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Abstract: Background: Alcohol use is currently a widespread disorder. It affects almost all age groups. Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death. Alcohol use disorder(AUD) is defined as the cluster of behavioural and physical symptoms, which include withdrawal, tolerance, and craving. Alcohol can cause ECG changes before the manifestation of cardiac disorders. Therefore, this study was undertaken which help in the earlier detection of cardiovascular disease and preventing its complications. Materials and Methods: This was a comparative study involving fifty patient Alcohol Use Disorder s and fifty non-AUD patients. Patients satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected consecutively from the Psychiatry OPD and De-addiction centre till the calculated sample..........
Key Word: Alcohol Use Disorder, Electrocardiogram, Duration of alcohol use, Serum electrolytes.
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Abstract: Aim This survey was to assess the Knowledge, Awareness, Attitude and Practice about covid 19 among Dental students in Priyadarshini Dental College and Hospital, Tiruvallur. Methods A self-administered questionnaire was used, which consisted of a set of 20 questions. All the data were entered into Microsoft Excel and then transferred to SPSS for analysis of data. Results A total of 361 Dental students contributed to this study. The General knowledge about Covid 19 is more among in interns. Overall, there is lack of attitude of covid 19 among Dental students. Conclusion: The inputs from the survey help us throw some light and fill up lacunae where required. There is a strong need to implement periodic educational interventions and training programs on infection........
Keywords: covid-19 ,Knowledge, Attitude, Awareness, Dentist.
[1]. Ikhlaq A, Hunniya BE, Riaz IB, Ijaz F. Awareness and attitude of undergraduate medical students towards 2019-novel corona virus. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 2020 May;36(COVID19-S4):S32. [2]. Alawia R, Riad A, Kateeb E. Knowledge and attitudes among dental students about COVID-19 and its precautionary measures: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery. 2021;27(1):17. [3]. Aboalela A, Shafei AA, Shraim NM, Almousa MA, Alharbi GK, Alqahtani AS. Knowledge and awareness of COVID-19 among dental students, interns, clinicians and academics. [4]. Alqrache AT, Mostafa MM, Atta HM. Knowledge and attitude towards covid-19 among students of king abdulaziz university. Era's Journal of Medical Research. 2020;7(1):21-9. [5]. Rao LN, Shetty A, Latha Senthilkumar P, Shetty KS, Shetty B, Natarajan S, Rao PK, Baliga MS. Knowledge, attitude and practice of dental students and practitioners during the early days of COVID‐19 pandemic in India: A cross‐sectional study. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2021 Nov;75(11):e14858.
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Abstract: Aim: To study the incidence of Post-operative Delirium in patients operated under general anaesthesia in a multi- speciality hospital using the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM- ICU) and to find the subtype of delirium using the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS). Background: Delirium is an acute dysfunction of the brain, characterized by changes in the level of consciousness, inattention and disorganized thinking, which can manifest with hyperactive signs (i.e. hyperactive subtype with agitation and restlessness) or hypoactive signs (i.e. hypoactive subtype with lethargy and inattentiveness). Screening for delirium in the Post Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU) and in the postoperative hospital wards is generally not part of routine clinical practice........
Keywords: Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale, Post-operative delirium Confusion Assessment Method.
