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Abstract: Background: Induction implies stimulation of uterine contractions before the onset of labour with or without ruptured membranes , a process that generally employs prostaglandins to soften and open the cervix. Cervical ripening is necessary for cervical dilatation and commonly used to enhance the rate of successful labour induction. Prostaglandins are used commonly for ripening but it causes uterine contractions which cause hyperstimulation of the uterus leading to fetal distress. So, the search continues for an ideal ripening agent that cause cervical ripening without stimulating uterine contractions and reducing the risk of tachysystole.. Isosorbide mononitrate causes increase in cyclo-oxygenase-2 which induces endogenous prostaglandin production in the cervix and also leads to cervical ultrastructural rearrangement that is similar to spontaneous onset of labour. We aim to study vaginal......
Key Word: Cervical ripening, Isosorbide mononitrate, Prostaglandins, Bishop score
[1]. Cunningham F, Levano K , Bloom S. , Spong C, Dashe J , Hoffman B, Casey B, Sheffield J., Induction and augmentation of labour , Williams obstetrics 24th edition McGraw Hill New York USA 2010 523- 534.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diagnosing meniscal tears on MRI |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Raitkumar Pankajkumar Patel || Dr Nandini Bahri |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906130618 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a useful tool to clinicians in radiologic analysis of the meniscus injuries and planning its treatment protocol. A radiologist should thoroughly understand the imaging protocols, normal meniscal anatomy and its anatomical variation, common injuries occurring to meniscus and difficult to detect meniscal injuries to fulfil the diagnostic accuracy and guide the surgeons for treatment. Standard radiography and ultrasound have extreme limitation for detection of the meniscal injuries. The use of standard radiography is only limited to differentiate the symptoms of meniscal injuries from osteoarthritis. Ultrasound is almost never used for detecting meniscal pathology. CT arthrography may be used when MRI is not possible or contraindicated. Recently, three-dimensional (3D) sequences with isotropic resolution have been developed that provide thinner sections with isotropic resolution that allows the creation of multiplanar reformatted images to obtain from an acquisition in one sectional plane reconstructions in other spatial planes. After diagnosing meniscal tear, its precise description and classification in different pattern such as horizontal, longitudinal, radial, root, complex, displaced......
Key Words: MRI knee, meniscal tears
[1]. ZanettiMet al (2003) Patients with suspected meniscal tears: prevalence of abnormalities seen on MRI of 100 symptomatic and 100 contralateral asymptomatic knees. AJR Am J Roentgenol 181(3): 635–641.
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[4]. Metcalf MH, Barrett GR (2004) Prospective evaluation of 1485 meniscal tear patterns in patients with stable knees. Am J Sports Med 32(3):675–680.
[5]. Robinson S et al (2011) Meniscal tears: epidemiology and correlation between clinical and arthroscopic findings. J Bone Joint Surg Br 93-B (SUPP II)..
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Abstract: Chemical injury of the eye is a true ocular emergency which requires immediate assessment and initiation of treatment. This is a case report of a young female with lime injury to the right eye with poor visual assessment at presentation. The case was classified as grade IV ocular burn according to Dua's classification. After appropriate medical treatment, she was taken up for amniotic membrane grafting following which her visual prognosis improved. Alkali substances being lipophilic can penetrate the eye more rapidly than acids. The damaged tissues continue to secrete proteolytic enzymes as part of the inflammatory response thereby causing further damage. Early and effective treatment is the key which dictates the clinical course and can prevent tragic consequences.
Key Words: lime injury, grade IV ocular burn, limbal ischemia, amniotic membrane graft.
[1]. Clare, G., et al., Amniotic membrane transplantation for acute ocular burns. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2012. 9: p. CD009379.
