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Abstract: Background:Acute appendicitis is the most common surgically manageable cause of acute abdomen1, although the diagnosis remains challenging in many instances. Arriving at the correct diagnosis is essential, as a delay in diagnosis may allow progression to perforation and cause a significant increase in morbidity and mortality. Features include Central abdominal pain is associated with anorexia, nausea, and usually one or two episodes of vomiting that follow the onset of pain (Murphy's Triad). Various clinical scoring systems have been devised for accurate and early diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis. In this study, we compare the Modified Alvarado score system (MASS) with RIPASA (Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Appendicitis) score system. Methods: A prospective study is conducted.......
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Solitary nodule of thyroid has increased in incidence in the resent day as compared to two decades before. Because of Possibility of malignancy all nodules have to be removed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective study of 100 patients who presented to the outpatient department and surgical wards of S.V.R.R.G.G.H, Tirupathi. During the period of September 2018 to August 2019 with a clinically detected STN was included in the study group. Preoperative Ultrasonography (USG) and fine-needle aspiration cytology were planned in all these patients. Hemi thyroidectomy and Total thyroidectomy with and without neck dissection were performed wherever.....
Key Words: Solitary thyroid nodule, Papillary carcinoma, Incidence of carcinoma, Adenoma, MNG.
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Abstract: Objective: The objective of our work is to evaluate the evolution of the consumption of antibiotics in the intensive care unit and to compare it with other establishments and to propose corrective measures. Material and method: This is a retrospective and descriptive study of the consumption of antibiotics in the intensive care unit for the years 2017-2018. The methodology consisted in listing the drugs dispensed in the intensive care unit, determining hospital indicators, determining indications for antibiotic prescriptions and comparing the evolution of antibiotic consumption for the years 2017-2018, this comparison was carried out in DDD/ 1000DH......
Key Words: Antibiotic consumption - defined daily dose / 1000 Days of hospitalization (DDD / 1000DH) - Bacterial resistance - Resuscitation
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Abstract: Angiomyolipomas (AML) are mixed mesenchymal tumors. Composed of different proportions of adipose tissue, smooth epithelioid muscle cells and abnormal blood vessels. Tumors most often benign, they sit especially on the level of the kidneys and often associated with tuberous sclerosis (TSC). Extrarenal localization is much rarer, at the level of the duodenum, it remains exceptional. We report the case of an asymptomatic duodenal angiomyolipoma, revealed by a hemoperitoneum after post-traumatic rupture in a 65-year-old woman, who had not previously presented any manifestation of (TSC). Operated as part of the emergency for hemoperitoneum of great abundance, a complete tumor resection was performed. An anatomopathological examination of the operating room confirmed the diagnosis of duodenal AML. No tumor recurrence was observed thereafter..
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Abstract: Backgound: Right Iliac Fossa Mass is a common clinical entity encountered in surgical practice. The mass has varied anatomical and etiological origin and requires versatility in its management. Methods: A prospective study was done including 100 patients admitted in Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupati between August 2018 to September 2019. After taking detailed history and clinical examination; relevant blood, radiological investigations and colonoscopy were done. The patients were managed appropriately based on the diagnosis and surgical indications. Results: In 100 patients, 46 patients (46%) diagnosed to have Appendicular mass Ileocaecal TB (20 cases, 20%), Appendicular abscess (16 cases, 16%), CA Caecum.....
Key Words: Right iliac fossa mass; appendicular, ileocecal TB
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Abstract: Background: Diabetic ulcer is the most frequent reason for hospitalization in patients with diabetes.It has increased the cost of treatment and hospitalization of these patients.currently a lot of attention is being placed on the development of expensive topical growth factors for wound healing.Thus there remains a quest for better wound helaing agents.one such agent is phenytoin which is cheap,easy to use and readily availablefor medical practice.Phenytoin was initially introduced into theraphy for the effective control for convulsive disorder.A common side effect with with systemicphentyoin treatment is fibrous overgrowyh of gingiva.This apparent stimulatory effect of phenytoin on connective tissue suggested an encouranging possibility for its wound healing Materials and Methods: This prospective randomized comparative study included 100 patients with diabetic ulcers .The main inclusion criteria were 1)grade I and II foot ulcers according to Meggitt-Wagner clinical classification 2)control of diabetes mellitus with oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin....
