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Abstract: Introduction: Femoral shaft fractures are common fractures in paediatric age group. Males are affected more commonly than females, they represent 1.6% of all bony injuries in children. In children, fractures of the femoral shaft have been traditionally treated mostly by conservatively immobilization in a Spica cast, either immediately or after a period of traction. But this safe form of treatment has two major drawbacks. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study carried out to evaluate the outcome, time taken for union of fracture and complication with use of TENS. Consecutive patients of fracture shaft femur in children between 6- 16 years admitted in Dr Lals Hospital.......
Key Words: Femoral shaft, Titanium elastic nails, Spica cast
[1]. Hedin H. Surgical treatment of femoral fractures in children Comparison between external fixation and elastic intramedullary nails: A review. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica. 2004 Jan 1;75(3):231-40.
[2]. Gwyn DT, Olney BW, Dart BR, Czuwala PJ. Rotational control of various pediatric femur fractures stabilized with titanium elastic intramedullary nails. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 2004 Mar 1;24(2):172-7.
[3]. Soni JF, Schelle G, Valenza W, Pavelec AC, Souza CD. Unstable femoral fractures treated with titanium elastic intramedullary nails, in children. RevistaBrasileira de Ortopedia (English Edition). 2012 Oct 31;47(5):575-80.
[4]. Kumar N, Chaudhary L. Titanium Elastic Nails for Pediatric Femur Fractures: Clinical and Radiological Study. Surgical Science. 2010 Jul 30;1(01):15.
[5]. Jalan D, Chandra R, Sharma VK. Results of titanium elastic nailing in paediatric femoral diaphyseal fractures—report of 30 cases. Chinese Journal of Traumatology.2013 Apr 1;16(2):77-83..
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Abstract: Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic degenerative joint disease and a major cause of disability in the elderly people. The rapid increase in the prevalence of this disease suggests that OA will have a growing impact on health care and public health systems in the near future. Materials and Methods: We conducted a prospective analysis of 40 cases of osteoarthritis knee patients at a tertiary care centre Dr Lals Hospital, Kadru, Ranchi over a period of two years. Those patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty were assessed clinically and functionally using knee society score. Results: The majority of the patients were from the age group of 56-65 years which accounts for 57.5% of patients in our study. The youngest patient was 48 years of age and the oldest patient was 70 years. The mean age was 60 years.....
Key Words: Osteoarthritis, Total knee arthroplasty
[1]. Kane RL, Saleh KJ, Wilt TJ, et al.The functional outcomes of total Knee arthroplasty. The Journal of Bone & Joint SurgeryAm 2005;87(8):1719-24.
[2]. Hinman RS, BennellK, Metcalf B, et al. Delayed onset of quadriceps activity and altered knee joint kinematics during stair stepping in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002;83(8):1080-6.
[3]. Insall JN, Dorr LD, Scott RD, et al. Rationale of the knee society clinical rating system. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1989;248:13-4.
[4]. SmithH, JanM, Mahomed NN, et al. Meta-analysis and systemic review of clinical outcomes comparing mobile bearing and Fixed bearing Total Knee arthroplasty.Journal of Arthroplasty 2011;26(8):1205-13..
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Abstract: Introduction: Commonly, distal femoral fractures are related with high velocity road traffic accidents. The incidence of distal femur fractures is approximately 37 per 1,00,000 person-years. In elderly persons distal femur fractures are associated with trivial fall due to osteoporosis and can cause difficulty in fracture fixation. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study conducted in the Department of Orthopaedics, Dr Lals Hospital, Kadru, Ranchi from January 2019 to December 2019. A total of 50 patients with distal femoral fractures were included in the study as per the inclusion criteria outlined previously. On admission detailed examination of the patients was carried out after hemodynamic stabilization. Then standard Antero-Posterior and Lateral view X-Rays......
Key Words:RTA, femoral fractures, hemodynamic stabilization
[1]. Hugh Owen Thomas. Rockwood CA, Green DP (1966) Fractures in adult. 4th ed (II):1966; 1972-1993.
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[3]. Kregor PJ, Stannard J, Zlowodzki M, Cole PA, Alonso J (2001) Distal femoral fracture fixation utilizing the Less Invasive Stabilization System (L.I.S.S.): the technique and early results. Injury 32: 32-47.
