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Abstract: Introduction: Appendicitis is one of the most common intra-abdominal condition requiring surgery.It has a lifetime risk of 6%.1Appendicectomy continues to be one of the commonest procedures in general surgery which accounts for approximately 1% of all surgical operation.2Laparoscopic appendicectomy has the advantage of diagnosis and treatment in one procedure with least morbidity.Critics of laparoscopic appendicectomy often point to the increased cost of the surgical equipments as a major disadvantage of this procedure. Despite these concerns,however the cost effectiveness for the laparoscopic appendicectomy is easily realized once the decreased hospital stay and entire......
Keywords: Acute Appendicitis, Laparoscopicappendicectomy, open appendicectomy
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Abstract: Introduction:Benign breast diseases are common disorder, upto 30% of women will suffer from benign breast diseases requiring treatment at sometimes in their lives. It is at least 10 times more common than breast cancer in hospital clinic.The term benign breast disease, (BBD) encompasses a heterogenous clinical and pathological condition which ranges from inflammatory condition to benign neoplastic conditions.During the past decade there has been an increasing interest in BBD for the reasons like its high incidence, patients demanding investigations and treatment for symptoms of diseases and the question of premalignant disorder in which surveillance may be beneficial.......
Key words: Benign Breast Disease, Fibroadenoma, Fibroadenosis
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Intestinal anastomosis can be performed by a hand sewn technique using absorbable and/or non absorbablesutures , mechanical stapling devices or biological glues. The choice of anastomotic technique may be influenced by the diameter of the bowel ends, edema, accessibility and site of anastomosis, contamination, available time and equipment and underlying pathology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 50 patients in the age group of 18-80 years who were randomly allocated into two groups. 25 underwent.........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Splenic Injury in Blunt Trauma Abdomen - Study in A Tertiary Care Centre |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Abhijit Medhi || Dr. Hussain Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2202092234 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: One of the most often injured solid organs in traumatic abdominal injury is the spleen, which frequently has a high mortality and morbidity rate. The management approach gradually shifted to non-invasive management with improvements in diagnosis and therapy. The goal of this study is to examine the clinical presentation of a patient with splenic trauma, the value of FAST and CT scans in such patients, and the line of care with particular emphasis on non-operative management. Methods: Between June 2021 and May 2022, 50 patients with splenic injuries who were admitted to the Department of Surgery at the GMCH........
Keywords: Splenic injury, Ultrasonography FAST, Computed Tomography (CT) scan, Angiography
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Abstract: Background Chronic calculuscholecystitis is a common disease of hepatobiliary system constituting a significant health problems in developing and developed countries. Many risk factors like age, sex, metabolic disorders, environmental factors, ethnicity are associated with it. Gallstone disease has various clinical presentations. Cholecystectomy is a common abdominal surgery done in Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Assam. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the gold standard method of surgery done for chronic calculus cholecystitis. Materials and methods It wasa single centre prospective, clinical observational study done in Department of General Surgery, Gauhati Medical College and Hospital......
Key words : Chronic calculus cholecystitis, Risk factors, Clinical presentations, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Early recovery
[1]. Gaharwar A. Factors favouring cholelithiasis in North Indian population. IOSR J Pharm. 2013 Jun;3(5):1-3.
[2]. Gul R, Dar RA, Sheikh RA, Salroo NA, Matoo AR, Wani SH. Comparison of early and delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis: experience from a single center. North American journal of medical sciences. 2013 Jul;5(7):414.
[3]. Sapkota P, Oli YB, Pokharel N. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Chronic Calculus Cholecystitis. Journal of Lumbini Medical College. 2013 Dec 30;1(2):78-9.
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Abstract: Tonsillectomy is important surgery performed in the field of ENT. as Cold steel tonsillectomy is a famous performed technique over a period of time . Lot of new methods of tonsillectomy have been introduced with perceived advantages in terms of to decrease the bleeding, to reduce the pain, more rapid healing in the post operative period and ease of surgical technique. Even though it is simple surgery the surgeon always have to be aware of bleeding as the oropharynx highly vascular , in this study peritonsillar infiltration with epinephrine ( adrenaline ) with dosage of 1: 100000 mixed.......
Key words : tonsillectomy , peritonsillar infiltration , adrenaline , lignocaine , blood loss
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A clinical study of liver abscess with its management |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Dr.Tamojit Dhar || Dr.Purujit Choudhury |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2202095256 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction Liver abscess is defined as a collection of purulent material in the liver parenchyma which can be due to bacterial, fungal, parasitic or mixed. It is a common condition in India. India has the second highest incidence in the world. Materials and methods: A prospective clinic-pathological study of 50 patients with liver abscess and its management strategies. Results and Observation: Out of 50 cases of liver abscess, there were 32 cases of pyogenic liver abscess and 18 cases of amoebic liver abscess.......
Key words : Amoebic liver abscess; Pyogenic liver abscess.
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Abstract: Adescriptive, cross sectional study done in the Khartoum state /Sudan clinic, in the period from January 2022 to January 2023 evaluated the first trimester vaginal bleeding using ultrasound. For the different types of miscarriage as a part of vaginal bleeding during first trimester 200 women patients age group between 16 and 43 years old, , the patients were scanned trans abdominally and other scanned endovaginal, the study variable were (age, gravidity, occupation and parity, pelvic pain, socio-economic status. The study found that there were 40% of cases were incomplete miscarriage, 25% complete miscarriage, 13% threatened miscarriage, 18% missed miscarriage, inevitable.......
Key words :Vaginal bleeding Ultrasound Types of miscarriage Sudanese women
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Abstract: Introduction Acute pancreatitis (AP) is defined as an inflammatory process of the pancreas with possible peri-pancreatic tissue and multi organ involvement inducing multi organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) with an increased mortality rate. The worldwide incidence of acute pancreatitis ranges between 5-80 cases per 100,000 populations per year. Most patients develop a mild and self-limited course, however 10-20% of patients develop a rapidly progressive inflammatory response associated with prolonged length of hospital stay and significant morbidity and mortality. Early assessment of severity and identification of patients at risk is important for early intensive therapy and timely intervention. The study is conducted for assessment of the two scoring systems, viz. Ranson's and BISAP in predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis.......
Key words : BISAP, Ranson, pancreatitis
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