Series-12 (February 2023)February 2023 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Ultrasonography is usually performed as a first step in the assessment of musculoskeletal soft tissue masses. Its ready applicability and availability, high affinity at discriminating tissue layers, good spatial and contrast resolution, real-time imaging capability has made it a useful tool in assessing soft tissue masses.Comparative angiographic and pathologic studies have demonstrated that newly formed tumor vessels show distinct features which can readily be detected by use of color Doppler and Spectral Wave Analysis and help to differentiate benign from malignant.....
[1]. Hung EH, Griffith JF, Hung Ng AW, Lee RK, Lau DT, Leung JC. Ultrasound of musculoskeletal soft-tissue tumors superficial to the investing fascia. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2014 Jun;202(6):W532-40. [2]. Chiou HJ, Chou YH, Chiu SY, Wang HK, Chen WM, Chen TH, Chang CY. Differentiation of benign and malignant superficial soft-tissue masses using grayscale and color Doppler ultrasonography. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. 2009 Jun 1;72(6):307-15. [3]. Hwang S, Adler RS. Sonographic evaluation of the musculoskeletal soft tissue masses. Ultrasound quarterly. 2005 Dec 1;21(4):259-70. [4]. Paltiel HJ, Burrows PE, Kozakewich HP, Zurakowski D, Mulliken JB. Soft-tissue vascular anomalies: utility of US for diagnosis. Radiology. 2000 Mar;214(3):747-54. [5]. Ahuja AT, Richards P, Wong KT, Yuen EH, King AD. Accuracy of high-resolution sonography compared with magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of head and neck venous vascular malformations. Clinical radiology. 2003 Nov 1;58(11):869-75
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Visual Outcomes after Blunt Trauma |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Dr. DIVYA CH || Dr.RAVI KIRAN P |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2202120609 ![]() |
Abstract: Background:Trauma can result in wide spectrum of eye injury of the globe, optic nerve and adnexa ranging from superficial to vision threatening complications. Blindness has regularly been found the most feared of all disabilities.Ocular trauma is a preventable public health problem throughout the world.It is one of the common causes of ophthalmic morbidity and monocular blindness in all parts of the world.In India reported incidence of ocular trauma varies from 1 to 5%. The global annual incidence of ocular trauma is around 55 million of which 7,50,000 cases require hospital......
Key words: Trauma, visual impairment , visual acuity ,corneal abrasion , protection , follow up.
[1]. Scott R. The injured eye. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2011 Jan 27;366(1562):251-60.
[2]. Maiya AS, Dharmesh AM, Jayaram R. Clinical profile of ocular blunt trauma in a rural hospital. Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology and Research, 2018; 6(1): 3-7. [3]. Jain BS and Soni SR. Ocular injuries: An analytical study in a teaching general hospital. Indian J Ophthalmol 1987; 35:112-6
[4]. Jawade, S., Dagwar, R. ., & Chauhan, R. . (2020). Clinical Profile and Visual Outcome of Blunt Ocular Trauma in a Tertiary Care Centre of Central India: A Prospective Study. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 7(11), 5063–5069
[5]. Misra S, Nandwani R, Gogri P, and Misra N. Clinical profile and visual outcome of ocular in arural area of western India. Australas Med J. 2013; 6(11): 560–564
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Septoplasty is a surgical procedure done to correct deviated nasal septum.Its normal practice to pack the nose for 24 - 48hrs with variety of materials and techniques which is associated with few problems and complications. Nasal septal quilt suturing is a commonly used alternative to nasal packing after Septoplasty which overcomes the post operative problems and complications associated with nasal packing. Hence this comparative study is done. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim and objective of the study was to compare post operative problems and complications between septoplasty with.....
Keywords: Nasal quilting, nasal packing, septoplasty
[1]. Walikar BN, Rashinkar SM, Watwe MV, Fathima A, Kakkeri A (2011) A comparative study of septoplasty with or without nasalpacking. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 63(3):247–248.