[4]. Schütz M, Müller M, Regazzoni P, Höntzsch D, Krettek C, et al. (2005) Use of the Less Invasive Stabilization System (LISS) in patients with distal femoral (AO33) fractures: a prospective multicenter study. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 125:102-108.
[5]. Giles JB, DeLee JC, Heckman JD, Keever JE (1982) Suracondylar and intercondylar fractures of the femur treated with a supracondylar plate and lag screw. JBJS 64-A: 864..
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Abstract: Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is one of the main causes of musculoskeletal disability. Osteoarthritis is a common, debilitating disease which is associated with a large societal and economic burden, in addition to the physical and psychological sequelae, it often manifests in the affected individual. Osteoarthritis is the fourth leading cause of "years lived with disability" (YLD), accounting for 3.0% of total global YLD's. As per WHO by 2030, the demand for total knee arthroplasties will increase up to 670%. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective observational study, conducted among 50 patients (selected at conveniences) with knee osteoarthritis who were studied in the outpatient department of Orthopaedics, Dr Lals Hospital, Kadru, Ranchi. An informed......
Key Words: Osteoarthritis, BMI, IKDC
[1]. Anna Litwic, Mark H Edwards, Elaine M Dennison, andCyrus Cooper. Epidemiology and burden of Osteoarthritis, British medical bulletin 2015:1-15.
[2]. Steven Sampson, Marty Reed, Holly Silvers, Michael Meng, Bert Mandelbaum. Injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Patients with Primary and Secondary Knee Osteoarthritis- A Pilot Study, American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2010: 1961-69.
[3]. Karsdal MA, et al. Should subchondral bone turnover be targeted when treating osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2008; 16(6):638-46.
[4]. P.Lavenge et al. Subchondral and trabecular bone metabolism regulation in canine experimental knee osteoarthritis. OsteoArthritis and Cartilage (2005) 13, 310-317.
[5]. Boyd SK, Muller R, Zernicke RF. Mechanical and architectural bone adaptation in early stage experimental osteoarthritis. J Bone Miner Res. 2002; 17(4):687-94...
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Abstract: Introduction: Otitis media with effusion syn. 'Glue Ear' is best defined as the presence within the middle ear cleft of an effusion which may be serous, mucoid, serosanguinous with intact tympanic membrane. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in Dr lals hospital, Kadru , Ranchi, Jharkhand and is a non-randomised controlled, prospective study. Sample size was taken conveniently. A total number of 70 patients from age 5 - 30 years, suffering from persistent otitis media with effusion and adenoid hypertrophy were selected from the outpatient department of ENT after detailed clinical examination and investigations. Exclusion criteria involves patients with OME but no adenoid hypertrophy, previous history of any surgery for this condition, suspected neoplastic lesion of.....
Key Words: OME, myringotomy, Otitis media
[1]. Leach AJ, Morris PJ. Antibiotics for the prevention of acute and chronic suppurative otitis media in children [review]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;(4):CD004401.
[2]. Bonney AG, Goldman RD. Antihistamines for children with otitis media. Can Fam Physician 2014;60(1):43-6.
[3]. Mandel EM, Casselbrant ML. Antibiotics for otitis media with effusion. Minerva Pediatr 2004;56(5):481-95.
[4]. Venekamp RP, Burton MJ, van Dongen TMA, et al. Antibiotics for otitis media with effusion in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016;(6): Art. No. CD009163. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009163.pub3.
[5]. Rosenfeld RM, Shin JJ, Schwartz SR, et al. Clinical Practice Guideline: otitis media with effusion (Update). Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2016;154(Suppl 1):S1-S41..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Prospective Study of Pregnancy Outcome After First Trimester Vaginal Bleeding |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Vandita || Dr. Sweta lal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906182023 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Bleeding pervagina in first trimester or in early weeks of pregnancy is a very common complaint of mothers in our day-to-day practice. This not only causes anxiety for the couple, but also troublesome for the treating doctor. If we know the possible complications and their incidences in such complicated pregnancies, it will be easier for us to counsel and to manage and treat the patient properly. Materials and Methods: In this prospective observational study, 1007 patients with first trimester bleeding who were admitted to the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a District hospital in Ranchi between January 2018 to June 2019 were studied. All patients had a complete examination.......
