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Abstract: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a condition characterized by repetitive upper airway obstruction leading to sleep fragmentation, cardiovascular stimulation and oxygen desaturation during sleep. Together, these lead to symptoms such as snoring, unrefreshing sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness(EDS) and the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, insulin resistance, cerebrovascular disease and road traffic accidents.With the current growth of obesity, ENT surgeons, Cardiologists,Endocrinologists as well as sleep clinicians are witnessing a large increasein the prevalence of OSA in their practices.1 minimally invasive upper airway surgery include the sparing of the overlying mucosa and decreased operative morbidity and postoperative complications Materials and methods:This is a longitudinal study conducted in Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Govt ENT hospital, Koti, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad. StudyGroup: 40 patients diagnosed as OSA.......
Keywords: obstructive sleep apnoea, coblation,,hypopnoea index, excessive day time slepiness ,polysomnogram, epworth sleepiness scale
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Abstract: Introduction: MTP is common procedure done by trained medical professionals under certain circumstances as per MTP rules and guideline. But it has certain complication and data about complication are not fully available. According to the first national study of the incidence of abortion and unintended pregnancy in India, an estimated 15.6 million abortions were performed in the country in 2015. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 100 patients (29 on OPD basis, 71 indoor) coming to District Hospital, Ranchi attending OPD (including emergency OPD) and IPD during January 2016 to January 2019 after MTP. This Study also included maternal mortality among all women participated in the study. During the study period abortion records were collected prospectively. Data collected included the number of previous induced and spontaneous abortions.......
Key words: MTP, Pregnancy, MMA, anaemia
[1]. Brian G, Bell FS, Stobberingh E, Goossens H, Pringle M. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of antibiotic consumption on antibiotic resistance. BMC Infect Dis. 2014;14:13.
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Abstract: Introduction: Intertrochanteric fracture femur is one of the most encountered problem by the orthopaedic surgeons in elderly patients because of poor bone mass quality and accompanying systemic disorders. In this study, patients operated with internal fixation and endoprosthesis are compared according to the survival, quality of life and mobilization. Aims and Objectives: The study aims to compare the result of the differentsurgical modalities of treatment for fracture intertrochanteric femur.......
Key words: Hip arthroplasty, Intertrochanteric fracture fixation, osteoporosis, complications, Pfn, DHS,Endoprosthesis
[1]. Karakus O, Ozdemir G, Karaca S, Cetin M, Saygi B. The relationship between the type of unstable intertrochanteric femur fracture and mobility in the elderly. J Orthop Surg Res. 2018 Aug 22;13(1):207. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sublingual Versus Vaginal Misoprostol For Induction Of Labour At Term |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ananya Agrawal || Babita Ramani |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1906101619 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: To compare the efficacy of sublingual with vaginal misoprostol for induction of labour in primigravida at term. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology V.S.S. Medical College &Hospital ,Burla, Odisha. Methodology: The study included 102 primigravidaswith singleton pregnancy at term, havingunfavourable Bishop score with no contraindication of induction of labour, vaginal delivery or misoprostoluse. The cases were randomized into two equal groups, A and B. Women in the group A were given 25 μg of misoprostolvaginaly at an interval of 4 hours to a maximum of 6 doses while patients in the group B were prescribed the medicine sublingually.....
Key words:-Misoprostol, Labour induction, Primigravida, Sublingual, vaginal administration
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Abstract: Myeloid Sarcoma (MS) is a rare extramedullary proliferation of blasts that can precede, occur concurrently or develop after acute or chronic leukemia in the bone marrow. Rarity of presentation has precluded description of detailed radiological findings and these cases may present a diagnostic dilemma to radiologist and clinicians as they can mimiccommon diseases. A 43-year-old-lady presented to us with lower abdominal pain and acute onset paraparesis. She was found to have a well-defined heterogeneously enhancing lesion in the left adnexa with mild ascites on contrast enhanced CT scan. Incidentally, multiple ill-defined plaque like heterogeneously enhancing lesions along bilateral pleura were also identified. MRI pelvis confirmed the above lesion which was intermediate on T1, mildly hyperintense on T2 with few small cystic areas and showed patchy areas of diffusion restriction with intense homogenous...
