Series-17 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Introduction: Leprosy elicits spectrum of clinical, immunological and histological features. It is classified into 5 types according to Ridley and Jopling classification. . Proper diagnosis, subtyping and treatment play the main role in decreasing leprosy case load. Histopathological examination of skin and nerve lesions is the gold standard for confirmation of clinically suspected cases and classification. Aim of the study: Present study was conducted to study various types of leprosy cases in our population and its clinico-pathological correlation. Materials and method: A three year retrospective study was conducted in which a total 28 clinically diagnosed cases of leprosy were included.........
Keywords : Clinicopathological correlation, Histopathology, Leprosy, spectrum.
[1]. Semwal S, Joshi D, Goel G, Asati D, Kapoor N. Clinico-Histological Correlation in Hansen's Disease: Three-year Experience at a Newly Established Tertiary Care Center in Central India. Indian J Dermatol. 2018 Nov-Dec;63(6):465-468. doi: 10.4103/ijd.IJD_525_17. PubMed PMID: 30504973; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6233050.
[2]. Shrestha A, Chauhan S, Mathur M. Clinicohistopathological correlation of leprosy. J of Pathology of Nepal. 2017;7:1095-1102. doi: 10.3126/jpn.v7il.16946.
[3]. Pardillo FE, Fajardo TT, Abalos RM, Scollard D, Gelber RH. Methods for the classification of leprosy for treatment purposes. Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Apr15;44(8):1096-9. Epub 2007 Mar 5. PubMed PMID: 17366457.
[4]. Mathur M, Jha A, Joshi R, Wagle R. Histoid leprosy:a retrospective clinicopathological study from central Nepal. Int J Dermatol. 2017 Jun;56(6):664-668. doi: 10.1111/ijd.13593. Epub 2017 Mar21.
[5]. Rao PN, Suneetha S. Current Situation of Leprosy in India and its Future Implications. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2018 Mar-Apr;9(2):83-89.doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_282_17. PubMed PMID: 29644191; PubMed PMCID: PMC5885632..
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Abstract: Background: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is an inflammatory condition that is characterized by the presence of recurrent, painful, single or multiple ulcerations of oral mucosa. Though a lot of factors have been cited in the literature regarding the etiology of RAS, it still remains unknown. Since ABO blood group is related to immunity and genetics, it could possibly play a role in the development of RAS. Aim: To determine the correlation between ABO/Rh blood groups and recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Methods: A cross sectional observational study was carried out among 430 dental students. The data obtained from the study participants regarding the history of RAS and their blood groups was subjected to Chi square test to find the correlation between the variables. Results: 'A' blood group individuals have a higher prevalence of RAS followed by 'O', 'B' and 'AB' blood groups. However there is no statistically significant correlation between the variables. Conclusion: Lack of statistical significance indicates for larger sample to determine any correlation between ABO blood group and RAS
Key Words: Aphthous stomatitis, Aphthous ulcer, Blood group, Genetics, Oral ulcer
[1]. Liang MW, Neoh CY. Oral aphthosis: Management gaps and recent advances. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2012;41:463-70. [2]. Edgar NR, Saleh D, Miller RA. Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis: A Review. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol 2017;10:26-36.
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Abstract: Aortic valve replacement is done in variety of diseases of aortic valve. Different type of valves are available with there own advantage and disadvantages.In this study we compare effect on pressure gradient between St. jude bileaflet mechanical valve and TTK chitra tilting disc mechanical valve. in this small evaluation of 50 patients(25 had AVR with St.jude and 25 with TTK chitra) St. Jude appear to have less PG than TTK. . Average pressure gradient was 11.5 mm of Hg. In St. jude and 15mm Hg. In TTK. It shows better(low) pressure gradient in St. jude than TTK.
Key Words: Aortic valve replacement, pressure gradient, St. jude valve, TTK Chitra valve
[1]. Zhi B. Gao, Nadeen Hosein, Frank F. Dai, Ned H. C. Hwang. Pressure and flow fields in hinge region of bileaflet mechanical heart valve. 1999; 8(2): 197-205.
