Series-15 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Introduction: Quality of life is important for people with diabetes and their healthcare providers for several reasons. This is because many people who suffer from diabetes and who have poor quality of life, often have less attention to their self-care and disease management. When self-care is diminished in diabetes, it in turn leads to poor glycemic control and increased risk of complications. Thus, quality of life issues are crucially important because they may powerfully predict an individual's capacity to manage his/her disease and maintain long term health and wellbeing.Aim:To assess the HRQOL among Type 2 Diabetic subjects in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradeshstate so as to study the correlation between demographic characters of T2DM subjects with various domains of HRQOL and to contribute to the existing epidemiological data of the country. Methods: After obtaining approval from the IEC and..........
Key Words: Questionnaires, Awareness, health-care providers,Diabetes mellitus, and quality of life.
[1]. Lloyd, A., Sawyer, W and Hopkinson, P. 2001.Impact of long-term complications on quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes not using insulin. Value Health.4:392-400.
[2]. Michalos, A.C. 2003.Social indicators research and health-related quality of life research.Social Indicators Research. 65: 27-72.
[3]. Thommasen, H and Zhang, W. 2006. Health-related quality of life and type 2 diabetesA Health-related quality of life and type 2 diabetes: A study of people living in the Bella Coola Valley. British Columbia Medical Journal.48(6): 272-278.
[4]. Thommasen, H.V., Patenaude, J and Anderson, N. 2004.Differences in diabetic comorbiditybetween Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people living in Bella Coola, Canada. Journal of Rural and Remote Health.319(4): 1-13.
[5]. 5.Thumboo, J., Chan, S.P., Machin, D., Soh, C.H., Feng, P.H and Boey, M.L.2002.Measuring health-related quality of life in Singapore, normal values for the English and Chinese SF-36 Health Survey.Annals of the Academy of MedicineSingapore.31(3): 366-374.
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Abstract: Background: The treatment of displaced calcaneum fractures has been a subject of intense discussion. Displaced intra-articular calcaneum fractures gives poor result with conservative treatment and requires reduction and internal fixation for favourable long term results. Open procedures are more prone to complications regarding wound healing. Percutaneous fixation offers a middle pathway in treating simpler variety of displaced calcaneal fractures. The aim of the study was to access the functional outcome of intra articular fracture calcaneum managed with closed reduction by Essex-Lopresti technique and percutaneous screw fixation. Methods: This study.........
[1]. Sangeorzan BJ, Benirschke SK, Car JB. Surgical management of the oscalcis. Instr Course Lect. 1995,44:359-70.
[2]. Thordarson DB, Krieger LE. Operative vs. nonoperative treatment of intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus: a prospective randomized trial. Foot Ankle Int. 1996;17:2-9.
[3]. Rammeit S. Zwipp H. Calcaneus fractures: facts controversies and recent developments. Injury. 2004:35:443-61.
[4]. Lim EV, Leung JP. Complications of intraarticular calcaneal fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2001;(391):7-16.
[5]. Crosby LA, Fitzgibbons TC. Open reduction and Internal fixation of type 2 intraarticular calcaneus fractures. Foot Ankle Int. 1996;17:253-8.
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Abstract: Background: Spinal dysraphism refers to the entire range of spinal column and neural axis anomalies. The objective was to evaluate the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in characterizing the congenital and developmental disorders of spine. Methods: MRI images depicting the spinal dysraphism, stored in InstaRAD system in Department of Radio diagnosis, SSIMS &RC, Davangere during the period of 2018 January to 2018 July were retrospectively reviewed and data were retrieved. All the patients were made to undergo MRI spine using 1.5 Tesla MRI, manufactured by GE, SIGNA........
Keywords: Spinal dysraphism, Neural tube defects (NTD), Congenital spinal disorders, MRI spinal dysraphism
[1]. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
[2]. Altman NR, Altman DH. MR imaging of spinal dysraphism.American journal of neuroradiology. 1987 May 1;8(3):533-8.