Key Words: Bleeding pervagina, first trimester, pregnancy
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Abstract: The objectives of the work were the exploration of suicide data in the autopsied population at the forensic medicine service of the university hospital center of Tizi-Ouzou province (Algeria), to describe the main medical, epidemiological and sociological characteristics of the suicides and to specify the different means used. It is a retrospective and prospective study conducted over 04 years from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018, on the entire population of Tizi-Ouzou province victim of suicide, sent for forensic autopsy at the University Hospital of tizi- ouzou (Algeria). The results of our work reveal that 224 suicides have been collected out of 919 autopsies performed, which represents almost 25% of our thanatological activity with a male predominance with 82.6%. The incidence of suicide in the province of Tizi-Ouzou in our study is 05 per 100,000 inhabitants, for men it is 8.1 per 100,000 inhabitants against......
Key words: Suicidal behavior, risk factor, victimology, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria forensic medicine.
[1]. Boulassel B. « le suicide en grande Kabylie, service de médecine légale du CHU de Tizi Ouzou, étude rétrospective », Tizi ouzou, 2015.
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[3]. OMS « Rapport de l'Observatoire de santé mondiale ». Last updated 2018.
[4]. Renneville M, « Le suicide est-il une folie ? Les lectures médicales du suicide en France au XlXe siècle ». Criminocorpus. Revue hypermédia, 2018..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Review Article: Changing Management Concepts of Renal Trauma |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | OKPANI CP || EKE N |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906182938 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The management of renal trauma evolves with technological advances in medical practice. Aim: To review the changing management of renal trauma and the impact of the changes in the developing world. Methods: A Medline and Google scholar search was made from 1966 to March 2020 using the terms renal trauma and renal injuries. Appropriate citations were selected and the full length publications as much as possible were obtained. Details extracted included demographics, mechanisms of injury, clinical features, investigations, treatment and outcome. Results: The anatomical location and size of the kidney confers it with some protection against trauma. The common causes are road traffic accidents, falls, assaults and armed conflicts. Associated injuries are common. Rarely spontaneous rupture occurs. Standard.....
Key words: renal trauma, renal injuries, CT Scan, hematuria
[1]. Kurtz MP, Eswara JR, Vetter JM, Nelson CP, Brandes SB. Blunt abdominal trauma from motor vehicle collisions from 2007 to 2011: renal injury probability and severity in children versus adults. The Journal of Urology 2017; 197: 906-910.
[2]. 2 Ayse B, Seda O. Evaluation of intra abdominal solid organ injuries in children. Acta bio-medica: Atenei Parmensis 2018; 89: 505-512.
[3]. Yanar H, Ertekin C, Tavilogu K, Kabay B, Bakkaloglu H, Guloglu R. Nonoperative treatment of multiple intra abdominal solid organ injury after blunt abdominal trauma. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2008; 64: 943-948.
[4]. Santucci RA, Wessells H, Bartsch G, Descotes J, Heyns CF, McAninch JW, Nash P, Schmidlin F. Evaluation and management of renal injuries: consensus statement of the renal trauma subcommittee. BJU International 2004; 93:937-54.
[5]. Dahlstrom K, Dunoski B, Zerin JM. Blunt renal trauma in children with pre-existing renal abnormalities. Pediatr Radiol 2015; 45: 118-123..
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Abstract: Aims To determine the visual outcome, efficacy and safety of limbal-conjunctival autograft in the management of pterygium and to know the pterygium recurrences. Material and Method: The surgical excision of pterygium and limbal-conjunctival autograft were done in 100 eyes . The graft of the same eye was used to cover the bare sclera . All patients were followed up to 12 months. Result.....
Key words: Pterygium Excision, Limbal Conjunctival Autograft, Bare Sclera , complication
[1]. Spencers WH, Ophthalmic Pathology:An Atlas & Textbook.3 Edition, Philadelphia:WB Saunders;1985. Vol I;174.
