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Abstract: Background: The quality of a prescription is an important part of rational prescribing. Rational use of drugs is an essential factor for achieving high quality patient care. The aim of this study is to audit the prescriptions in outpatients departments as per WHO core prescribing indicators for rational use of drugs. Materials & Methods: 1050 prescriptions were audited over a period of two months in a tertiary care hospital in Jharkhand. Prescriptions were assessed for WHO core prescribing indicators and legibility. Results: Antibiotic use was more than recommended WHO criteria. 96.14 percent of medicines were prescribed from essential drug list. Percentage of injections was within WHO recommended limit. Two percent prescriptions were not legible. 29.25 % of drugs prescribed were in generic name. Conclusion: Sensitization, awareness , and motivation of prescribers is needed for rational prescription and avoidance of medication errors
Keywords: prescription audit, legibility, NLEM, generic
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Abstract: Introduction- Obesity is among the main health concerns of the world today. Obesity increases the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, stroke etc. BMI has been suggested as an ideal measure of adiposity and obesity. The number of diabetic cases is increasing globally from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Insulin resistance increases risk of developing diabetes. Materials and Methods- An observational cross-sectional study from the people of the city, Vijayawada, India was done on 80 healthy individuals with no history of smoking, alcoholism, medications and no personal or family history HTN, DM, Endocrine disorders. BMI was calculated using formula- BMI = wt in Kg / ht in m2. Fasting insulin levels assessed using enzymatic immunoassay method on chemiluminiscene. Insulin resistance is calculated by using HOMA IR index...
Keywords- Obesity; Fasting insulin levels; insulin resistance
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Abstract: Abdominal pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy, where implantation occurs in the peritoneal cavity, external to the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. With an incidence of around 1% of ectopic pregnancies, they may rarely reach advanced gestation. In order to prevent torrential hemorrhage, abdominal pregnancies must be detected and terminated in early gestation. We present a case of a primi-gravida with 4 months amenorrhea, who presented with lower abdomen pain. Ultrasound revealed an empty uterine cavity, with a live fetus of 15 weeks gestation in the pelvis and right adnexia. She was managed successfully, with the fetus being delivered via laparotomy. This case report highlights the importance of awareness, high degree of clinical suspicion and acuity, needed to diagnose abdominal pregnancy, and avoid maternal mortality and morbidity.
Keyword: Abdominal pregnancy, Adnexal mass, Ectopic Pregnancy, Ultrasound imaging
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Abstract: Introduction: Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is an important cause of neonatal mortality & morbidity. An early diagnosis thus becomes important to institute timely therapy. However, the diagnostic hallmarks & specific X-ray findings- pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) and portal venous gas (PVG) appear rather late in the course of disease. We intended to study if PVG detection by USG would help in earlier diagnosis. Methodology: We conducted a prospective observational study over 1 year from May 2019 to April 2020 at NICU of N.M.C.H Patna including all consecutively admitted sick neonates. They were screened for PVG by USG either in the course of routinely performed cranial/renal USG and/or when they suffered from symptoms consistent with NEC....
Keywords: Necrotising enterocolitis, pneumatosis intestinalis, portal venous gas, USG, Bell's staging
[1]. Neu J, Walker WA. Necrotizing enterocolitis. N Engl J Med. 2011; 364(3):255–64.
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Abstract: Objective:To assess and compare the oral health status and oral hygiene practices of the Toda and the Kota tribe in the Nilgiri district, Tamilnadu. Materials andMethods: A comparative cross sectional study of 954 Toda and Kota tribe chosen by multi-stage random sampling was done. Oral health status was assessed with oral hygiene index simplified (OHI-S), caries status with decayed missing filled teeth index (DMFT) and periodontal status with community periodontal index (CPI). Results:The overall mean DMFT score of Toda adult population was found to be 5.77 + 6.033 and Toda children was 2.18 + 2.667 (n = 477), whereas the DMFT score of Kota adult population was found to be 4.55 + 5.773 and Kota....
Keywords: Oral health status, Oral hygiene practices, Tribes, Toda, Kota
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Histological Features of Placenta in Early and Full Term of Pregnancy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Ch.Sudhakarbabu || Dr.M.indira |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906022730 ![]() |
Abstract: The human placenta plays a key role in metabolic secretary and excretory functions to support the growing foetus . The purpose of this study is to examine the features of the cells and vasculogenesis of chorionic villus in the early weeks of normal gestation and to collect the basic data for comparison with placentas of mothers of full term pregnancy . Before implantation nutrition of the mammalian conceptus is essentially histiotrophic. After implantation maternal blood flows through the developing placenta and establishes hemotrophic pathways for nutrients from mother to the foetus. For the present study placental tissues were collected from twenty five mothers under going legal termination of pregnancy between 8-16 weeks of gestation, from Gynae & Obstetric section of Narayana Medicl college Nellore and S.V Medical college Tirupathi The samples were fixed....