[3]. Harwood-Nash DC. Computed tomography of the pediatric spine: a pro-tocol for the 1980's. Radiol Clin North Am 1981;19:479-494
[4]. Tortori-Donati P, Rossi A, Cama A. Spinal dysraphism: a review of neuroradio-logical features with embryological correlations and proposal for a new clas-sification. Neuroradiology2000; 42:471–491.
[5]. Rossi A, Biancheri R, Cama A, Piatelli G, Ravegnani M, Tortori-Donati P. Imaging in spine and spinal cord malformations. Eur J Radiol 2004;50:177-200..
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Abstract: MRI scan is one of the key diagnostic component of healthcare sector. Many conditions require an MRI scan for conclusive diagnosis. But at the same time it is a very expensive equipment and has a high capital and operational expenditure. The key financial issues in setting up MRI scan centre are: 1. High cost of equipment. 2. Rapidly changing imaging technology which makes new models obsolete quickly 3. Requires big physical infrastructure setup 4. Costly maintenance of equipment. 5. Limited availability of skilled manpower for both operation and maintenance 6. High cost of associated employee salary......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mucormycosis – A Rare Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Niranjana Das P || Sudha S || Sujatha Varma || Navajeevraj M N || Deepthi P V |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1804154245 ![]() |
Abstract: Mucormycois is a devastating opportunistic fungal infection that occurs mostly in diabetics and immunocompromised patients including those with hematologic malignancies. Neutropenia induced by bone marrow suppression in leukemic patients make them a significant risk for opportunistic fungal infection. We report a case of mucormycosis in a 17 yr old male patient, under chemotheraphy for Acute myeloid leukemia. Diagnosis was made by histopathologic examination and confirmed by special stain which revealed the characteristic appearance of the fungus. The present case highlights the importance of considering mucormycosis even in patients with mild immunosuppression.
Key words: Phycomycosis, Acute Myeloid Leukemia
[1]. Jayachandran S, Krithika C. Mucormycosis presenting as palatal perforation. Indian J Dent Res. 2009;17(3):139. doi:10.4103/0970-9290.29873
[2]. Waness A, Al Dawsari G, Al Jahdali H. The Rise of an oppurtunistic infection called "Invasive zygomycosis." J Glob Infect Dis. 2009;1(2):131. doi:10.4103/0974-777x.56256
[3]. Deepa A, Nair B, Sivakumar T, Joseph A. Uncommon opportunistic fungal infections of oral. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2014;18(2):235. doi:10.4103/0973-029x.140765
[4]. Pfaller MA, Pappas PG, Wingard JR. Invasive Fungal Pathogens: Current Epidemiological Trends. Clin Infect Dis. 2006;43(Supplement_1):S3-S14. doi:10.1086/504490
[5]. Oishi M, Kosai K, Yanagihara K, et al. Primary Oral Mucormycosis Due to Rhizopus microsporus after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation. Intern Med. 2018;57(17):2567-2571. doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.0474-17.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pregnancy with Pruritus: Our Experince. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gp Capt JC Sharma || Dr Rupa Talukdar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1804154651 ![]() |
Abstract: Pruritus effects about 15% of pregnancy and is distressing for the women and also carry additional risk to the foetus. Careful clinical evaluation supported by appropriate laboratory investigation will help in the differential diagnosis of the specific skin condition such as scabies and systemic disorders with associated dermatological manifestations. Aim: Aim of the study is to evaluate outcome of pregnancy with pruritus. Material and method: A total number of 270 pregnant women who attended antenatal clinic of a defence hospital were monitored for the symptom of pruirtus during the period of Jul 2005 to Aug 2006. There were 35 patients who had symptoms of pruritus. Result : The incidence was about 14.5 % at the age group below 30 years and about 10% in older patients. The incidence in primigravida was 14 % and in multigravida was 12%. 80 % of patients were in third trimester. A varied aetiology of pruritus.............
