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Abstract: Preterm is defined as babies born alive before 37 weeks of pregnancy are completed. An estimated 15 million babies are born too early every year. That is more than 1 in 10 babies. Approximately 1 million children die each year due to complications of preterm birth (1). In present research work we selected and studied distribution pattern of inflammatory biomarkers TNF alpha gene variants in the preterm birth (case) of central India. Detection of TNF-α promoter polymorphism has been done via PCR-RFLP. The pattern of genotype and allele distribution in PTB and control group suggested lack of association of TNF-α (rs1800629) in PTB susceptibility. Genotype distribution, allele frequency and carriage rate suggest TNF –α polymorphism is not associated with pre term birth.
Key Word: Preterm birth, inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Giant Epidermal Cyst: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T.T. Chhabda || Praful Pawar || A. Jibran Javed || Pranav Wadhokar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2101040508 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Epidermal inclusion cysts are very common, benign swellings. They may be intradermal or subcutaneous, ranging from 1 to 4 cm in size1. They may occur anywhere in the body, mostly on the face, neck, and trunk and are typically asymptomatic. Transformation to squamous-cell carcinoma is rare. Case Report: We present a case of a 65-year-old male patient with a large, growing mass in his right posterior gluteal region. Computed Tomography revealed a large cystic mass in the intramuscular plane of the right gluteal region compressing the underlying gluteal muscles with maintained fat planes. The mass was subsequently excised. Pathological examination revealed an inflamed epidermal inclusion cyst that measured 20.8 × 19.18 × 19.8 cm containing almost 1200 ml of white thick keratinous material. To our knowledge, this is the largest epidermal inclusion cyst reported in English literature.
Keywords: Giant epidermoid cyst, rare case
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Abstract: Vaccination against COVID-19 commenced in India on 16 January 2021, prioritising health care workers which included medical students. A year has passed since the first case of novel coronavirus infections was detected in China's Wuhan province. During the initial period of the disease, the efforts were concentrated on preventing and slowing down transmission1–6. Global analysis of herd immunity in COVID-19 has shown the urgent need for efficacious COVID-19 vaccines7. Currently, the vaccine development efforts have started to come to fruition as some of the leading vaccine candidates have shown positive results in the prevention of clinical disease8–12 The primary outcome measure was to identify the most frequently experienced side effects from the vaccines Covishield and Covaxin, based on type of vaccine,
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Abstract: The deciduous teeth play crucial role in the growth and development of a child. Premature loss of deciduous dentition results in the arch length discrepancies which ultimately leads to malocclusion. The concept of space loss resulting from premature loss of primary teeth was described by Davenport in 1887.1 The function of primary teeth is not only limited to speech, chewing and appearance but also they guide the permanent teeth to erupt.2 The premature loss of deciduous teeth due to dental caries or traumatic injuries requires the placement of space maintainers to prevent adverse effects of space loss. These effects may lead to crowding of the dental arch, ectopic eruption and impaction of the permanent tooth, tipping of the first permanent molar, centre line discrepancies and crossbite formation
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Abstract: A strategic harnessing of the power of data to healthcare systems strengthening makes a rapid and affordable progress towards achieving UHC Majority of the developed countries among them Canada, United States of America and the United Kingdom have had to budget for huge amounts of money for an impetus towards Health Management Information System (HMIS) adoption whereas developing countries are still lagging behind and struggling to make do with the old traditional healthcare setups. Health systems are the core foundations of how countries respond to new disease threats and improving health of the people. The iterative nature of the process cannot be further overemphasized; any changes in mission, operations, functions, or information and data needs must be assessed to reveal their impact on analyses already completed, since these changes could have a profound effect on the system..........
Key Word: Community Based Health Information System, District Health Systems Strengthening Health Management Information System, Electronic Medical Record, Health Management Information Systems, Universal Health Coverage, Change resistance.
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Abstract: Study Design: Prospective study. Purpose: To asses the role and positivity of P16 and Ki67 in premalignant and malignant lesion of cervix Background: Cervical cancer is the 3rd most common cancer world-wise and 13thmost cause of cancer mortality1. The majority of cases occurred in less developed countries and developing countries which usually presented late. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common histologic type accounting for approximately 80% followed by adenocarcinoma (15%). Adenosquamous and neuroendocrine tumors are very rare and accounts for only 5% of total cases. All of these cases are associated with high risk HPV........
Keywords: P16, Ki 67,Malignant,Screeing,Invasive
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus is a worldwide epidemic. Its prevalence and incidence are steeply growing with an estimated 425 million of people currently having diabetes. The great social burden of the disease is worsened by the huge number of people with prediabetes (i.e., impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance) who are at high risk of developing it. In addition, one in two adults with diabetes (about 212 million of people) is undiagnosed. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study will be carried out jointly in the Department of Biochemistry and Department of Obstetric & Gynaecology, R.N.T Medical College & Hospital, Udaipur. A total of 170 subjects belonging to polycystic ovary syndrome will be classified. Women with PCOD should be interviewed of their name, address, age, socio-economic status, menstrual history. Diagnosed polycystic ovarian syndrome, age ranging from 18-40 years......
Keywords: PCOS, Hormonal profile, T2DM1.
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Abstract: Background: COVID-19 has spread throughout the world since its discovery in December 2019, causing over 90 million infected persons prompting the World Health Organization to declare the disease as pandemic. Governments all over the world have implemented measures such as quarantine to limit the spread of the virus. Businesses and schools have closed down and people, especially children have been forced to stay at home. Across the world, different kinds of mental health issues have been noted in adults as well as children and teenagers in light of this. Materials and Methods: Descriptive method using online survey questionnaire was used. The participants' email addresses were collected......
Keywords: Depression, Patient Health Questionnaire-9(PHQ-9), Adolescents
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Abstract: World is facing a widespread pandemic since 2019, still the havoc of the deadly virus persists. We all were forced to stop all activities to reduce the spread of corona virus. In these pandemic times when whole world was restricted to home and no one was able to visit outside to earn their daily wages due to the risk of deadly COVID-19 virus, getting dental care was very difficult and risky. Teledentistry played vital role during this pandemic time and helped in providing dental care to remote areas. Teleorthodontics is a newer development in orthodontic care and is very useful in this pandemic time for both patients and orthodontist. This paper discribes various procedures done under teleorthodontics ..
Keywords: Teleorthodontics, Covid-19, Pandemic, Teledentistry
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Abstract: Background: Tube thoracostomy is a standard procedure for the evacuation of air, blood, or other materials from the pleural space. This paper describes a modification of the Seldinger technique that facilitates chest tube insertion using stylet. The technique is simple to use, effective and safe. It employs standard, inexpensive materials to insert chest tubes in such a way as to minimize the potential traumatic complications inherent in other techniques. Materials and Methods: Fifty patients who fulfill the inclusion criteria were recruited for the study after obtaining informed written consent.......
Keywords: Thoracostomy; Stylet; Chest tubes
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Abstract: Objectif : Analyser le vécu de la femme au cours d'une ITG pratiquée par elle-même à domicile, dans le cadre d'une grossesse arrêtée (GA). Patientes et méthodes : L'étude s'est déroulée durant 08 mois, dans les services de Gynécologie obstétrique des CHU à Libreville, de neurologie abritant un psychiatre et aux domiciles des patientes. Il s'agit d'une étude longitudinale, descriptive et analytique, réalisée sur la base d'une fiche de recueil de donnée associée un suivi par le psychiatre avec administration d'une........
Keywords: Psychological experience, somatic experience, miss early miscarriage, therapeutic abortion at home
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