Series-11 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Vector borne diseases like Dengue, malaria and chikungunya are endemic in India. Dual infections of chikungunya and dengue are becoming more common in India and there were earlier case reports of dengue,chikungunya and malaria co-infection .. This is a study describing presence of two viral infections along with vector borne parasitic infection in a single patient with overlapping clinicalsymptoms. The clinical features common to all the three diseases are prolonged fever, backache, joint pain, rash, headache, running nose and epistaxis causing challenge in diagnostic segregation based on the symptoms alone This study is a cross sectional randomised sample study of 40 children with sudden onset of fever presented with or without rash, thrombocytopenia and splenomegaly. Data was collected in Months of 1st june to 30th october 2018 from RIMS, RANCHI,JHARKHAND. Hence forth the above study showed that Patient with triple infections and coinfections had better prognosis
[1]. Chahar HS, Bharaj P, Dar L, Guleria R, Kabra SK, Broor S. Co-infections with chikungunya virus and dengue virus in Delhi, India. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009;15:1077–80. 10.3201/eid1507.080638 [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
[2]. Kalawat U, Sharma KK, Reddy SG. Prevalence of dengue and chikungunya fever and their co-infection. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2011;54:844–6 . [PubMed]
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[4]. Hati AK, Chandra G, Mukherjee H, Mondal R, Talukar, Bhattacharyya N. Concurrent infections of three mosquito borne diseases–Dengue, chikungunya and malaria. J Mosq Res 2016; 6: 1–3.
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[6]. Bhalla A, Sharma N, Sharma A, Suri V. Concurrent infection with dengue and malaria. Indian J Med Sci 2006; 60: 30–1.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study Corelating The Maternal Morbidity With Birth Interval In Rajasthan |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Dr Rekha Verma |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1804110411 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Safe motherhood is still a dream for much of India and particularly for its rural population. Promotion of family planning – and ensuring access to preferred contraceptive methods for women and couples – is essential to securing the well-being and autonomy of women, while supporting the health and development of communities woman's ability to choose if and when to become pregnant has a direct impact on her health and well-being. Family planning allows spacing of pregnancies and can delay pregnancies in young women at increased risk of health problems and death from early childbearing. In present study ,an attempt have been made to find out the factors and magnitude of maternal morbidity with short birth interval and to present why contraceptive awareness is necessary to reduce maternal morbidity.........
Key Words: Contraception, maternal morbidity, Birth interval.
[2]. MohammadAfzal Mahmood,1 Ismi Mufidah,2 Steven Scroggs,3 AmnaR 3673265Root-Cause Analysis of Persistently High Maternal Mortality in a Rural District of Indonesia: Role of Clinical Care Quality and Health Services Organizational Factors BioMedResearchInternationalVolume2018,ArticleID3673265,11.
[3]. Elizabeth J. Howard, Emily Harville.Matern Child Health J. The Association Between Short Inter pregnancy Interval and Preterm Birth in Louisiana: A Comparison of Methods. 2013 Jul; 17(5): 933–939.
[4]. Schummers L1,2, Hutcheon JA3, Hernandez-Diaz S1, Williams PL1,4, Hacker MR1,5,. Association of Short Inter pregnancy Interval With Pregnancy Outcomes According to Maternal Age. jamainternmed Dec.20181;178(12):1661-1670.
[5]. Sholapurkar SL. Is there an ideal interpregnancy interval after a live birth, miscarriage or other adverse pregnancy outcomes. 1.J Obstet Gynaecol. 2010 Feb;30(2):107-10. doi: 10.3109/01443610903470288
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Abstract: Neutrophils are the most abundant immune cells in humans and are the first line of defense against invading pathogens. They employ a wide array of anti-microbial strategies, most notably phagocytosis, Reactive Oxygen Species production, Intracellular and Extracellular degranulation to attack and eliminate pathogens. However, in 2004 Brinkman discovered a novel neutrophil-mediated defense mechanism, which showed that, upon encountering bacteria, neutrophils release a mesh-like structure capable of capturing and killing microbes. These web-like traps contain a backbone of DNA/histones and are peppered with anti-microbial peptides that are present within the........
[1]. Robert J.Genco periodontal disease and overall health: A clinician‟s guide. Chapter 2; 13- 14.