[2]. Herbert Naegle, Michael boulmann, Volkr Doring, Peter Kalmar, Wilfred Rodiger. Results of aortic valve replacement with pulm. And aortic homografts.The journal of heart valve disease 2000; 9(2): 215-221.
[3]. Michael D., Van Auker PhD, Aung Hla MD, Jay S. Meisner MD. Joel Strom MD. Simultaneous Doppler/Catheter measurement of pressure gradient in aortic valve disease. A correlation of Bernoulli equation based on velocity decay in stenotic jet. The journal of heart valve disease. 2000; 9(2): 291-298.
[4]. Anselmo de la Fuent MD The journal of heart valve disease 2000; 9(2): 303-307. Carbomedics and monostrutsvalves: Clinical and homodynamic outcomes in randomized study..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bilateral Renal Artery Stenosis Diagnosed with Vascular Ultrasound ina HypertensivePremature Neonate |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Filipe Fernandes |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1804171317 ![]() |
Abstract: Neonatal hypertension (NHT) is rare,being most frequent in preterm neonates andrelated to diverse factors such as the overall mother's health, pregnancy occurrences, gestational age at birth and medication to promote foetal maturation. The etiologic causes of NHT are multiple, with renovascular hypertension being the most common. Besidesiatrogenic aetiology, where vascular endothelial injury in the aorta and/or renal artery occursfollowing umbilical artery catheterization, other aetiologies exist among which coarctation of the aorta andrenal artery in rare cases.This........
Keywords: Doppler, hypertension, renovascular, neonate, ultrasound
[1] J. Dionne, C. Abitbol, and J. Flynn, "Hypertension in infancy: diagnosis, management and outcome" Pediatr Nephrol, vol. 27, pp. 17–32, 2012.
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[4] S. Chhadia, R. A. Cohn, G. Vural, and J. S. Donaldson, "Renal Doppler evaluation in the child with hypertension: A reasonable screening discriminator?" Pediatric Radiology, vol. 43, no. 12. pp. 1549–1556, 2013.
[5] E. S. H. Kim, "Renovascular Duplex Ultrasound in Children: A Lost Cause?" J. Am. Soc. Echocardiogr., vol. 29, no. 8, pp. A26–A27, 2016.
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Abstract: Introduction:Gingival recession could affect an individual's quality of life with nutritional, functional and psychosocial consequences when associated with clinical problems such as root surface hypersensitivity, root caries, cervical root abrasions, erosions ,calculus/plaque retention and chronic periodontitis.The purpose of using tooth cleaning device like chewing stick and toothbrush is to attain good oral hygiene compatible with good oral health. Gingival recession may be localized to one tooth, or a group of teeth, or may be generalized throughout the oral cavity. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of gingival recession in a rural community in Nigeria Methodology: A cross sectional study of 54 participants was carried out at Ozalla Model Primary Health Centre. They were.......
Key words: Gingival recession, rural, community
[1]. Khosya B, Devaraj CG. Etiology and severity of different grades of gingival recession in adult population.National Journal of Medical Research,2014, Volume 4,Issue 3:189-192.
[2]. Humagain M, Kafle D. The Evaluation of Prevalence, Extension and Severity of Gingival Recession among Rural Nepalese Adults, Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, 2013,Vol. 3, No. 1:41-46.
[3]. Mumghamba EGS, Honkala S, Honkala E , Manji KP. Gingival Recession, Oral Hygieneand Associated Factors Among Tanzanian Women.East African Medical Journal ,2009,Vol. 86. No. 3:125-132.
[4]. Tugnait A, Clerehugh V. Gingival recession: its significance and management.Journal of Dentistry.2001; 29: 381-394.
[5]. Kundapur PP, Bhat KM, Bhat GS. Association of Trauma from Occlusion with Localized Gingival Recession in Mandibular Anterior Teeth. DRJ 2009; 6(2): 71-74..
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Abstract: Malocclusion poses a great burden worldwide. Persistent oral habits bring about alteration in the activity of orofacial muscles. Non-nutritive sucking habits are shown to cause anterior open bite and posterior crossbite. Abnormal tongue posture and tongue thrust swallow result in proclination of maxillary anterior teeth and openbite. Mouth breathing causes incompetence of lips, lowered position of tongue and clockwise rotation of the mandible. Early diagnosis and treatment of the orofacial myofunctional disorders render great benefits by minimizing related malocclusion and reducing possibility of relapse after orthodontic treatment. Myofunctional appliances or pre orthodontic trainers......
