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Abstract: To evaluate the prevalence of impacted third molar in the Department of oral medicine and radiology of Priyadharshini dental college and hospital and compare between male and female subjects. Method. This cross-sectional study comprised of who attended dental clinics in the Department of oral medicine and radiology of Priyadharshini dental college and hospital. Patients' dental records and panoramic radiographs were reviewed retrospectively. Impacted teeth were recorded from panoramic radiographs. The Pearson chi-squared test was performed to determine gender differences regarding impacted teeth...........
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Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases are common among diabetes patients and is an important risk factor for the high mortality in diabetes. Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a significant clinical entity that may occur in diabetes patients independent of hypertension or coronary artery disease. Cardiomyopathy is accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction, with diminished bioenergetics and oxidative stress. Current research is exploring specific intracellular targets that may be used for the prevention or treatment of heart failure. Mitochondria is a potential target to development new therapy for cardiomyopathy. Numerous strategies focusing on mitochondria pathways with small molecules, targeting peptides, and antioxidants are currently being tested in preclinical studies and clinical trials. This review examines the prospects and challenges in mitochondrial pharmacology for the treatment and prevention of diabetic cardiovascular diseases.
Keywords: Mitochondria, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, AKT, CoQ10, MitoQ
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Abstract: Objectives: The goal of this hospital-based study was to evaluate the two dimensional echocardiographic parameters for hypertension patients Materials and Methods: This research was carried out in Elshaab Teaching Hospital in Khartoum, Sudan, during the period extended from August 2016 to August 2019.The study comprised of 51 adult Sudanese hypertensive patients and 48 healthy subjects' .The participants were of both genders and ranged from 30 to 90 years old. Patients who were pregnant or had genetic problems, heart defects, or any abnormalities other than hypertension were eliminated. The variables were age, gender, height, weight, and clinical history, which were all recorded on a well-designed data sheet.........
Keywords: 2D Echocardiography; Normal subjects, hypertension
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Abstract: Laparotomy and hysterotomy incision through surgery to deliver the fetus is called Cesarean section. In modern days, higher complications in normal vaginal delivery is the major reason for choice of c section in India whereas this was already followed by US since decades. Healthy survival was possible for women in ancient days post normal delivery as they performed heavy physical work. However, modern women have less physical ability for normal vaginal delivery because of the low strength and fear of issues after a normal vaginal delivery. Today's women being literate and aware of the difficulties like Postpartum infections which includes uterine, bladder, or kidney infections, excessive bleeding after delivery
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Abstract: Background: Scrub typhus is becoming an increasingly common cause of kidney injury in India .The diagnosis could be overlooked if we do not have a good index of suspicion. It is being reported from various parts of India. However there is paucity of literature regarding this entity in North Eastern part of India. Methods: This is a retrospective study done in two tertiary care centres in Manipur. The study looks into all cases of scrub typhus admitted in these centre during the study period from January 2015 to April 2020. Results:162 patients were diagnosed to have scrub typhus during the study period. Acute Kidney Injury was noted in 35 patients( 21.6%).Seven patients had advanced renal failure requiring dialysis support. Nine patients (5.55%)died from complications of scrub typhus...........
Key Word: Scrub typhus, acute kidney injury
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Abstract: Background- Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most prevalent monogenic hereditary pathology associated with the presence of hemoglobin SS in the world. It can affect individuals, leading to changes in the face and body, causing a deficiency in dental and bone tissue formation that can ultimately result in a higher level of predisposition to developing dental caries. Dentists play an important role in preventing complications and improving the quality of life of patients with sickle cell disease because these patients are more susceptible to infections and periodontal disease, so the aim of the study was to assess oral health status of children with sickle cell disease........
Keywords: Sickle cell anemia, hemoglobin SS, DMFT index, Plaque index, Gingival index.
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Abstract: Objective: The purpose of the study is to correlate in-hospital outcome with myocardial performance index (MPI) and left ventricular systolic function in first attack of ST elevated myocardial infarction. Background: In the diagnosis of patients with left ventricular dysfunction in acute ST elevated myocardial infarction, prediction of left ventricular systolic function plays the pivotal role. Because systolic and diastolic functions frequently coexist. Thus, it is hypothesized that a combination of left ventricular performance may be more reflective of overall cardiac function than individual assessment of systolic and diastolic function. Traditionally, assessment of left ventricular systolic function is concentrated on measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) which is load dependent and sensitive to the preload and after-load. However, myocardial performance index (MPI) demonstrates supremacy over older established indexes............
Key Words: Doppler echocardiography Left ventricular ejection fraction Myocardial performance index ST elevated myocardial infarction Thrombolysis Bi-plane modified Simpson's method In-hospital outcome
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Abstract: The spO2, of a normal person is around 95 percent or more. However, in conditions that affect the lungs like pneumonia, the blood saturation levels drop below 94 percent. This condition is called hypoxemia. Blood oxygen levels below 90 percent are considered to be too low and oxygen therapy is needed for such patients.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Expression of HER2/neu in Cervical Carcinoma |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Yasmin S || Gaffar T || Ferdaus NEJ || Nahar MZ |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2101036065 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Cervical carcinoma is the fourth most deadly cancer in women. It affects 16 per 100000 women per year. Approximately 70% of cervical carcinoma occur in developing countries. HER-2/neu gene expression occurs in cervical cancers and also seen in other tumors like breast, stomach, ovary, uterine serous endometrial carcinomas, colon, bladder, lung, head and neck and esophagus. Our aim was to evaluate the expression of HER2/neu in cervical carcinoma. Material & Methods: This cross-sectional study was taken at the Department of Pathology, SSMC and Mitford Hospital Dhaka from the period of 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017. Total 70 cervical biopsies and hysterectomies specimen with histologically confirmed carcinoma of cervix. Sample technique was purposive & convenient sampling........
Keywords: Cervical carcinoma, Expression, Cancer, Membrane, Kinase
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