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[3]. Nussbaum G, Shapira L: How has neutrophil research improved our understanding of periodontal pathogenesis? J Clin Periodontol 2011; 38 (Suppl. 11): 49–59.
[4]. Nathan C Neutrophils and immunity:challenges and oppurtunities. Nat Rev Immunol 2006; 6:173-182.
[5]. Witko-Sarsat, V; Rieu P, Descamps-Latscha B, Lesavre P, Halbwachs-Mecarelli L. "Neutrophils: molecules, functions and pathophysiological aspects" Lab Invest.2000;80(5) :617-53.
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Abstract: Aims: The aims of the study were to assess the etiology and pattern of distribution of traumatic injuries to the teeth of 4 to 6 year old children reporting to tertiary dental setting, Kottayam and to compare the prevalence of these injuries between boys and girls. Methods: Study group was selected from the patients reporting with a history of acute dental trauma and in the age group of 4-6 years. A detailed history of all the patients who were willing to take part in the study was taken, followed by a thorough extra and intra oral examination by trained examiner using a mouth mirror and dental probe. Intra-examiner consistency was assessed by kappa values on tooth-by-tooth basis. The chi square test was used to analyze any gender and......
Keywords: Dental Trauma, Injury, Prevalence, Primary Teeth
[1]. De Sousa A. Psychological issues in acquired facial trauma. Indian J Plast Surg. 2010;43(2):200
[2]. Glendor ULF. Epidemiology of traumatic dental injuries: a 12 year review of the literature. Dental Traumatology. 2008; 24: 603-611.
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[4]. Véliz, A.; Catalán, B.; Rioseco, C.; Jerez, P.; Latapiat, A.; Matamoros, D. & Corral, C. Retrospective study of traumatic dental injuries of patients treated at a dental trauma clinic in Santiago, Chile. Int. J. Odontostomat. 2017; 11(4):405-410.
[5]. Kumarswamy SV, Madan N, Keerthi R, Singh DS. Pediatric injuries in maxillofacial trauma: a 5 year study. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2009;8(2):150–153
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Abstract: Introduction: The incidence of pregnancy related acute renal failure (PRARF) has declined over the past few years. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence, clinical profile, management and outcome of patients with pregnancy related acute renal failure. Material & Methods: The present study was based on the retrospective analysis of hospital case records of Government General Hospital, Guntur Medical College, Guntur. It was intended to bring out the profile of the pregnancy related acute renal failure (PR-ARF) cases in pregnancy admitted in the hospital from 2010 to 2018. Pregnant women who had developed acute renal failure with oliguria (urine output <400ml in 24 hours and serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL.......
Key words: pregnancy, acute renal failure, prevalence, outcome
[1]. Chinnappa V, Ankichetty S, Angle P, Halpern SH. Chronic kidney disease in pregnancy. Int J ObstetAnesth2013;22:223-30.
[2]. Hall M, Brunskill NJ. Renal disease in pregnancy. Obstet Gynaecol Reprod Med 2013;23:31-7.
[3]. Zynab Karimi, Leila Malekmakan, Maryam Farshadi. The Prevalence of Pregnancy-related Acute Renal Failure in Asia: A Systematic Review. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2017;28(1):1-8.
[4]. Goplani K R, Shah P R, Gera D N, Gumber M, Dabhi M, Feroz A, Kanodia K, Suresh S, Vanikar A V, Trivedi H L. Pregnancy-related acute renal failure: A single-center experience. Indian J Nephrol2008;18:17-21.
[5]. Sunil Kumar K, Ramakrishna C, Sivakumar V. Pregnancy related acute renal failure. J Obstet Gynecol India 2006;56(4):308-10.
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Abstract: Introduction Due to the morphological and physiological changesUrinary Tract Infections (UTIs) common in pregnancy[1]. Features of urinary tract infection are urgency, frequency, and dysuria. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria (ASB) is defined as the presence of actively multiplying bacteria, which is greater than 105/ ml of urine within the urinary tract, excluding the distal urethra, at a time when the patient has no symptoms of a UTI[2,4] . Aims and objective The objective of this prospective study was to identify the prevalence of ASB and most common causative microorganisms among pregnant women who attended a tertiary care centre at Bihar, India so that appropriate antibiotic therapy should be given as early as possible to prevent any obstetric and maternal complication associated with pregnancy..........