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Abstract: Hanging is one of the most common methods of suicidal death in India.. Most of the cases of hanging are suicidal unless proved otherwise. The ligature mark in hanging plays a very important role in investigation. Hence a proper examination of ligature mark which is the characteristic hallmark of hanging, needs greater emphasis. The ligature mark is a form of pressure abrasion around the neck placed obliquely high up, non continuous, parchmentised, & grooved. This prospective study was conducted among victims of hanging brought to Rampurhat Govt. Medical College morgue, Rampurhat, Birbhum during the period November 2018 to October 2019. Of all the cases brought to the department for medico-legal autopsy, cases in which death had resulted from hanging were identified and selected for this study. A sum total of 264 cases were selected for this prospective study. The hanging deaths......
Key words: Hanging, ligature mark, suicide, thyroid cartilage
[1]. Ballur S Mallikarjun, R Dayananda, Karthik S.K., Murgod Priyanka, Sujathan G. Study of Ligature Mark in hanging cases in Bangalore East Region. J Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2016 January-March, Vol.-38.No. 1.;18-20.
[2]. Sharma BR, Harish D, Sharma S, Singh H. Injuries to structures in deaths due to constriction of neck, with special reference to hanging. J Forensic Leg Med. 2008 July; 15(5): 298-305.
[3]. Sharma BR, Singh VP, Harish D. Neck structure injuries in Hanging-comparing retrospective and prospective studies. Med Sci. Law. 2005; 45(4):321-330.
[4]. Uzun I, Buyuk Y, Gurpinar K. Suicidal hanging: fatalities in Istanbul retrospective analysis of 761 autopsy cases. J Forensic Leg Med. 2007; 14(7):406-409.
[5]. M Ahmad, MZ Hossain. Hanging as a Method of Suicide: Retrospective Analysis of Postmortem Cases. JAFMC Bangladesh. 2010; 6(2):37-39..
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Abstract: Background:Good knowledge of the risk factors, course and consequences of high blood pressure by patients with hypertension can influence their lifestyle, drug adherence and the risk of subsequent development of cardiovascular disease. We aimed at determining the relationship between the knowledge of hypertension and 10-year cardiovascular risk among patients with hypertension. Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional survey of 345 hypertensive patients attending the general outpatient clinic of the University College Hospital. Knowledge of hypertension and 10-year cardiovascular risk were estimated using hypertension fact questionnaire and Framingham General cardiovascular risk score respectively. Chi-square and t-test statistics....
Key words: Hypertension,hypertension knowledge, 10-year cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular disease, primary care clinic.
[1]. Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. The JNC-7 Report [document on the Internet]. Department of Health and Human Services; 2003.
[2]. Mills KT, Bundi JD,Kelly TN et al. Global Disparities of Hypertension Prevalence and Control. A Systematic Analysis of Population-Based Studies from 90 Countries. Circulation. 2016;134:441–50
[3]. Arodiwe EB, Ike SO, Nwokediuko SC. Case fatality among hypertension-related admissions in Enugu, Nigeria. Niger J ClinPrac. 2009;12(2):153-56.
[4]. Almas A, Godil SS, Lalani S, Samani ZA, Khan AH. Good knowledge about hypertension is linked to better control of hypertension; a multicentre cross sectional study in Karachi, Pakistan. BMC Res Notes.2012;24(5):579.
[5]. Viera AJ, Cohen LW, Mitchell CM, Sloane PD. High blood pressure knowledge among primary care patients with known hypertension: A North Carolina Family medicine research network (NC-FM-RN) study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2008;21(4):300-8.
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Abstract: Introduction: Hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy are common and form one of the deadly triad, along with hemorrhage and infection, that contribute greatly to maternal morbidity and mortality. The incidence of various hypertensive disorder of pregnancy varies widely from 5 to 15% throughout the globe. It accounts for a total of 7-10% of perinatal mortality in developed countries and 20% in developing countries. The perinatal mortality is 5% in mild PIH and 15 to 25% in severe PIH. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi for a period of 12 months January 2018 to December 2018. Fifty hypertensive pregnant women coming to the hospital comprised the study group. The inclusion criteria was all antenatal cases diagnosed clinically having pregnancy induced hypertension beyond 28 weeks of gestation......
Key words: Hypertensive disorders, IUGR, Uterine artery, CPR.
[1]. Arbeille PH, Trauquant F, Body G et al. Evolution de la circulation arterielle ombilicale et cerebrale du fetus au cours de la grossesse. In: Arbeille PH, Trauquant F, Body G, eds. Progres en Neonatologie. 1st ed. Basel: Karger Editions; 1996: 30-37.
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