Key words: Isolated Myeloid Sarcoma, epidural deposits, ovarian myeloid sarcoma, 3+7 induction
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Abstract: Introduction: Temporomandibular osteoarthritis (TMJ OA) is a degenerative disease that is characterized by progressive cartilage degradation, subchondral bone remodeling, synovitis, and chronic pain. Non invasive treatment of TMJ OAare physiotherapy, medication and splint therapy. Among these, splint therapy has been clinically confirmed to effectively protect the TMJ against overloading and to relieve excessive muscular tension. The aim of this article is to describe non invasive treatment in TMJ OA patient by using stabilization splint. Case report: A 23 years old female patient with the chief complaint of open bite in the front teeth that she had recently. She also suffers from morning stiffness and fasial pain on the right side for almost 9 years. Clinical examination found that the overbite.........
Key words: temporomandibular joint, osteoarthritis, non invasive treatment, stabilization splint
[1]. Deshpande P, Patil K, Guledgud MV, D'souza RS. Diagnostic Imaging in TMJ Osteoarthritis: A Case Report and Overview. International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research. 2015;3(3 ): 56-59
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Abstract: Cystic hygroma is a congenital malformation of the lymphatic system that occurs in children less than 2 years of age. Although it is well recognised in paediatric practice, it seldom presents de novo in adults. These are commonly present in head and neck but can occur anywhere. Cystic hygroma is very rare in adults, but it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of adult neck swellings. Patients presenting with a pain-less, soft, fluctuant and enlarging neck mass should have a careful history and physical examination along with radiological imaging to help in diagnosis. Here, we are reporting a case of cystic hygroma in a 42-year-old female patient in the neck region.
Keywords: Adult, Cystic hygroma, Lymphangioma, Neck.
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Abstract: Background: Ocular trauma is a frequent and avoidable cause of monocular visual impairment in children. Injuries range from a small corneal epithelial abrasion to penetrating and globe rupture leading to blindness or poor vision.Younger children suffer mostly from toy injuries while older ones suffer mostly from outdoor recreational activities.Pediatric ocular trauma are commonly caused by sticks, stones and metallic objects. Objectives: To determine the clinical profile and visual outcome of ocular trauma in children up to 16 years of age. Methods: Hospital based observational study was carried out inRegional Institute of Ophthalmology, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand, during September 2016 to June 2018 where 83 children up to 16 years of age with history of ocular......
Key words: Ocular trauma, Adnexa,Ocular morbidity,Avoidable blindness
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Abstract: Background Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a declared global pandemic. Since December, 2019, Wuhan, China, has experienced an outbreak of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with COVID-19 have been reported & well described in different articles from different countries. This epidemic of Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) leading to a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). No systematic reviews on COVID-19 have been published to date. No articles depicting this pandemic have been published to date in Bangladesh. There are multiple parameters of the clinical course and management of the COVID-19 that need optimization in our country.........
[1]. Fei Zhou, Ting Yu, Ronghui Du, Guohui Fan, Ying Liu, Zhibo Liu, Jie Xiang, et al. Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult in patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet 2020; 395: 1054–62.
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Abstract: Background: Streptococcus mutans plays an important role in the initiation and progression of secondary caries under composite restorations. Secondary caries attributes to the most important reason for failure of composite restorations in various randomized controlled trials. Surface roughness of the restoration determines the degree of bacterial adherence. Proper finishing and polishing of the restoration can reduce plaque accumulation and formation of secondary caries. Previous study on mesoporous nanosilica showed that it is more effective in reducing the surface roughness of nanocomposites than the conventional micron sized abrasive polishing systems. This study determines the degree of Streptococcus mutans bacterial adherence on the composite discs polihed using.......
Key Words: Mesoporous nanosilica, Nanocomposite, Streptococcus mutans, Optical density, UV-Spectrophotometer.
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