Key words: Urinary tract infection, Asymptomatic bacteriuria, E.Coli, Klebsiella
[1]. Ghafari M, Baigi V, Cheraghi Z, et al. The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in Iranian pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 2016;11:e0158031.
[2]. CelenS,OrucAS,KarayalcinR,SayganS,UnluS,PolatB,etal.,.Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and Antibacterial Susceptibility Patterns in an Obstetric Population. ISRN Obstet Gynaecol. 2011; 2011: Article ID 721872.
[3]. Matuszkiewicz-rowińska J, Małyszko J, Wieliczko M. Urinary tract infections in pregnancy: old and new unresolved diagnostic and therapeutic problems. Arch Med Sci 2015;11:67–77.
[4]. Jayalakshmi J, Jayaram VS. Evaluation of various screening tests to detect asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2008;51(3):379-81.
[5]. Kacmaz B, Cakir O, Aksoy A, Biri A. Evaluation of rapid urine screening tests to detect asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy. Jpn J Infec Dis. 2006;59(4):261-3.·.
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Abstract: Objective:Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae expresses itself in different clinico pathological forms,depending on the immune status of the host.Ridelyjopling criteria is widely used for classifying leprosy based on clinical features.The demonstration of acid fast bacilli on slit skin smear examination and skin biopsies aid in its diagnosis.The aim of present study is to observe the clinicohistopathological correlation of skin lesion in all patients with a clinical diagnosis of Hansen's disease. Material And Methods: The study include skin biopsy of all suspected cases of Hansen's disease received over aperiod of two years. Result: From this study it was observed that commonest group affected by leprosy was 31 to 60 years.Males are twice more commonly............
Keywords: Hansen'sdisease, skinbiopsy, Ridelyjopling criteria.
[1]. Jopling WH, McDougall. Definition, Epidemiology and World Distribution Hand book of Leprosy, Fifth edition. CBS Publishers and Distributors 1996: 1.
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[5]. Nadia S, Rashmi J, Sohaib A, Rawat SDS, SelviThamarai N, Meena H. Clinicopathological correlation of Leprosy : A 4 year's retrospective study from a tertiary referral centre in North India. Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(2):350-354...
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Abstract: Introduction: Soft tissue Sarcomas accounts for about 1%-2% of all malignant tumour in adults with an estimated incidence of 4-5 casesper/1,00,000/year.About 20% of adult soft tissues are located in retroperitoneum.Retroperitoneal liposarcoma is the most common variant and accounts for more than 50% of retroperitoneal sarcomas . Relapse after surgery is frequent and tend to be more aggressive. Case Report: Female patient came with chief complains of abdominal pain since 3 months , which has increased in intensity since last 10 days. Abdominal..........
[1]. RS Mohil, Umesh Jethwani, GJ Singh, J Arora, Ravi Saroha, Rahul Verma, FouziaSiraj . Gaint retroperitoneal liposarcoma : a very rare case report.
[2]. David W Kinne,MD, Florence C.H.CHU,MD, Andrew G.Huvos,MD, Alan Yagoda,MD, and Joseph G.Fortner,MD. Treatment of primary and recurrent retroperitoneal liposarcoma.
[3]. Samuel Singer, MD,CristinaR.Antonescu,MD,[…],and Murray F.Brennan,MD . Histologic Subtype and margin of resection predict pattern of recurrence and survival for retroperitoneal liposarcoma.
[4]. Da Silva F.R.a,b . Lima A.V.J.a,b . Albuquerque E.W.R.P.a,b . Moreira-Silva C.A.c . De Oliveira N.M.F, a,d . OhanaJ.A.L.a,e .CarvolhoL.E.W.a . Complete remission of recurrent retroperitoneal liposarcoma after the administration of gemcitabine and docetaxel as first line chemotherapy : A case report.
