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Abstract: Background: Anthracycline induced cardiac complications are one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in childhood hemato-oncological malignancies despite recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment. Anthracycline causes cardio toxic effects during treatment when its level exceeds the cumulative dose. Aims and Objectives: This was aimed to evaluate cardiac complications with anthracycline and to determine associated electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiogram (ECHO) change with anthracycline in the hemato-oncological malignancies. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted from January 2018 to December 2018 on sixty-nine diagnosed hemato-oncological malignancies between five to fifteen years irrespective of sex. A detailed history along with a complete blood count, biochemical investigations, chest x-ray, bone marrow aspiration, immunophenotype...........
Key Words: Anthracycline; Electrocardiography; Echocardiography; Ejection fraction; Cumulative dose; Hematological malignancies.
[1]. Adams MJ, Lipshultz SE. Pathophysiology of anthracycline and radiation-associated cardiomyopathies: implications for screening and prevention. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2005; 44(7):600-06.
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Abstract: Background: Currently in the world there is a tendency of continuous growth in the incidence of cancer of the rectum and colon. The tendency to a continuous increase in the incidence is especially pronounced in industrialized countries. Within this re-search we have set to establish MSCT criteria for the infiltration and exophytic growth of colon cancer, to establish the capabilities of DWI and PET / CT in the diagnosis of to establish criteria for the invasion of tumor intestinal walls, to de-termine the effectiveness of chemoradiation and surgical treatment, as well as to determine the radiological criteria for recurrent tumors. Materials and Methods: MSCT colonoscopy was performed in 345 patients (240 with suspected cancer, 105 with polyps). Patients underwent standard preparation.......
Keywords- colon cancer MSCT criteria, DWI, PET / CT, diagnosis of colon and rectal cancer, recurrent tumors
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Abstract: Carcinoma of buccal mucosa is the most common cancer of the oral cavity in India. Treatment of oral cancer poses unique reconstructive challenges, owing to the dynamic architecture of the oral cavity. Despite current progress in various treatment modalities, over the past 50 years survival rates have not improved drastically. This study provides a detailed insight on each of the options from the myriad of reconstruction modalities that have been instituted for the reconstruction of post-ablation defects which includes free tissue transfer with microvascular anastomosis, regional and local tissue transfer, skin grafting and use of alloplastic materials in a defect based approach for reconstruction of a post ablation defect of buccal mucosa in oral oncosurgery.
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Abstract: Since novel corona virus outbreak emerged as a pandemic in December, 2019 it has infected many people globally. Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy is quite common, with as many as 5-10% of patients being affected[1].In the initial data from China, mild thrombocytopenia is seen in 1/3rd of non pregnant patients admitted in hospital, more recent meta analysis found that thrombocytopenia is associated with 3-fold greater risk of COVID19 infection[2]. According to UNICEF, an estimated 116million babies will be born under the shadow of COVID19,with India expecting to have one of the highest births(20.1million).[3] Due to paucity of data about pregnant women infected with covid-19, it is essential......
[1]. Cines DB, Levine LD. Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. Blood 2017;130:2271–7.
[2]. Lippi G, Plebani M, Henry BM. Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: A meta-analysis. Clin Chim Acta 2020;506:145-8. 3
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[4]. Xu P, Zhou Q, Xu J. Mechanism of thrombocytopenia in COVID-19 patients. Ann Hematol 2020;99:1205-8.
[5]. Gouez AL, Vivanti AJ, Benhamou D, Desconclois C, Mercier FJ. Thrombocytopenia in pregnant patients with mild COVID-19. Int J Obstet Anesth 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ijoa. 2020.05.010
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Abstract: Introduction: Hepatitis B is a major health problem inIndia. To prevent transmission and progression of the disease in the community, proper community awareness about the disease, including prevention, is necessary. Our objective was to study the awareness amongst the health care workers(undergraduates) about hepatitis B virus, including knowledge regarding vaccine.Aim: To assess the level of awareness, and knowledge of the health care providers (undergraduates) toward Hepatitis B virus and vaccination. Methods: After obtaining approval from the IEC and valid informed consent, the participants were recruited into the study. A cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire-based study was conducted amongst health care providers, i.e., MBBS students.....
Keywords- Awareness, education, hepatitis B, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis B vaccine, knowledge, medical students.
[1]. Schillie S, Murphy TV, Sawyer M, Ly K, Hughes E, Jiles R, et al. CDC guidance for evaluating health‑care personnel for hepatitis B virus protection and for administering postexposuremanagement. MMWR Recomm Rep 2013;62:1‑19.
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[3]. Wilkins T, Zimmerman D, Schade RR. Hepatitis B: Diagnosis and treatment. Am Fam Physician 2010;81:965‑72.
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Abstract: The present retrospective study is undertaken to analyze the prevalence of periodontal abscess and its incidence in Diabetic mellitus patients of various age groups in Tirupur population from the data available from the records of Department of Dental surgery, Government Headquarters Hospital, Tirupur during the period from January 2019 to December 2019. In total, 353 patients with periodontal abscess were analysed. Among them, 225 patients (63.74%) had Diabetic mellitus, who were mostly male patients in their fifth decade followed by sixth and fourth-decade patients. Multiple periodontal abscess formation was frequently encountered in Diabetes mellitus patients (71.12 %). Periodontal abscess was commonly found affecting the Molar teeth (62.88%) region, followed by incisor teeth region (21.81%) and the least affected area was the canine region (5.94%). This article revealed considerable incidence of periodontal abscess in Diabetes mellitus patients, especially multiple in number. These multiple.....