Key Words: Diabetic ulcers, phenytoin dressing, betadine dressing, granulation tissue, graft uptake ,graft bed, bacterial overgrowth, hospital stay and phenytoin side effects.
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Abstract: Background: ASDs is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which persons present with a range of impairments in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as restrictions in behaviours and interests. Aim of the study:The main objective of our study is to investigate the Prevalence of Depression in mothers of 3-10 years old children with ASD. Materials and method:A cross sectional study design was chosen for this study. A total 163(F=57, M=106) subjects were selected from different area of Surat, India. Two tools were used i.e. Indian scale for assessment of autism (ISAA) to diagnose and to rate the severity of autism in children and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) self-reporting questionnaire to assess the depression.......
Key words: Autism spectrum disorder, Children, Depression, Mothers.
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Abstract: First described by Adams in 1883, but named for Dr. Friedrich Best, Best vitelliform macular dystrophy, or Best disease, is a hereditary retinal dystrophy involving the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and leads to a characteristic bilateral yellow "egg-yolk" appearance of the macula. This disease tends to present itself in childhood or early adulthood and usually portends a good visual prognosis. BVMD is the most common autosomal dominant macular dystrophy [1] [2]. BVMD is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, but shows incomplete penetration and variable expressivity; this variability occurs both between families and within families [3]. The appearance of the vitelliform lesion usually occurs in the ages of 3-15 years old, but can be seen in the later decades of life.
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Abstract: Background : The success of the removable complete denture depends upon its retention, stability, and support. The retention of the complete denture is directly related to the adaptation of the base. Improvement on mechanical properties of denture base were achieved by metal oxides, metal wire or fiber .It improves the impact strength and fatigue resistance, it may affect denture adaptation and dimensional stability. This study is conducted to evaluate effect of aluminium oxide on adaptation of heat cure denture base resin. Material and Methods: It is an in-vitro study in which.......
Keyword: Acrylic denture base, master cast ,aluminium oxide fillers, denture base adaptation.
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Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of alcohol and nonalcohol containing different mouth rinses on the color stability of a nanohybrid Resin composite restorative material. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 samples of a nano hybrid composite material (Dimethacrylate oligomers Relight Technodent) were prepared and immersed in distilled water for 24 h. Baseline color values were recorded using photoelectric colorimeter 113( Systronics) . Samples were then randomly distributed into five groups: Group I ‑ distilled water (control group), Group II ‑ Hexidine, Group III ‑ Hiora-K, Group IV ‑ Senquel AD,and Group V ‑Listerine . The postimmersion......
Key words: Alcohol and nonalcohol containing mouth rinses ; Nanohybrid composites; Color.
[1]. El-Safty S, Silikas N, Watts DC. Creep deformation of restorative resin-composites intended for bulk-fill placement. Dent Mater 2012;28(8):928-935.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Prospective Study of Diagnosis and Management of Submandibular Sialolithiasis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Samit Lal || Dr.Arun Kumar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1906175861 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Sialolithiasis (salivary gland stones) is one of the most common diseases of the salivary glands with a prevalence of 1.2%. Males are affected twice as often as females. The most common site of stone formation is the submandibular gland followed by parotid gland. Submandibular calculi are more frequent as the pH of its saliva is more alkaline, and has more concentration of minerals like calcium and phosphate. Its saliva has a much more mucous content than saliva of other salivary glands. Also, the submandibular duct is much longer and the gland has a flow against gravity when compared with parotid gland. Materials and Methods: It was a cross sectional study carried out in ENT and Biochemistry department of Dr lals hospital, Kadru , Ranchi, Jharkhand. A total of 25 consecutive patients on basis......
Key Words: Sialolithiasis, nephrolithiasis
[1]. Kraaij S, Karagozoglu KH, Forouzanfar T, Veerman ECI, Brand HS. Salivary stones: symptoms, aetiology, biochemical composition and treatment. Br Dent J 2014;217:E23.
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