[1]. Card E, Pandharipande P, Tomes C, Lee C, Wood J, Nelson D, et al. Emergence from general anaesthesia and evolution of delirium signs in the post-anaesthesia care unit. British journal of anaesthesia. 2015;115(3):411-7. [2]. Whitlock EL, Vannucci A, Avidan MS. Postoperative delirium. Minerva anestesiologica. 2011;77(4):448-56. [3]. Inouye SK. Delirium in older persons. The New England journal of medicine. 2006;354(11):1157-65. [4]. Grover S, Shah R. Distress due to delirium experience. General Hospital Psychiatry.33(6):637-9. [5]. Grover S, Shah R. Delirium-related distress in caregivers: a study from a tertiary care centre in India. Perspectives in psychiatric care. 2013;49(1):21-9.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Osteo Dural Fistulae in the Lateral Wall of the Sphenoid Sinus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K,bouaita || l,atroune || t,selmane |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2101022123 ![]() |
Abstract: CSF fistulae that involves the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus is a rare entity. This article has an objective to report a case of the reconstruction of the sphenoid sinus lateral wall osteo dural defect by a trans pterygoid endoscopic approach. Case: The case is about a 55-year-old woman(A.Z) who complained from CSF rhinorrhea during the last 4months in the origin of a unique episode of meningitis. Medical history didn't find any history of head trauma. CT scan of para nasal sinus has found an osteo dural defect in the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus. CSF fistulae was repaired by trans ethmoido-pterygoidal or trans ethmoidal endoscopic approach. The surgical approach was successful with no residual CSF leak.........
Key words: Rhinorrhea, osteo-dural defect, endoscopy, trans pterygoidal approach, reconstruction.
[1]. J.S. Virk, B. Elmiyeh, H.A. Saleh, Endoscopic management of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea: the charing cross experience, J.Neurol.Surg.B Skull Base 74 (2) (2013) 61–67, [2]
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[3]. A.S. Englhard, V. Volgger, A. Leunig, C.S. Meßmer, G.J. Ledderose, Spontaneous nasal cerebrospinal fluid leaks: management of 24 patients over 11 years, Eur. Arch. Oto-rhino-laryngol. 275 (10) (2018) 2487–2494.
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Abstract: Aims and objectives: To compare the outcome of bilateral vs unilateral lateral internal sphincterotomy for chronic anal fissures. Materials, methods and observation: A comparative study of outcome of bilateral vs unilateral lateral internal sphincterotomy in chronic anal fissures , conducted in the Department of General surgery at Govt Rajaji Hospital Madurai, for the period of 6 months a total of 60 patients who underwent sphincterotomies for chronic anal fissures were included in the comparative study and randomized in to two groups, of 30 patients in group A(bilateral lateral internal sphincterotomy) and 30 patients in Group B ( unilateral lateral internal sphincterotomy ) were considered for the study...........
Key Word:
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Abstract: AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY : The objective of this study is to compare the incidence of wound infection and wound dehiscence and the duration of hospital stay between conventional and smead jones technique of midline laparotomy wound closure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted in 80patients grouped into two of 40 each who underwent emergency midline laparatomies for various indications. This study compared the incidence of wound infection, wound dehiscence, incisional hernia, duration of surgery and duration of hospital stay.......
Keywords: laprotomy closure, smead jones, wound dehiscence.
[1]. Tariq M, Jamal A, Khan MA, et al. Comparison of two suturing techniques: Interrupted mass closure and continuous mass closure with polypropelene in laparotomy wound. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2008;2:174-6.
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Abstract: Corneal catarrhal infiltrates corresponds to a sterile staphylococcal marginal infiltrates due to a specific hypersensitivity reactions of type III and IV. We report a case of a patient who has corneal catarrhal infiltrates due to a severe blepharitis. This case illustrates an overlap between infectious and non infectious conditions in the same eye.
Key Words: catarrhal infiltrates; Corneal infiltrates; Blepharitis; Eyelid.
[1]. Seung Pil Bang, Jong Hwa Jun. Acute exacerbation of staphylococcal catarrhal infiltration associated with treatment for Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Jun; 97(22): e10753. [2]. S. Doan, D. Brémond-Gignac, M. Castelain, B. Cochener, C. Albou-Ganem, B. Mortemousque, T. Hoang-Xuan. Dysfonctionnements meibomiens et blépharites. Rapport de surface oculaire. Partie II. [3]. Mondino BJ, Kowalski RP. Phlyctenulae and catarrhal infiltrates. Occurrence in rabbits immunized with staphylococcal cell walls. Arch Ophthalmol 1982 ; 100 : 1968-71.