Key words: Pre-orthodontic trainers, Myofunctional appliances, Early orthodontic treatment, Oral habits correction, Prefabricated functional appliance
[1]. Shivakumar KM, Chandu GN, Subba Reddy VV, Shafiulla MD. Prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment needs among middle and high school children of Davangere city, India by using dental aesthetic index. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2009;27:211–8.
[2]. Disha P, Poornima P, Pai SM, Nagaveni NB, Roshan NM, Manoharan M. Malocclusion and dental caries experience among 8–9-year-old children in a city of South Indian region: A cross-sectional survey. J Educ Health Promot 2017;6:98.
[3]. Danz JC, Greuter C, Sifakakis I, Fayed M, Pandis N, Katsaros C. Stability and relapse after orthodontic treatment of deep bite cases—a long-term follow-up study. Eur J Orthod 2012;36(5):522-30.
[4]. Leme MS, De Souza Barbosa T, Gavião MB. Relationship among oral habits, orofacial function and oral health-related quality of life in children. Braz Oral Res 2013;27(3):272-8.
[5]. Ramirez-Yanez GO, Farrell C. Soft tissue dysfunction: a missing clue when treating malocclusions. Int J Jaw Func Orthop 2005;1(5/6):483-494..
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Abstract: The aim of the study was the levels of serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, HDL, LDL and VLDL at initial attack, remission and follow up period in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. We established the relationship in between the levels of lipid profile parameters during remission and relapse. Patients 2-12 year old child with nephrotic syndrome admitted to R.G.Kar Medical college and hospital fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study.The study of 50 patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome were studied over period of one year. Serum HDL level are less important in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. It is either same or low as previous value. It has no significant value in relapse...........
Keywords: Hyperlipidemia, Lipid profile, childhood idiopathic, nephrotic syndrome
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Abstract: Background: Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation are considered potent noxious stimuli which provoke haemodynamic responses leading to a marked increase in heart rate and blood pressure. These events are especially detrimental in individuals who have limited myocardial reserve due to coronary artery disease, cardiac dysrhythmias, congestive heart failure, hypertension, cardiomyopathy and geriatric age group. Hence, it is mandatory to take measures to attenuate these pressor responses. Material and methods: A total of 90 patients undergoing surgeries requiring general anaesthesia for more than 30 minutes were enrolled in this comparative study of preoperative pregabalin and melatonin for attenuation of haemodynamic responses.........
Key words: Haemodynamic pressor response, intubation, laryngoscopy, melatonin, pregabalin, sedation.
[1]. Henderson J. Airway management in the adult. In: Miller RD, editor. Miller's Anaesthesia. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone; 2010, p. 1573-610.
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Abstract: Introduction: Chronic polyneuropathies were most common neuropathies with major emphasis on motor and sensory symptoms with autonomic symptoms overlooked which may be the cause of poor quality of life and mortality.Aims and Objectives of the Study: 1.To study the frequency of occurrence of autonomic dysfunction in chronic polyneuropathies.2.To study the pattern of autonomic dysfunction in chronic polyneuropathies.3.To quantitate the severity of autonomic dysfunction using Ewing's criteria. Methods: A sample of 97 chronic polyneuropathycases fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken and autonomic functions were analysed using CAN 504 analyser, sympathetic skin response. Results: Out of 97 cases,DM with polyneuropathy (DPN........
Keywords: Chronicpolyneuropathies, Autonomic function, Cardiac Autonomic Function.
[1]. Rosenberg NR, Portegies P, deVisser M, Vermeulen M. Diagnostic investigation of patients with chronic polyneuropathy: evaluation of a clinical guideline. J NeurolNeurosurg Psychiatry, 2001; 71: 205–09.