[2]. Vijay Ramalingam, Rajarajan Venkatesan ,Subramaniam Somasundaram, Kamindan Kandasamy, Murugesan Rajeswari, A comparative study between septal quilting sutureswith out nasal packing and only nasal packing post septal correction. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (Apr–June 2020) 72(2):169–174.
[3]. Dandan Wang,Ting Liu, Chao Liao, Guangjun Tang, Tian Tian, Li Tian, nasal septal suturing alternative to nasal packing (2020) ( DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/WF3GX.
[4]. Weber R, Hochapfel F, Draf W (2000) Packing and stents in endonasal surgery. Rhinology 38:49–62.
[5]. Hesham A, Ghali A (2011) Rapid Rhino versus Merocel nasal packs in septal surgery. J LaryngolOtol 125(12):1244–1246.
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Abstract: Background: Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), is one of the most frequent and serious neurological insult found in both neonates as well as adults. This is a neuro-vascular and neuro-metabolic syndrome, caused by a shortage of supply of oxygen and glucose or their metabolism in the brain. It is caused by a global hypoperfusion or oxygenation deficiency rather than from infarction in a specific vascular cerebral territory. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most sensitive and safe modality for evaluating these patterns of brain injury. Materials and Methods: In this case report, we discuss 3 uncommon cases of complicated hypoxic ischemic brain injury in patients who came to DR. D. Y. Patil Medical Hospital, Navi Mumbai. All scans were done on 1.5 Tesla MRI machine.........
[3]. [4].
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Abstract: Pilonidal disease is a common anorectal issue that manifests itself most frequently in the hair follicles of the sacrococcygeal region. The prevalence of pilonidal illness is estimated at 26 cases per 100,000 people. Due to differences in hair features and development patterns, Caucasians are significantly affected by this ailment, which commonly affects teenagers and young adults up to the third decade of life.(1–3)The hirsute nature of men has made them a recognized risk group with a male to female ratio of 4:1. Other risk factors for pilonidal sinus include being overweight (37%), having a sedentary job (44%), and experiencing local irritation or trauma (34%).(4,5)Karydakis simplified the......
Keywords: V-Y advancement flap, pilonidal sinus, primary suturing
[1]. Nixon AT, Garza RF. Pilonidal Cyst And Sinus [Internet]. StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing; 2022 [cited 2023 Jan 30]. Available from:
[2]. Mahmood F, Hussain A, Akingboye A. Pilonidal sinus disease: Review of current practice and prospects for endoscopic treatment. Ann Med Surg [Internet]. 2020 Aug 1 [cited 2023 Jan 30];57:212–7. Available from:
[3]. Varnalidis I, Ioannidis O, Paraskevas G, Papapostolou D, Malakozis S, Gatzos S, et al. Pilonidal sinus: a comparative study of treatment methods. J Med Life [Internet]. 2014 Mar 15 [cited 2023 Jan 30];7(1):27–30. Available from:
[4]. Patient characteristics and symptoms in chronic pilonidal sinus disease - PubMed [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jan 30]. Available from:
[5]. Sahasrabudhe P, Panse N, Waghmare C, Waykole P. V-Y Advancement Flap Technique in Resurfacing Postexcisional Defect in Cases with Pilonidal Sinus Disease—Study of 25 Cases. Indian J Surg [Internet]. 2012 Oct [cited 2023 Jan 30];74(5):364–70. Available from:
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Abstract: Introduction: Gallstone incidence is rising in frequency. The traditional notion that a typical gall stone patient is an obese, fertile female of 40 is only partially correct because the condition may also strike underweight and slender women shortly after giving birth.A iron deficiency affects the function of various hepatic enzymes, increasing bile saturation with cholesterol in the gall bladder and increasing the crystallisation of cholesterol. Aim: The purpose of this research is to determine the link between biliary cholesterol levels and blood cholesterol levels in individuals with iron deficiency.......
