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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Update in Obstetric Anaesthesia |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Khaleel Ahmad Najar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2101080109 ![]() |
Abstract: We present a review of four major topics in obstetric anaesthesia, including obstetric outcomes, analgesia for labor and anaesthesia for caesarean section.
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Abstract: Aims and objectives: The study compared subcuticular suture and steristrips for wound closure after thyroid surgery based on Post operative Pain assessment Post operative Neck mobility Post operative Scar appearance Materials, methods and observation: A prospective, open label, randomized, comparative study is planned on patients attending General Surgery OPD ,fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria over a period of 10 months after obtaining a written informed consent using a purposive sampling technique....
Keywords: subcuticular sutures, Steristripes
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Abstract: Aims & Objectives: To study the clinic-pathological spectrum of fungal rhino-sinusitis, in post-covid patients and categorize the histopathological findings. Materials and Methods: A total of 153 consecutive cases, during a period of 2 months, with a provisional diagnosis of post-covid fungal rhinosinusitis are studied. Clinical features, associated co-morbid conditions and radiological findings are recorded. The tissue samples are obtained from FESS debridements, maxillectomies and orbital exenterations. The samples are rapidly processed, manually and the tissue sections stained with H & E and PAS are studied under microscope.....
Key word: Fungal rhino-sinusitis, Clinico-pathological spectrum, Post COVID -19
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma : A Case report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Monica Molli || Dr. Basumitra Das || Prasad Uma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2101083236 ![]() |
Abstract: We report a case of Recurrent Optic nerve sheath meningioma of Transitional variant in a 42 years old male, who presented with Proptosis and loss of vision in right eye. At immunohistochemistry the meningotheliomatous and fibroblastic component showed vimentin positive. Optic nerve sheath meningiomas are very rare comprising of only 1 to 2% of all the meningiomas. This case is presented for its rarity of occurrence in unusual site, in male gender and its recurrent nature.
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Abstract: Background:
Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a serious need for the development of reliable, easy-to-implement, and rapid diagnostic methods that can be used in the early diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. A rapid and convenient method based on fluorescence immunochromatographic (FIC) assay to detect the SARS-CoV-nucleocapsid antigen has been widely used in both first and second waves of Covid-19 pandemic situation in India. However, there is a need to examine the accuracy of this diagnostic method in real-time hospital practice.
Materials and Methods: Data were collected retrospectively from four hundred and thirty-two medical records out of which hundred and sixty-nine patients were found to have both Rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection test and RT-PCR performed. To establish the reliability.........
Key Word: Rapid SARS-Cov-2 antigen detection assay; Covid-19; RT-PCR, India
[1]. Andrews, M. A., Areekal, B., Rajesh, K. R., Krishnan, J., Suryakala, R., Krishnan, B., Muraly, C. P., & Santhosh, P. V. (2020 ). First confirmed case of COVID-19 infection in India: A case report. The Indian journal of medical research, 151(5), 490–492. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_2131_20
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Abstract: Palpable breast lump is a common presenting complaint so diagnostic evaluation is mandatory. The aim of this review paper is to study the cytomorphological patterns of palpable breast lumps and correlate the findings with histopathological examination and to find out the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC. FNAC is the first line investigation for diagnosis in resource limited settings but histopathology is more valuable for confirmatory diagnosis. According to National Institute of Cancer guidelines in 1996 FNAC of breast is classified into 5 categories that would allow clinicians to easily interpret the data. In this paper we reviewed seven published articles which met this criteria.
Keywords: Breast, FNAC, Cytology, Correlation, Palpable lumps, Histology.
[1]. Rajshri P.Damle, Smita A.Bora, Maya S.Vasaikar The Cyto-histopathological evaluation of breast lesions in a tertiary care hospital- A two years study IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research, January-March 2019;4(1):41-46
[2]. Mulazim Hussain Bukhari1, Madiha Arshad,1 Shahid Jamal,2 Shahid Bashir,3 Irfan M. Bakshi,1 and Shaharyar1 Use of Fine-Needle Aspiration in the Evaluation of Breast Lumps Volume 2011, Article ID 689521, 10 pages.
[3]. Adetola Olubunmi Daramola,1 Mosebolatan Olatokunboh Odubanjo,1 Fred John Obiajulu,2 Nzechukwu Zimudo Ikeri, 2 and Adekunbiola Aina Fehintola Banjo1Correlation between Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology and Histology for Palpable Breast Masses in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution Volume 2015, Article ID 742573, 5 pages.
[4]. Prem Singh1, Manish Chaudhry1, Samal Nauhria 1, Deepika Rao2 Cytomorphological patterns of breast lesions diagnosed on fine-needle aspiration cytology in a tertiary care hospital International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health |2015|Vol 4| Issue 5.
[5]. Aamir SharifI, Tahira TabassumI, Muhammad Riaz2, Muhammad Akram3 and Naveed Munir4 Cytomorphological patterns of palpable breast lesions diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology in females European Journal of Inflammation Volume |8: |-8
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Abstract: Using a tourniquet to produce a blood free surgical field is accepted by everyone in surgery. There is a need for information about the systemic and local effects of tourniquet use in persons of good physical status. For a proper functional state, the peripheral tissues depend on an adequate supply of oxygen and an adequate microcirculation. Tourniquet application causes increase in systemic blood pressure, central venous pressure and heart rate. When we release the tourniquet reactive anaerobic metabolites are released into the circulation which cause vasodilatation in the capillaries of the muscles. When we apply tourniquet the temperature of that particular limb falls due to absent blood supply and when it is released this cold blood enters into the general circulation .The core temperature as a result.....
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