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Abstract: Introduction: Scrub typhus is a Rickettsial infection caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi, mainly transmitted by the bite of larvae of a trombiculid mite. The symptoms of scrub typhus are indistinguishable from other illnesses like leptospirosis, malaria, and dengue fever. Epidemics of scrub typhus have been documented worldwide. Materials and methods: The study design was a prospective cross-sectional study. The study was conducted from January 2020 to December 2020. Diagnosed patients of scrub typhus between 1 month to 12 years of age admitted in the Department of Pediatrics, GVR Children Hospital, Kurnool were the study population.............
Key Words: Scrub typhus, doxycycline, azithromycin, doxycycline, leptospirosis, malaria, and dengue fever.
[1]. Kothari VM, Karnad DR, Bichile LS. Tropical infections in the ICU J Assoc Physicians India 2006; 54 : 291-8. [2]. Chogle AR. Diagnosis and treatment of scrub typhus - the Indian scenario. J Assoc Physicians India 2010; 58 : 11-2. [3]. Kedareshwar PS, Rodrigues S, Nevrekar RP, Dias L, Dias A, Vaz M and Gomes E. Scrub typhus in patients reporting with acute febrile illnessat a tertiary health care institution in Goa Indian J Med Res, 2012 Dec;136: 1020-24. [4]. Sharma A, Mahajan S, Gupta ML, Kanga A, Sharma V. Investigation of an outbreak of scrub typhus in the himalayan region of India Jpn J Infect Dis 2005; 58 : 208-10. [5]. Batra HV. Spotted fevers and typhus fever in Tamil Nadu. Indian J Med Res 2007; 126 : 101-3.
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Abstract: Iridociliary cysts are relatively uncommon. They are asymptomatic in the majority of cases. However, they can cause angle-closure glaucoma by repelling the structures of the angle. UBM is the examination of choice to study the mechanism of angle-closure glaucoma secondary to an iridociliary cyst and to differentiate it from melanoma and solid tumors. Case presentation: A 51-year-old female referred to the university hospital for evaluation and management of a chronic angle-closure glaucoma resistant to treatment. On examination, visual acuity was 10/10 in OD and 1/10 in OS, a reduced anterior chamber in both eyes.........
Keywords: Iridociliary cyst, Angle-closure glaucoma, Ultrasound biomicroscopy
[1]. Shields CL, Kancherla S, Patel J, et al. Clinical survey of 3680 iris tumors based on patient age at presentation. Ophthalmology. 2012; 119:407-414.
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Abstract: L'ischémie choroïdienne multifocale est un phénomène rare dû à des obstructions multiples au niveau de la choriocapillaire La pré-éclampsie (PE) est une pathologie du 3ème trimestre de la grossesse secondaire à un vasospasme généralisé et à une dysfonction endothéliale Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 22 ans ayant présenté une ischémie choroïdienne multifocale bilatérale dans le cadre d'une grossesse compliquée de pré-éclampsie. La patiente a été évaluée par un examen ophtalmologique complet et une imagerie multimodale comprenant des photographies du fond d'oeil, une angiographie à la fluorescéine et une tomographie en cohérence optique. L'évolution était favorable avec la régulation des chiffres tensionnels.......
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Abstract: Due to increased incidence of breast cancer in India, it is vital to detect high-risk breast cancer cases early and timely. Western countries widely used GM for predicting the absolute risk of invasive breast cancer. Here we studied Gail's model applicability for breast cancer in the Indian Population. Methodology: The study was a prospective observational study Involving 600 patients and enrolled in two study groups based on Tissue Diagnosis Trucut Biopsy /Excision Biopsy comprising 300 patients in each. According to Gail score, they separated into High Risk and Low Risk. All women have undergone a triple assessment test for a definitive diagnosis. After establishing a definitive diagnosis, we were correlated Gail Model Score with Final Diagnosis. SPSS version 20 used for statistical analysis........
Keywords: Benign breast disease; Breast carcinoma; Gail score
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