Keywords: Biliary cholesterol, Gallstone disease, Iron levels.
[1]. Bagla C. Evaluation of Biliary Cholesterol, Biliary Ferritin and Expression of Apo B-100 Gene in Patients of Cholelithiasis. Biomed J Sci Tech Res [Internet]. 2022 Feb 10 [cited 2023 Jan 10];41(5). Available from:
[2]. Dube BAK, Kher K. Correlation between Serum Iron, Serum Ferritin and Bile Cholesterol Level in Gallstone Disease. J Clin Diagn Res [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2023 Jan 10]; Available from:
[3]. Sivakumar B, Kuthus NSA. Study of Iron Deficiency Anemia and its Association with Cholelithiasis. 2021;9(8).
[4]. Babu RG, Bille S. Correlation of gallstone disease with iron deficiency anemia. Arch Int Surg [Internet]. 2017 Oct 1 [cited 2023 Jan 10];7(4):121. Available from:;year=2017;volume=7;issue=4;spage=121;epage=125;aulast=Babu;type=0
[5]. R K, V R, Reddy AV, S S. ANALYSIS OF BILIARY CHOLESTEROL LEVELS IN IRON-DEFICIENT PATIENTS OPERATED FOR GALLSTONE DISEASE. J Evid Based Med Healthc [Internet]. 2017 Jan 24 [cited 2023 Jan 10];4(8):401–4. Available from:
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Abstract: Background The cervico-isthmic pregnancy has an incidence of 1:1,800–1:2,200 pregnancies1, 2although the exact incidence is unknown because of the fewer cases reported in literature3. Case report A 28yr old female patient was admitted as a case of G2P1 at 9 weeks with previous caesarean section with cervicoisthmic pregnancy. There was no response to medical therapywith methotrexate and hence patient was offered feticide by USG guided intracardiac injection of KCl. Eventually the patient needed evacuation with manual vaccum aspiration for removal of products of conception in view of bleeding per vaginum. However, as the pregnancy was no longer viable......
Key words: Cervicoisthmic pregnancy, methotrexate, manual vaccum aspiration
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[6]. Iyibozkurt AC, Topuz S, Gungor F, Kalelioglu IH, Cigerli E, Akhan SE (2008) Conservative treatment of an early ectopic pregnancy in a cesarean scar with systemic methotrexate—case report
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Abstract: Introduction: Pregnancy in rudimentary horn is a rare event, that can have life threatening complications. Although, very rarely, there have been cases of rudimentary horn pregnancies resulting in live babies, almost 50% of the casesend up in rupture of the rudimentary horn and maternal collapse. Case report: Here, we present a unique case where the patient presented at 27 weeks with intrauterine fetal demise, never diagnosed before with uterine anomaly.However, the diagnosis was made as the patient did not respond to induction of labour that raised the suspicion of a possible uterine abnormality. Subsequently,thediagnosis of unicornuate uterus with pregnancy in the rudimentary horn was made on ultrasonography, confirmed with MRI.......
Key words: Pregnancy, rudimentary horn, unicornuate uterus.
[1]. Reichman D, Laufer MR, Robinson BK. Pregnancy outcomes in unicornuate uteri: a review. FertilSteril 2008;91:1886–94.
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[3]. Yu-Ju Lai et al. Pregnancy in a noncommunicating rudimentary horn of a unicornuate uterus: Prerupture diagnosis and management. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics &Gynecology 55 (2016) 604-606
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[5]. YfatKadan et al. Rudimentary Horn Pregnancy Diagnosed by Ultrasound and Treated by Laparoscopy–A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology (2008) 15, 527–530
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Abstract: The endodontic system and the periodontium are closely interrelated and the infection of both leads to the appearance of endodontic-periodontal lesions. Along with the endodontic and periodontal classic treatment, in most cases, there is a need for regenerative periodontal therapy for the repair of the damaged tissue1. One material that stimulates bone healing is represented by platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)1. Platelet rich fibrin is widely used in stimulation and acceleration of soft tissue and bone healing because of local and continuous delivery of growth factors and proteins, mimicking the needs of the physiological wound healing and reparative tissue processes2. In this case report one case......