Key Words: Early placenta , Syncytiotrophoblast ,Cytotrophoblast, Langhans cell hyperplasia(X cells)
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Abstract: Simultaneous rupture of both the patellar tendon and the anterior cruciate ligament is a relatively rare injury. The literature on this combined injury is few. The diagnosis of patellar Tendon rupture can easily be missed during the initial clinical examination. Treatment options include immediate repair of the patellar tendon with either simultaneous or delayed reconstruction of the ACL. We present this case of a combined rupture of the patellar tendon and the anterior cruciate ligament in a 31-year old male patient due RTA. A two-stage treatment approach was performed; in the first stage patellar tendon was sutured primarily with Krakow technique using 5-O ethibond followed by arthroscopic ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon graft after a period of 6 months. We are presenting the case with an excellent functional outcome with 2 years follow up....
Key words: patellar tendon, anterior cruciate ligament, rupture, repair, Krakow technique
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Abstract: Introduction: The head and neck radiology, similar to that of other subspecialties in radiology, began with the discovery of the X-ray in 1895 by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen (1845-1923). Another early investigator was Caldwell (1870-1918), who became fascinated by X-rays only 2 years after Roentgen's discovery. In 1903, he wrote one of the first textbooks on diagnostic and therapeutic radiology. Materials and Methods: Total of 50 patients of whom 17 were males and 33 females were studied. Age group varied from 10 to 60 years. Patients were sent from out patient's clinic of ENT Department to the department of Radiology, Bhaskar Medical College and hospital. Patients were selected on the basis of their symptoms and clinical findings suggestive of a lesion involving the paranasal sinuses. All the examinations were performed on a GE 16 Slice computed tomographic scanner. Results: Our study included 50 patients in the age group of 10 to 60 years with the mean age of 30 years with a female: male ratio of 1.9 : 1 with...
Key Words: Head, Neck, paranasal sinuses, sinonasal cavities
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Abstract: The hyperdontia is a term that refers to the development of supernumerary teeth, which are described as excess teeth, that is, over the physiological amount of the dental arches. Therefore, the supernumerary teeth are considered a development anomaly that may several etiological factors [1]. The cause is uncertain, but, a large number of hypotheses have been proposed and sufficient material has been accumulated to prove the origin of these extra teeth. Between these theories, the most widely accepted is that the hyperactivity of the dental lamina in the initiation stage, resulting in a new tooth. Another hypothesis indicates to a syndromic association. Complications may also arise due to the presence of these teeth, such as late tooth eruption and the development of odontogenic cysts [2]. The objective of this article is to emphasize a clinical case about supernumerary teeth. The knowledge by the dental-surgeons about supernumerary dentition is of fundamental importance to provide a correct and timely diagnosis for treatment.
Keywords: Oral Surgery; Supernumerary Teeth; Oral Pathology
[1]. CAMPOS, J. A. D. B.; PINTO, L. S.; LIMA, L. M. Dentes supranumerários. RGO, 52 (1): jan/fev/mar., 2004. [2]. NUNES, K. M.; MEDEIROS, M. V.; CERETTA, L. B.; SIMÕES, P. W.; AZAMBUJA, F. G.; SÔNEGO, F. G. F.; PIRES, P. D. S. Dente supranumerário: revisãobibliográfica e relato de casoclínico. RevistaOdontologiaUniv. Cid.: São Paulo, v. 27(1), jan-abr. 2015. 72-81p.
[3]. Pinto, A. S. B.; Silva, D. P.; Pinto, M. C. Aplicabilidade da técnica de Clark a um paciente não sindrômico com múltiplosdentessupranumerários. RevistaInterdisciplinar.: Teresina, v. 8, n. 3, jul.ago. set. 2015. 197-201p.
[4]. SEGUNDO, A. V. L.; DE FARIA, D. L. B.; DA SILVA, U. H.; VIEIRA, I. T.A. Estudoepidemiológico de dentessupranumeráriosdiagnosticadospelaradiografiapanorâmica. RevistaCirculaçãoTraumatologiaBuco-Maxilo-Facial,:Camaragibe v.6, n.2, julho/setembro 2006, 53 – 56p.
[5]. RUSCHEL, Henrique Castilhos; DIAMANTE, Michelle; KRAMER, Paulo Floriani. Hypo-hyperdontia: a case report. RGO, Rev. Gaúch. Odontol., Campinas , v. 63, n. 3, p. 331-336, Sept. 2015 . Available from <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1981-86372015000300331&lng=en&nrm=iso>. access on 20 July 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1981-863720150003000121063.
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Abstract: Background: Childhood deafness is still special problem in our country in terms of assessment and rehabilitation. It causes communication problem, thus affects social and personal living. So hearing impairment amongst the people of developing countries is recognized as a major cause of disability. Methods and Materials: Thiscross-sectional study was carried out in children of integrated preschool for hearing impaired children (IPSHIC) of SAHIC(society for assistance to hearing impaired), Chattogram, Bangladesh from January 2019 to December 2019. 60 deaf children....
Key words: Hearing impaired children, children deaf school
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Nanotechnology in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Harsh Verma || Parul Tandon |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906025661 ![]() |
Abstract: Nanotechnological developments have changed the perception of the world to the disease. Its potential has revolutionized the field of diagnostic imaging, medicine and surgery. With the use of nanomaterials drugs with narrow therapeutic index, resistant antibiotics or toxic at higher dose can easily and safely be administered. It also enables to perform surgeries at cellular level and can be integrated with various materials to impart antibacterial, as a scaffold or osteointegration properties.
Key Word: Nanotechnology; Orofacial pain management; Drug delivery system; Nanodiagnostics; oral cancer.
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