the Cuspal Deflection of Premolars Restored with Different Insertion Techniques- An In vitro Study. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11:ZC67-ZC70.
[3]. Kumagai RY, Zeidan LC, Rodrigues JA, Reis AF, Roulet JF. Bond Strength of a Flowable Bulk-fill Resin Composite in Class II MOD Cavities. J Adhes Dent. 2015;17:427-32.
[4]. Labella R, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B, Vanherle G. Polymerization shrinkage and elasticity of flowable composites and filled adhesives. J Dent Mater. 1999;15:128-37.
[5]. Van Ende A, De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Van Meerbeek B. Effect of Bulk-filling on the Bonding Efficacy in Occlusal Class I Cavities. J Adhes Dent. 2016;18:119-24.
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Abstract: Background: WHO definition of Musculoskeletaldisordersishealthproblemsassociatedwith muscles, tendons, bony skeleton, cartilage and ligaments.WHO estimatesthat 40% of people over the age of 60 yearssufferfrom MSD and about 80% of the people have hadlow back pain at some point in theirlife.Objectives : To determine the prevalence of musculoskeletaldisorders and hypertension amongwomenvendors in Imamarket and to assess the association of musculoskeletaldisorders and hypertension with background characteristics. Methods : A cross sectional studyconducted at ImaMarket, Imphal West of Manipur from 26st Feb to 23rd March, 2019. Sample size calculatedwas 404. Data werecollectedusing a structured questionnaire whichconsists of socio-demographiccharacteristics,......
Key words : MSD, Nordic MSD, WRMSD, Womenvendors
[1]. Mukhopadhyay S, Das SK, Jathan M. Incidences of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among housemaids: the urban poor dwelling in slums of Mumbai. Ergonomics for rural development 2015.
[2]. Devi MG, Vats A. Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among women tea factory workers of Nilgiri: An ergonomic study. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 2018 Aug 23;10(3):990-4.
[3]. Chee HL, Rampal KG. Work-related musculoskeletal problems among women workers in the semiconductor industry in Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Occupational and environmental health. 2004 Jan 1;10(1):63-71.
[4]. Vasanth D, Ramesh N, Fathima FN, Fernandez R, Jennifer S, Joseph B. Prevalence, pattern, and factors associated with work-related musculoskeletal disorders among pluckers in a tea plantation in Tamil Nadu, India. Indian journal of occupational and environmental medicine. 2015 Sep;19(3):167.
[5]. Kolgiri S, Hiremath R. Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Power-Loom Industry Women Workers from Solapur City, Maharashtra, India. Work. 2018 Mar.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Multimodality Management of Carcinoma Cervix |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. R. Ramesh Babu || Dr. K. Shyamala |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1902016871 ![]() |
Abstract: Carcinoma Cervix has been recognized as a malignant neoplasm with characteristics of local recurrence, capacity to metastasis. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) is regarded as the standard treatment for locally advanced uterine cervical cancer (LACC), including stage Ib2-IVa disease [International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging].This study was conducted at King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam with 60 female patients. According to FIGO staging 20 patients are stage II, 35 patients as stage III, and 5 patients are stage IV a, received concurrent chemo radiation. In our study 15 patients developed Grade I skin reaction and 10 patients developed Grade II skin reactions. Out of 60 patients, 55 patients showed complete response, 5 patients showed partial response.
Key words-Carcinoma cervix, FIGO staging, Concurrent Chemo radiation, Brachytherapy, response evaluation, loco regional control, overall survival
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