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Abstract: A cross-sectional study using random sampling was conducted from October to December 2020 in Benadir region, Somalia, to determine the acceptance rate of a COVID-19 vaccine in population. In this study, a total of 500 participants share their knowledge, ideas, and their acceptancy towards COVID-19 vaccine. Majority of participants 63.2%) (n=316) refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine, while 36.8% (n=184) of participants allowed to take. As well as 73.8% (n= 369) participants denied to immunize their children, only 26.2% (n=131) allowed to vaccinate their children. Most of responds were knowledgeable that COVID-19 vaccine is not available in Somalia at that moment, 97% (n=485). the majority of participants heard COVID-19 vaccine 59% (n=298), but they don't believe that COVID-19 vaccine is effective and safe 64.4% (n=322), and could save lives 59.4% (n=297) as well as could not stop transmission of the disease 70.6% (n=353).The Community needs to educate the important of vaccine and government should be taken as importance to increase the COVID-19 vaccine acceptance conduct in the country.
Key Words : COVID-19 vaccine, Assessment, Population, Benadir region, Somalia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Adolescent labial fusion: A case report |
Country | : | NIGERIA |
Authors | : | AN Adamu, SU Muhammad |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2001050506 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Labial fusion is an acquired condition that occurs in young girls; it is uncommon beyond the age of 10 years and presentation in the older age group is unusual. Initial management is conservative but medical or surgical intervention may sometimes be indicated. Case report:A 17-year old adolescent presented with complaints of absent vaginal opening since birth. She had no other symptom. She had normally developed secondary sexual characteristics and the clitoris was normal in size and structure but the vaginal introitus was hidden behind a fused labia minora. On ultrasound scan she had normal female internal genitalia. She had surgical division of the fused labia minora in theatre. Summary and conclusion: Labial fusion in the older age group is an unusual presentation. Though the cause is unknown low oestrogen level is usually implicated. Management is mainly conservative or medical; the case we presented was treated surgically.
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Abstract: Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes and activation of oncogenes have been considered to play an important role in the multistep carcinogenesis in humans. The objective of this study was to investigate the incidence of microsatellite alteration in relation to p53 tumor suppressor gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma. 37 patients who were histopathologically diagnosed with OSCC with no other superimposed premalignant and malignant conditions were considered for the study. Blood and tumour tissues were obtained from each patient and DNA from these were isolated.......
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Abstract: Introduction : Chronic otitis media is a very common condition in the developing countries in both adult and paediatric age groups. Tympanoplasty is the most commonly performed surgery for non- cholesteatomatous chronic otitis media. The contribution of mastoid aeration and therefore the role for mastoidectomy in mucosal chronic otitis media has been debated for decades amongst clinicians. This study was undertaken to determine efficacy of tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy as compared to tympanoplasty alone in mucosal chronic otitis media.
Materials and methods : 60 patients were included in this prospective analytical study according to inclusion and exclusion criterion and randomly distributed into two groups. In Group A (tympanoplasty alone) 16 were male and 14 females . In Group B (Tympanoplasty.......
Key Words: COM-Chronic otitis media, tympanoplasty, mastoidectomy, mucosal, non-cholesteatomatous
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Abstract: Acute onset flank pain can have various causes. Renal infarction is one such cause. Renal infarcts have multiple causes. Cocaine induced renal infarct (CIRI) is one rare cause of renal infarct. A case of CIRI is presented with review of literature.
Key Words : Flank pain, renal infarct, cocaine
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Abstract: Background: Alimentary tract duplications are rare congenital lesions that can occur anywhere from the mouth to the anus and have a reported incidence of approximately 1 in 4500 live births. Symptoms and clinical presentations vary greatly. The presentation varies according to age and location. The treatment finally is surgical; total resection when possible should be the aim of the intervention.