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Abstract: Background: Candidemia is a significant cause of nosocomial mortality and morbidity in neonates. The changing pattern in theisolation of Candida species from C. albicans to non-albicans Candida (NAC) species has resulted in the emergence of resistance to antifungal drugs. Aims & Objectives:i) Tostudy the frequency of neonatal candidemia in our tertiary care hospital ii) To identify the Candida isolates upto species level. iii) To determine the risk factors and correlate the data clinically. Methods: Blood samples collected from clinically suspected cases of neonatal septicaemia were inoculated into automated BacT/Alert 3D system (bioMerieux). Any growth indicated was sub-cultured on 5% sheep blood agar and Sabouraud's dextrose agar.........
Keywords: Neonates, candidemia, Non-albicansCandida, Candida albicans
[1]. Chander J, Texbook of Medical Mycology, 4th editionJaypee Brothers Medical publisher:2017.
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[3]. Caggiano G., Lovero G., De Giglio, OBarbuti, G., Montagna, O., Laforgia, N., &Montagna, M. T. (2017). Candidemia in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective, Observational Survey and Analysis of Literature Data. BioMed research international, 2017, 7901763. doi:10.1155/2017/7901763
[4]. Sardana V, Pandey A, Madan M, Goel S P, Asthana AK Neonatal candidemia: A changing trend. Indian J PatholMicrobiol 2012;55:132-3
[5]. Benjamin DK, Jr. Stoll BJ, fanaroff AA, McDonald SA, Oh W, Higgins RD,et al. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatla Network. Neonatlal candidiasis among extremely low birth weight infants: Risk factors, mortality rates, and neuro develpmental outcomes at 18 to 22 months. Pediatrics. 2006; 117:87-92..
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Abstract: Introduction: It's no secret that many doctors have poor handwriting. While we sometimes joke about the difficulty in reading doctors' scrawl, it's no laughing matter. In fact, it can lead to deadly mistakes. In 1999, one example quickly made the headlines. A cardiologist (heart doctor) had given a middle-aged man a handwritten prescription for 20 mg of Isordil (isosorbide) to be taken every 6 hours. The man needed this medicine to prevent episodes of heart pain that could lead to a heart attack. However, the doctor's handwriting was hard to read (see photo), and the purpose of the medicine was not on the prescription. A pharmacist misread Isordil as Plendil (felodipine), a medicine used to treat high blood pressure. The man suffered a heart attack after taking high doses of Plendil.........
Keywords: Pharmacists, prescription,Awareness, dispensing, health-care providers.
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Abstract: Background: In recent years, general surgeons who perform inguinal hernia repair have paid attention tosuccessful reduction in the recurrence rate. The Lichtenstein technique is widely used because it is easy to learn and is associated with a low rate of complication and recurrences. Today, the new objective in primary hernia surgery should be to reduce complications such as chronic pain. Chronic pain after hernia repair can be disabling, with considerable impact on quality of life and there is evidence to suggest increased use of health services by patients who have chronic pain Methods: This study is a prospective study of glue mesh fixation for primary unilateral inguinal hernia's during the period December 2017 – November 2018, Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai Medical college. Number of cases studied is 60 were recruited for the study.....
Keywords: Inguinal hernia; Hernia repair; Cyanoacrylate glue; Mesh fixation
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Abstract: Background: The assessment of the patient's facial soft tissue is very important for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. To date, there have been few studies assessing changes in facial esthetics through photography, so we aimed to compare facial soft tissue attractiveness before and after orthodontic treatment through photographic analysis and to find out whether this new analysis is applicable in clinical practice. Subjects and Methods: Pre- and post-treatment photographs for 60patients were divided into three groups according to Angle's classification:.........
Key Words:Angle malocclusion, aesthetics, facial soft tissue, photograph
[1]. Malkoc, S., et al., Angular photogrammetric analysis of the soft tissue facial profile of Turkish adults. Eur J Orthod, 2009. 31(2): p. 174-9.
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Abstract: Background: Renal artery arises from abdominal aorta supply the kidney, sometimes assisted by accessory renal arteries which also can arise from abdominal aorta. So various orifices present within the abdominal aorta may creat problem to identify the renal artery for the surgeons and radiologist during interventional procedures. Considering this clinical problem the present study has been undertaken to measure the distance of origin of renal artery from aortic bifurcation. Materials and methods: 16 embalmed formalin fixed cadavers (12 males, 4 females) were dissected in the abdomen to expose the renal artery, kidney and abdominal........