Key words: pruritus in pregnancy, obstetric cholestasis, fetal compromise
[1]. Furhoff AK (1974). Itching in pregnancy: A 15 year follow up of study. Acta Medical Scandinavica 196, 403-401.
[2]. Holmes RC, BlackMm (1982). The specific dermatoses of pregnancy: a reappraisal with special emphasis of on proposed simplified clinical classification. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 7, 65-73.
[3]. Goodlin RC, Andersion JC, Skil TL (1985). Pruritus and hyper placentosis. Obstetric and Gynaecology 66, 36-38s.
[4]. Latkainen T, Tulenheimo A (1984) Maternal serum bile acid levels and foetal distress in cholestasis of pregnancy. International journal of Gynaeology and Obstestrics. 22: 91-94.
[5]. Jonston WG, Basket TF (1979) Obstetrics cholestsis : A 14 year review; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 133: 299-301..
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Abstract: Clinical studies have reported cross-sectional associations between lower vitamin D levels and blood pressure, coronary artery calcification, and prevalent cardiovascular disease like coronary artery disease, chronic left ventricular dysfunction other than musculo-skeletal disease. Aim of our study is to assess the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients with chronic left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF<50%). 50 patients attending at cardiology outdoor and admitted at cardiology ward of IPGME&R and SSKM Hospital were included in the study from one year (April 2016-March 2017). Our study demonstrate that the.........
Keywords:Cardiovascular Disease, Vitamin-D Deficiency, Left Ventricular Dysfunction, Conventional Echocardiographic Parameter
[1]. GR, Gupta A (2014) Fortification of foods with vitamin D in India. Nutrients. 6:3601-23.
[2]. Holick MF. Prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy and implication for health.Mayo Clin Proc 2006;81:355–73.
[3]. Harinarayan CV, Ramalakshmi T, Venkataprasad u. High prevalence of low dietary calcium and low vitamin D status in healthy Indians. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2004;13(4):359–64.
[4]. Goswami R, Gupta N, Goswami D,Marwaha RK, Tandon N, Kochupillai N, et al. Prevalence and significance of low 25(OH)D concentration in healthy subjects in Delhi. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:472–5.
[5]. Kim DH, Sabour S, Sagar UN, Adams S, Whellan DJ. Prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in cardiovascular disease (from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001-2004). Am J Cardiol 2008;102:1540–4.
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Abstract: Introduction: Childhood poisoning is responsible for serious morbidity and mortality. Accidental poisoning from household materials like kerosene, pesticides and drugs is most commonly encountered in pediatric practice. Kerosene poisoning is the most common (46%) form of acute accidental poisoning occurring in children. This study was conducted to determine the clinical profile and immediate outcome of kerosene poisoning in children. Methodology: This was an observational study done in the department of pediatrics of Chattogram Medical College Hospital involving fifty children who were admitted for accidental kerosene ingestion from April to September 2008. Results: Mean age.......
Keywords: Kerosene, Hydrocarbon, Accidental poisoning.
[1]. Toxnet Toxicology Data Network. Human Toxicity Excerpts: /Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning;[accessed 28May2009]: Available from: https:// +1700
[2]. ValaJA. Reviews in Medicine: Clinical Toxicology. Postgrad. Med 1993; 69: 19.
[3]. Hossain AKM, Hannan MA, Jannan FAJ.Clinical Pattern and Outcome of Poisoning in Medical Indoor of a Teaching Hospital. BJM 1999; 10(1): 27-29.
[4]. Gupta P, Singh RP, Murali MV, Bhargava SK, Sharma P.Kerosene Oil Poisoning-A Childhood Menace. Indian pediatr 1992; 29: 978-84.
[5]. Bangladesh Health Bulletin 1997. A Program to establish a poisoning information centre, [accessed 12 June 2000]. Available from: licts_file/ images/ Health Bulletin/ Health% 20 Bulletin% 201997.pdf.