Keywords: Chronic constipation, duplicated descending colon, anomaly, perforated
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Abstract: Background: Inguinal hernia is one of the most commonly encountered conditions in surgical practice with an estimated incidence of around 15% of the adult population [2]. Because of their frequency, inguinal hernias remain an important medical problem. The estimated lifetime risk for inguinal hernia is 27% for men and 3% for women. Annual morbidity rates in various countries vary from 100 to 300 per 100,000 citizens [2]. Desarda technique is originally a tissue based hernia repair using an undetached strip of external oblique aponeurosis to strengthen the posterior wall of the inguinal canal. In the EHS guidelines, mesh-based techniques—the Lichtenstein technique in particular and endoscopic methods are recommended for treatment of symptomatic primary inguinal hernia in adult men......
Keywords: Desarda vs Lichtenstein, Inguinal Hernia, Mesh versus No-Mesh. .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Intrapartum Amnioinfusion in Meconium Stained Liquor |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr B. Varalakshmi || Dr. M.Mallika |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2001053035 ![]() |
Abstract: Aims and objectives To evaluate the efficacy of intrapartum transcervical amniotic infusion in meconium stained amniotic fluid and to see its effect on perinatal morbidity and mortality. Materials and Methods The present study is conducted in the department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Government General Hospital, Ananthapuram for a period of 1year i.e., from March 2019 to March 2020. This is a prospective case-control study......
Key Words: Meconium stained liquor(MSL), Amnioinfusion(AI),Meconium aspiration syndrome(MAS).
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Abstract: Background:The larynx can be affected by a wide range of lesion that would necessitate surgical interventions. This lesion could be congenital, inflammatory, infections, trauma, tumour, or neurologic, however some of the lesion are peculiar to certain age groups. The surgical intervention would depend on the nature of the lesion. The aim of this study is to describe the clinicopathological profile of laryngeal lesions, the surgical treatment and outcome of treatment in patients seen. Materials and Methods: This is a five-year retrospective study of all patients that were managed surgically for laryngeal lesion at the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital from June 2013 to May 2019. The data were extracted and analyzed. Results: A total of 73 patients were seen.....
Key Word: laryngeal lesions, laryngeal pathology, surgical treatment.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Identification of Sex of Human Adult Hip Bone By Metric Analysis of Ilium |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR. N. F. Gathe || DR. M. S. Supare |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2001054047 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: the study of sexual dimorphism of bones in human population is very important for the anatomist as well as for the anthropologists and forensic experts. Hip bone is also known as the innominate bone is considered as an ideal bone for sex determination as it provides the highest accuracy levels for sex determination. Hence the hip bone is considered as the most reliable sex indicator in the human skeleton. The aim of present study : to find out sex of human adult hip bone with the help of measurements of anterior border of ilium. Materials and Methods: For the present study 56 hip bones of unknown sex are obtained from the department of anatomy, Govt. Medical College, Akola (MH), India. The sex of the bones are determined by non-metrical parameters , about 30 are classified as Male.....
Key words: Hip bone, anterior superior iliac spine( ASIS), pubic tubercle (PT), iliopubic eminence ( IE)
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Abstract: Background: Patients are participating more in deciding the path to their healthcare. This has been taking a step further by patients who now self-refer for ultrasonography. However, there are concerns that, some women initiate the request for ultrasonography for non-medical reasons. Also, there is the challenge of the next line of action after the scan. The incidence of patient self-referral for ultrasonography and the factors influencing this behaviour have not been reviewed in this environment, hence the reason for this study. The focus of this study, are the female clients because they make up the bulk of patients attended to most private ultrasonography centres in Nigeria. Subjects and materials: This was a cross sectional questionnaire based prospective study over one month in a private diagnostic centre in Calabar. A total of 122 female patients with varying indications for ultrasound scan were randomly recruited into the....
Key Words :Indications, Patient self-referral, Reasons, Ultrasonography, Women.
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Abstract: Background: Unsafe injection practices exposed patients and health care workers to the risk of injury and/or infection with blood-borne diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and C viruses and also put the community at risk. These exposures constitute serious challenges in the health care setting as they are common causes of illnesses and mortality among health care workers and hospitalized patients. This study aimed to determine the knowledge and practice of injection safety and associated factors among health care workers of primary health care facilitiesin Sokoto State, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from May to August, 2018, among 300 health workers of primary health care facilitiesin Sokoto metropolis.......
Key words: Knowledge, Practice, Injection Safety, PHC Workers.
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