Series-11 (February 2023)February 2023 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: Blood stream infections (BSIs) are amongst the leading hospital acquired infections in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. BSIs may be primary ( the only identifiable infectious process) or secondary ( spread of bacteria from another localized infection ) Emergence of resistant bacteria in the ICUs and their spread to other patients in the hospital settings is a challenge for the clinician dealing with seriously ill patients. Aim and objective: To study the profile of bacterial pathogens causing blood stream infections (BSI) in Medical (MICU) and Surgical ICU (SICU) and to study the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of these isolates in a tertiary care hospital in Western India......
Keywords: Blood stream infections, MICU, SICU
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Abstract: Background: Uncorrected refractive error is one of the common causes of vision impairment worldwide and could pose a great challenge in the realization of vision 2020 especially in the developing world and communities with poor resource setting. Socio-economic lives of affected individuals could be negatively affected. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the pattern of refractive error in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria Method: This was a population-based descriptive cross-sectional study. A total of 362 individuals voluntarily participated. Participants' demographic data, detailed ocular examination, objective and subjective refractions were carried out and data inputted into SPPS version 25 for analyses. Statistical significance was set......
Key words: Eleme Local Government Area, Pattern, Refractive Error
[1]. Resnikoff, S. (2008). Global magnitude of visual impairment caused by uncorrected refractive errors in 2004. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86(1), 63–70.
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[5]. Bourne, R. R. A., Stevens, G. A., White, R. A., Smith, J. L., Flaxman, S. R., Price, H., Jonas, J. B., Keeffe, J., Leasher, J., Naidoo, K., Pesudovs, K., Resnikoff, S., & Taylor, H. R. (2013). Causes of vision loss worldwide, 1990–2010: a systematic analysis. The Lancet Global Health, 1(6), e339–e349.
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Abstract: Background: Hyponatremia occurs when the serum sodium concentration reaches below 135 mEq/l. It is a common electrolyte disorder in the elderly. Types of hyponatremia include hypervolemic, hypovolemic and euvolemic types. Since the existing literature is not enough to draw conclusions on hyponatremia, we want to determine the prevalence and pattern of hyponatremia in relation to age, gender and severity among elderly patients. Objective:This study was done to know the pattern of hyponatremia among elderly patients attending our tertiary care centre. Materials and Methods: This study was done at tertiary care teaching hospital in the Department of General Medicine at Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Hyderabad, Telangana, India from August 2022 to January 2023. 200 elderly.....
Keywords: Hyponatremia, elderly, sodium levels, electrolytedisorder, cross-sectional study
[1]. Henry DA. In The Clinic: Hyponatremia. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Aug 4;163(3): ITC1-19. doi: 10.7326/AITC201508040. PMID: 26237763.
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[4]. Singh RK, Chaudhury S. Hyponatremia-induced psychosis in an industrial setting. Ind Psychiatry J. 2009 Jul;18(2):137-8. doi: 10.4103/0972-6748.62277. PMID: 21180494; PMCID: PMC2996200.
[5]. Pillai KS, Trivedi TH, Moulick ND. Hyponatremia in ICU. J Assoc Physicians India. 2018; 66:48–52.
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Abstract: Background: The dressing of wounds is an old art and has undergone a wide variety of changes from ancient herbal dressing to modern dressing materials. The main aim was always to heal the wounds. Wounds and their management are fundamental in the practice of surgery. The prevalence of leg ulceration is approximately 1% to 2%, and is slightly higher in the older adult population. Leg ulcers are an increasing problem worldwide and represent a major health care burden. Patients with leg ulcers are managed by clinicians in multiple specialties, including primary care,........
[1]. Ryan TG The epidemiology of leg ulcers in diagnosis and treatment (Westerhof W,ed).Amsterdam:Elsevier science publishers BV,1993:19-27.
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Abstract: Background: Atopic dermatitis negatively affects the quality of life of its patients, and has a strong impact on social relationships, psychological state, and daily activities. Studies show that mental disorders are more common in individuals with atopic dermatitis than in the general population. Objectives: To evaluate the quality of life and to screen for emotional and psychosocial disorders in children and adolescents with atopic dermatitis. Methods: Application of the Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) and Pediatric Symptoms Checklist (PSC) questionnaires in children aged 5 to 16 years, diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, and followed up in a pediatric dermatology.......
Key-words: Atopic dermatitis, screening, children, adolescent, questionnaire, mental disorders
[1]. Santos P, Dias G, Junior SC, Cerqueira AM. Qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes com dermatite atópica e seus cuidadores. Rev. Port. de Imunoalergologia. 2021; 29(1):39-48.
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[3]. Carvalho SLC, Boguchewski AP, Nascimento FLS, Dalmas LM, Carvalho VO. Impacto da dermatite atópica na qualidade de vida da família. Arq Asma AlergImunol. 2017; 1(3):305-10.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Study of Abruptio Placentae at Tertiary Care Center |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | GaneshTondge || Nandkishore More || DimpalBhakare |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2202113338 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The overall incidence of placental abruption varies from 0.4 to 1.0% [16–18]. The rate is generally lower in case–control (0.35%) than in cohort studies (0.69%). Objective:to find out the percentage of AbruptioPlacentae, risk factors and causes of AbruptioPlacentae, maternal and Perinatal morbidities, and mortality due to Abruptioplacentae, complications of Abruptioplacentae. Methods:A Prospective cross-sectional study was conducted among 100 cases of abruptioplacentae admitted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of a tertiary care centre during January 2021 to June 2022.Results:Majority of study participants were 21-25 years age group. Majority of subjects were educated upto 5th standard. Majority of subjects were Labourer. Most of study subjects are from lower socioeconomic class. Most of the.......
Keywords: AbruptioPlacentae, risk factors,Maternal and Perinatal morbidities, complications
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Abstract: MR imaging especially complements USG due to its exceptionally high resolution, multiplanar capabilities, superior soft tissue contrast and enlarged field view. The earliest prenatal diagnosis has been achieved with the help of ultrasounds at 18 weeks followed by MRI at 23 weeks. MRI (pre and postnatal) depicts the scalloping of the clivus, small posterior fossa with hypoplastic cerebellum , large encephalocele , the low lying tentorium, hydrocephalus and the dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. Fetal MRI has been found to be complementary to the ultrasonography which further reaffirms additional concrete findings in its vicinity such as migrational abnormalities or callosal anomalies........
Keywords: Chiari malformation, posterior fossa, cerebellum, inferior herniation and cerebellar tonsillar herniation.
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Abstract: Introduction: Head and Neck cancer is a major concern among health professionals in developing countries like India. Larynx is the most common site for head and neck malignancy in adults.Tobacco smoking and alcohol are the major risk factors for laryngeal cancer. Objective:To study the demographic pattern, etiological risk factors,clinical presentation,socioeconomic and occupational differences.To evaluate site of origin and histopathological patterns of laryngeal carcinoma in patients attending the Guntur GGH ENT OPD. Materials and methods:This is an observational.......
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Abstract: A 20 year old male presented with history of trauma to right eye with a thorn 2 days ago, followed by decreased vision in right eye. On examination visual acuity in right eye was counting fingers 2 meters, left eye was 6/6 . Anterior segment examination of right eye revealed a corneal tear about 3 mm in paracentral area, with loose fluffy cortical material in anterior chamber, with traumatic cataract. Fundus examination was not possible due to corneal tear and traumatic cataract. USG Bscan was avoided due to open globe injury. Left eye anterior segment and fundus were within.......
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