Key words: Periapical surgery, platelet growth factor, platelet rich fibrin, GTR
[1]. Maria Ioana Onicas, Laura Elena Narita, Alexandru Mester, Florin Onisor, and Leonardo Mancini. Platelet-Rich Fibrin: A Viable Therapy for Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions? A Preliminary Assessment. Applied sciences, 2021, 11, 7086.
[2]. Smita Singh, Arunendra Singh, Sourav Singh, Rashmi Singh. Application of PRF in surgical management of periapical lesions. National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery | Vol 4 | Issue 1 | Jan-Jun 2013 | 94.
[3]. Case selection for apical surgery: a retrospective evaluation of associated factors and rational. ; Abramovitz I, Better H, Shacham A, Shlomi B, Metzger Z ; J Endod. 2002 Jul; 28(7):527-30.
[4]. Thomas von Arx, Apical surgery: A review of current techniques and outcome,The Saudi Dental Journal,Volume 23, Issue 1,2011,Pages 9-15
[5]. Serrano-Giménez M, Sánchez-Torres A, Gay-Escoda C. Prognostic factors on periapical surgery: A systematic review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2015;20(6):e715-e722.
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Abstract: The present randomized crossover study was to test the efficacy of Triclosan with Zinc Citrate containing toothpaste (TZ) and Potassium Nitrate toothpaste (PN) on anti-plaque, anti-gingivitis and desensitizing properties. The subjects were randomly assigned to either of the two groups (TZ and PN toothpaste groups).An analysis of Plaque Index(PI), Gingival Index (GI) and Visual Analogue Scales (VASs)indicating Dentinal Hypersensitivity levels were carried out at baseline and after 28 days followed by a wash out period. After which, the two groups were interchanged alternatively and assessment was done in the same fashion. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 (IBM, Chicago Inc., IL USA). Mann-Whitney U-test was applied with p<0.001 considered as significant.A substantial median change reduction in PI......
Key words: dentifrice; dentinal hypersensitivity; gingivitis; plaque.
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Abstract: Introduction Tibia plateau fractures are a diverse group of fractures with a wide range of severity. Due to its location and subcutaneous nature for most of its length, tibial fractures are frequently open. Orthopaedic surgeons around the world have been battling infections and union issues associated with its fractures due to its fragile blood supply and limited soft tissue coverage. The aforesaid problems stand true even for fractures of proximal tibia and plateau fractures(1,2). can be quite challenging to manage. They are notoriously difficult to reduce, align and stabilize, and are prone......
Key words: Depressed Tibial plateau fractures, Plating and Bone grafting
[1]. Egol KA, Koval KJ. In: Fracture of proximal tibia: chapter 50, Rockwood and Green's ―Fracture in Adults‖, Vol. 2, 6th edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 1999.
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[5]. Mills WJ, Nork SE. Open reduction and internal fixation of High energy tibial plateau fractures. OrthopClin North Am 2002; 33:177-194
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Abstract: Intracapsular neck of femur is a severe traumatic condition that accounts for more than half of allhipfractures,whichprimarilyoccurintheelderlyafterfalls.IC#NOFshavepresentedsignificantchallengestoorthopaedicsurgeonsandabidetobeanunsolved fracture in terms of treatment and outcomes. Our society is becoming moregeriatric as life expectancy rises with each decade, with a significant increase in thefiguresofhospitalised& nursinghomepatientswith IC#NOFsandtheirsequelae. In 1990, Asiaaccounted for 26% of all hip fractures, but this figure is likely to rise to 37% in 2025and 45% in 2050. We accomplish that the socioeconomic....