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Abstract: Traumatic dental injuries are the main causes of emergency treatment in dentistry. Root fracture comprise 0.5 to 7% of the injuries affecting the permanent dentition. One of the treatment options for root fracture cases are immediate implant placement. This articles explains the advantages, disadvantages and clinical requirements for immediate implant placementand describes a case report for immediate implant placement in 34 region with root fracture
Keywords: Immediate Implant, Root Fracture, Esthetic Zone, Osseointegration.
[1]. Malhotra N, Kundabala M, Acharaya S. A review of root fractures: diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Dental update. 2011 Nov 2;38(9):615-28.
[2]. Bhola M, Neely AL, Kolhatkar S. Immediate implant placement: clinical decisions, advantages, and disadvantages. Journal of Prosthodontics: Implant, Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry. 2008 Oct;17(7):576-81.
[3]. Gpt 9
[4]. Koh RU, Rudek I, Wang HL. Immediate implant placement: positives and negatives. Implant dentistry. 2010 Apr 1;19(2):98-108.
[5]. Schwartz‐Arad D, Chaushu G. The ways and wherefores of immediate placement of implants into fresh extraction sites: a literature review. Journal of Periodontology. 1997 Oct;68(10):915-23.
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Abstract: Giant cell fibroma is a slow growing non-neoplastic lesion which has distinct clinical and histopathological characteristics The name "giant cell fibroma" denotes the presence of large multinucleated stellate shaped fibroblasts which are seen mainly in superficial connective tissue.This lesion usually occurs at a young age, and is more common between the second and third decades of life. Giantcell fibroma can be diagnosed only on histopathological examination. The prognosis is good and recurrence rare. The current report presents a case of a large palatally located giant cell fibroma in a 12 yr old boy, which presented as pyogenic granuloma, a rare finding.
[1]. Gnepp D R. Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck, 2nd edition .Saunder Elsevier, Philadelphia, Pa, USA, , 2009.
[2]. Houston G D.The giant cell fibroma.A review of 464 cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1982;53(6):582-7.
[3]. Weathers DR, Callihan MD. Giant cell fibroma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol1974;37(3): 374-84.
[4]. Vergotine R J. A giant cell fibroma and focal fibrous hyperplasia in a young child: a case report," Case Rep Dent 2012;2012: 370242.
[5]. Torrus Domingo S, Bagan JV, Jimenez Y, Poveda R, Murillo J, Diaz JM et al. "Benign tumors of the oral mucosa: a study of 300 patients. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2008 Mar 1;13(3):E161-6..
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Abstract: Introduction: Typhoid fever, caused by Salmonella enteric serovar Typhi, is a global public health concern due to increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Characterization of S. Typhi genomes for AMR and the evolution of different lineages, especially in countries where typhoid fever is endemic such as Bangladesh, will help public health professionals to better design and implement appropriate preventive measures. Enteric fever is a life threatening febrile illness caused by Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi found highly prevalent in developing countries like Bangladesh. The government and non-government organization is working together for minimizing the burden of disease through active surveillance, ongoing collection of data, analysis and interpretation of data...........
Keywords: TP Test, Blood Culture, Microbial Resistance
[1]. Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi in Bangladesh: Exploration of Genomic Diversity and Antimicrobial ResistanceArif M. Tanmoy, Emilie Westeel, Katrien De Bruyne, Johan Goris, Alain Rajoharison, Mohammad S. I. Sajib, Alex van Belkum, Samir K. Saha, Florence Komurian-Pradel, Hubert P. Endtz
[2]. Crump JA, Luby SP, Mintz ED . 2004. The global burden of typhoid fever. Bull World Health Organ 82:346–353.
[3]. Taibur Rahman *1, I.H., Sajib Chakraborty2, A Rapid Glimpse on Typhoid Fever: An
[4]. Updated Mini Review. Journal of life medicine, 2013. 1(3): p. 71-82.
[5]. Date, K.A., et al.,Typhoid Fever surveillance and vaccine use-South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions, 2009â€―2013. MMWR.Morbidity and mortality weeklyreport. 63: p. 855-60..