Keywords: Renal artery, abdominal aorta, aortic bifurcation, kidney
[1]. Standring S Gray's Anatomy, 4thedn. Kidney and ureter: ELBS. Elsevier. Churchill Living stone, 28; 1231˗33.
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Abstract: Facial soft tissue plays an important role in facial esthetics. Facial esthetics is an important goal of treatment for contemporary orthodontics and it is one of the patient's main reasons for seeking orthodontic treatment. Thus, the assessment of the patient's facial soft tissue is very important for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. The appearance of the face is influenced by age, sex, race, and ethnicity, and the orthodontist is frequently questioned about facial changes after treatment. Thus, it is recognized by most orthodontists that success of orthodontic treatment is closely related to the improvement of the soft tissue profile. Analyzing the human face is a science and an art, using both aesthetic and anthropologic tools. Different strategies have been utilized......
Keywords: Facial soft tissue analysis. Facial esthetics., orthodontics treatment
[1]. Spyropoulos, M.N. and D.J. Halazonetis, Significance of the soft tissue profile on facial esthetics. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2001. 119(5): p. 464-71.
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[3]. Fernandez-Riveiro, P., et al., Linear photogrammetric analysis of the soft tissue facial profile. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2002. 122(1): p. 59-66.
[4]. Fariaby, J., A. Hossini, and E. Saffari, Photographic analysis of faces of 20-year-old students in Iran. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2006. 44(5): p. 393-6.
[5]. Baik, H.S., J.M. Jeon, and H.J. Lee, Facial soft-tissue analysis of Korean adults with normal occlusion using a 3-dimensional laser scanner. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2007. 131(6): p. 759-66...
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Abstract: Neonatal sepsis is invasive infection, usually bacterial, occurring during the neonatal period. Signs are multiple, nonspecific, and include diminished spontaneous activity, less vigorous sucking, apnea, bradycardia, temperature instability, respiratory distress, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distention, jitteriness, seizures, and jaundice. Hence based on above findings the present study was planned to evaluate the various factors and occurrence of neonatal septicemia in the children admitted to the Department of Paediatrics of Dhaka Shishu(children) Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The study was planned by enrolling 176 neonates admitted in the selected hospital.........
Keywords: Risk Factors, Neonatal Sepsis, Invasive Infection
[1]. Vergnano S, Sharland M, Kazembe P, Mwansambo C, Heath PT. Neonatal sepsis: an international perspective. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2005; 90:F220-24.
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[5]. Verma P, Berwal PK, Nagaraj N, Swami S, Jivaji P, Narayan S. Neonatal sepsis: epidemiology, clinical spectrum, recent antimicrobial agents and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2017; 2(3):176-80..
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Abstract: Objectives:The aim of this study was to investigate the number of roots and root canals in the maxillary second premolar in a group of Jammu and Kashmir population. Materials and Methods: A total of 200 patients, 92 female (46%) and 108 male (54%), received root canal treatment of maxillary second premolar from January 2010 to January 2017. The mean age of the patients was 32.7, ranging from 18 to 60 years. The teeth included in the study were examined clinically and radiographically for the number of roots and root canals using magnifying loupes. Results: Out of the total of 200 maxillary second premolars.........
Key words: Maxillary second premolar, roots and root canals, apical foramina, magnifyin g loupes
[1]. Vertucci FJ. Root canal morphology and its relationship to endodontic procedures. Endod topics 2005;10:3-29.
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[5]. Awawdeh LA, Al-Qudah AA. Root form and canal morphology of mandibular premolars in a Jordanian population. Int Endod J 2008;41:240-8..
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Abstract: Background: Some of the medical students are using different medications during their examination days to perorm well in the examinations. There is a need to identify what medications they are usingand take certain measures to reduce the usage of medications if they are known to be harmful to the medical students Aim: To identify and evaluate different medications used by medical students during their Examination days and find out whether they are harmful to them. Materials and methods: The study was done on 200 medical students of ninth semester, of age 20-23 years. The study subjects were given a common questionnaire to fill, about usage of various medications during their Examination days...........
Key words: Examination days, Medications, Medical students, Harmful.
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