Keywords- Diabetes mellitus, periodontal abscess, Oral hygiene, tooth loss.
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Abstract: Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic multisystem disease affecting joints, connective tissues and fibrous tissues. Methotrexate (MTX) is a folate antagonist used as a first line treatment in RA. Hepatotoxicity is a common side effect of MTX. This study was done to evaluate abnormalities of liver function with respect to cumulative dose and duration of MTX.
Materials and methods: In this cross sectional analytical study 109 patients of RA aged ≥18years on methotrexate therapy were analyzed for abnormal liver profile by using Liver Function Test (LFT), Ultrasonography (USG) abdomen. The weekly dose, cumulative dose and duration of treatment were compared between patients with and without elevated liver enzymes.
Results: Of 109 patients, transaminitis was observed in 22 patients (20.1%,95% CI: 13.3%-29.2%). The mean SGOT and SGPT were 44.04 ± 29.15 IU/L and 35.85 ± 23.26 IU/L respectively. The mean weekly dose, cumulative dose and duration of MTX therapy were......
[1]. Cutolo M, Sulli A, Pizzorni C, Seriolo, Straub RH. Anti-inflammatory mechanisms of methotrexate in rheumatoid Arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2001;60:729–35.
[2]. Singh JA, Saag KG, Bridges Jr SL, Akl EA, Bannuru RR, Sullivan MC, et al. American College of Rheumatology guideline for the treatment of rheumatoidarthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2016;68:1–26.
[3]. Shinde CG, Venkatesh MP, Pramod Kumar TM, Shivakumar HG. Methotrexate: a gold standard for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother2014;28:351–8.
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Abstract: Background:The purpose of this prospective study is to compare the functional outcomes of method of fixation (dynamic compression plating and interlocking nailing) for the fracture shaft of humerus and to analyze the difference in the results of these two methods. Materials and Methods: A prospective comparative study of 26 patients with diaphyseal fracture of humerus (age range18-60), half of the patients (group A) treated with Intramedullary Interlocking Nailing and another half group of patients (group B) treated with Narrow DCP in the Department of Orthopaedics, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar between January 2018 to June 2019. Results:The functional outcome and range of motion of shoulder.......
Keywords- Humerus fracture, IMIL nail, narrow DCP
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bilateral Giant Axillary Lipoma: A Rare Entity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Aishwarya C || Dr. Ranjith Shetty |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2001145557 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Lipomas are the most common mesenchymal soft tissue tumours encountered in surgical practice. They can occur anywhere in the body, but the common sites are subcutaneous tissue of trunk, nape of the neck and limbs. Giant lipomas measure more than 10cm in diameter and are very rarely seen in the axillary region.
Case Report: We hereby report a case of 35-year-old woman who presented with huge asymptomatic bilateral axillary mass that had been enlarging for 18 years. She underwent surgical excision, and the masses were found on histopathological examination to be benign lipomas.
Discussion: Lipomas are not frequently seen in the axilla. Clinically, malignancy should always be considered in tumours around the axilla, especially.....
Keywords- axilla, lipoma, axillary mass.
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Abstract: Background: Though titanium is considered as the best for the rehabilitation of edentulous space TITANIUM based implant systems have been condemn for many disadvantages. The onset of hypersensitive reactions, incompatibility, and an unaesthetic gray discoloration raised the demand` for alternative material with more aesthetically appealing, natural, and tissue compatibility for fabrication of implants[18].
Subsequently, Zirconia (ZrO2) with its physical and mechanical properties like high corrosion resistance, hardness, low thermal conduction, high flexure.......
Keywords- Word:'zirconia,' 'zirconia implant,' 'zirconia and its biocompatibility,' 'zirconia and its marginal esthetics', 'zirconia and its bone-implant contact (BIC)/osseointegration,' and 'zirconia and its plaque.
[1]. Yilmaz H, Aydin C, Gul BE. Flexural strength and fracture toughness of dental core ceramics. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry. 2007 Aug 1;98(2):120-8.
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[3]. Kohal RJ, Weng D, Bächle M, Strub JR. Loaded custom‐made zirconia and titanium implants show similar osseointegration: an animal experiment. Journal of Periodontology. 2004 Sep;75(9):1262-8.
[4]. Depprich R, Ommerborn M, Zipprich H, Naujoks C, Handschel J, Wiesmann HP, Kübler NR, Meyer U. Behavior of osteoblastic cells cultured on titanium and structured zirconia surfaces. Head & Face Medicine. 2008 Dec 1;4(1):29.
[5]. Schultze-Mosgau S, Schliephake H, Radespiel-Tröger M, Neukam FW. Osseointegration of endodontic endosseous conesZirconium oxide vs titanium. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. 2000 Jan 1;89(1):91-8.