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[5]. Suresh Babu P, T. V. Murthy et al., The Prevalence and Severity of Autonomic Dysfunction in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Ann Indian AcadNeurol, 2017; 20(3): 274–277..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hypokalemia in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: Frequency, Severity and Mortality |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Amey Gauns || Suhas Kumbhar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1804174852 ![]() |
Abstract: Hypokalemia is one of the commonest electrolyte abnormality seen in P.I.C.U patients which has profound effect on electrical activity of cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscles. Objective: To study the frequency, severity, risk factors and mortality of hypokalemia. Material and methods: This retrospective cross sectional study was carried out in PICU at Bharati hospital sangli over a period of 3 months. Results: Out of total 153 PICU admissions over a period of 3 months, hypokalemia was found in 50 patients (32.7%). Out of which, 26......
Keywords: hypokalemia, PICU,
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Abstract: Provisional, interim or transitional restoration has been demonstrated to function as an important component in the majority of the various dental disciplines. Provisional FPDs are the prototype on which functional, occlusal & aesthetic adjustments are made to optimize the definitive prosthesis.2.
Keywords: Provisional restoration, Interim restoration.
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Abstract: Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death world wide. To reduce the mortality a method to detect and assess the severity of diseaseearly is essential. CHA2DS2-VASc score used to guide antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation,has as its components risk factors similar to those of coronary artery disease. Aim of this study to investigate usefulness of CHA2DS2-VASc score in predicting atherosclerosis burden. Methods: This prospective, observational study included376 consecutive patients with coronary artery disease, who underwent coronary angiogram. This study used SYNTAX (Synergy between percutaneous coronary intervention with Taxus and cardiac surgery)score and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) as markers of atherosclerosis. Analysis of variance and.........
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Abstract: Background: Stroke is an acute neurological injury which occurs due to vascular pathology with many modifiable risk factors,dyslipidemia being one of them. In this study lipid profile was studied in non-diabetic patients with stroke, because diabetes itself is associated with hyperlipidemia. Materials And Methods: The study was conducted on 60 non-diabetic stroke patients and 60 age and sex matched controls who did not have stroke,after obtaining consent. Results: The study shows the effect of Triglycerides, VLDL and Smoking on stroke. Conclusion: This study showed significant association of Triglycerides and VLDL in non-diabetics with stroke. High levels of Triglycerides and VLDL were associated.....
Keywords: cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking, stroke, triglycerides
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Abstract: Background 1. To study the incidence of incidental carcinoma of gall bladder in patients undergoing routine cholecystectomy. 2. To study the demographic profile and management of these patients. Material And Method: A retrospective plus prospective study was conducted from January 2016 to August 2018. A total of 2371 patients were included in this study. All patients who have undergone cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis were included in this study. Results: Atotalof 2371 patients,whounderwentcholecystectomyfor cholelithiasis, were included in the study. There were 868 males (36.6%) and.....
Keywords: Gallbladder,Incidental carcinoma
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Abstract: This case report describes the diagnosis and treatment of a 14 year old skeletal Class II female patient. The patient was treated by using forsus fatigue resistant appliance. The total time duration of the treatment was 26 months. A fixed functional appliance is given in a growing skeletal Class II patient with positive VTO and acceptable tooth size-arch length discrepancy, so that the case can be managed by a non-extraction approach. This device uses remaining growth of the patient and utilizes it in improving the esthetics and hence self-esteem of the patient that to non-surgically..
Keywords: Orthodontics, Orthodontic management, Skeletal Class II malocclusion, Non-extraction approach, Forsus fatigue resistant appliance
[1]. Sastri MR, Jain HA, Vakil KK, Nayak K. Management of Class II Malocclusion with Modification in Forsus Fatigue Resistance Device: A Case Report. IJSS. 2015 Jan;1(8):20.
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to correlate between the CT exposure parameters and dose values. This study was carried out in five major hospitals radiology department and diagnostic centers in Khartoum as a retrospective study, conducted from 100 patients who referred for common CT exams. The methodology was based on a retrospective collective data, imply a total of 100 common CT exams for pediatric and adults patients. The results have been highlighted in forms of bars, and correlations and the analysis revealed that: the frequency of patient referred to CT examination was higher among male group and represents 66% of the sample relative to female that represents.......
Key words: CTDI, DLP, Exposure Parameters
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