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[5]. Roper-Hall MJ. Thermal and chemical burns. Trans Ophthalmol Soc U K. 1965;85:631–53..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Delayed Cardiac Tamponade Post Pacemaker Implantation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Muhammed Shamil M.P || Dr. Arun Gopi || Dr.Girish P.V |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906132528 ![]() |
Abstract: Pericardial effusion is defined as the acute or chronic accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space,Thisfluid collection may exceeds the maximum capacity of pericardial space resulting in serious complication known as cardiac tamponade.We present a case of massive pericardial effusion two weeks after a dual chamber pacemaker implantation for sick sinus syndrome (SSS) with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF).Transthoracic echocardiogram demonstrated large circumferential pericardial effusion with RA/RV diastolic collapsesuggestive of cardiac tamponade. He was managed with emergency pericardiocentesis and pericardial fluid send for biochemical analysis. This case report highlights the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion which are crucial for survival, thus high index suspicion is required even in patients who present late after the procedure.
Key Words: Pericardial effusion, Cardiac tamponade, Sick sinus syndrome, Atrial fibrillation, Pericardiocentesis
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Acute appendicitis is on of the most common cause of acute abdomen. Acute appendicitis can be managed conservatively and surgery is also required in many cases. Appendectomy can be termed 'Negative' if histopathologic examination (HPE) is normal. In this study we try to find out what is the percentage of negative appendectomy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 60 cases of acute appendicitis who underwent appendectomy were included in this research. Demography, presentation, surgery performed and HPE in all cases were recorded and evaluated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Acute appendicitis and appendectomy is more common in males (56.6%) compared to females (43.4%). Most patients were in 20-30 years of age. HPE showed 61.6% cases were that of Acute appendicitis with periappendicitis, 20% cases showed features of Acute gangrenous appendicitis, 5% cases had Unusualhistologic report and 13.3% cases were termed Negative appendectomy.....
Key Words: Acute appendicitis, Histopathologic examination (HPE), Appendectomy, Negative appendectomy
[1]. Jurgen Mulsow. The vermiform appendix. Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery 27th Edition. CRC Press,2018.Chapter 72, page 1299
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[4]. Arif Emre, Sami Akbulut, Zehra Bozdag, Mehmet Yilmaz, Murat Kanlioz, Rabia Emre, Nurhan Sahin. Routine Histopathologic Examination of Appendectomy Specimens: Retrospective Analysis of 1255 Patients. Int Surg 2013; 98:354–362
[5]. Salomone Di Saverio. Diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis: 2020 update of the WSES Jerusalem guidelines. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2020) 15:27.
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Abstract: Cerebral palsy (CP) is commonly associated with ocular abnormalities which often impact on their development and education. There is paucity of studies on this in Bangladesh. Cerebral palsy is one of the leading causes of childhood disability worldwide with the greatest burden found in developing countries. Motor impairments are the hallmarks of CP, but in many individuals, other impairments such as vision, hearing, speech, cognition, behavior, and epilepsy may at times produce even greater activity limitation in daily life. The aim of this study was to find out ocular findings in children with cerebral palsy attending a tertiary care hospital patients. A cross sectional survey of children with cerebral palsy presenting at Department of Pediatrics, Shaheed M Monsur Ali Medical College, Sirajganj, Bangladesh between January and December 2018 was done. Age appropriate visual acuities were checked, ocular examination was done with hand held Slit Lamp and Cycloplegic refraction and Fundoscopy done with indirect Ophthalmoscope. Thirty seven (42.5%) of 87 subjects seen within that period presented......
Key Words: Ocular Findings, Cerebral Palsy, Cortical Visual Impairment, Strabismus
[1]. Andersen GL, Irgens LM, Haagaas I, Skranes JS, Meberg AE, Vik T. et al. Cerebral Palsy in Norway: prevalence, subtypes and severity. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 12(1):4-13.
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Abstract: Aim: Evaluated Antimicrobial action of Triticum aestivum extract against Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans. Objective: Investigated whether Triticum aestivum can be used as an alternative phyto-antimicrobial agent during root canal therapy. Materials and Methods: Fifty milligram of the wheat grass (T. aestivum) powdered sample was weighed and added to soxhlet apparatus for purification of extract. The filtrate was collected and poured into wide glass petriplate and kept for drying in hot air oven at 400°C. 100 μl of E.faecalis and C.albicans suspensions were taken from prepared cultures and inoculated in 130 mm culture plates with previously set layers of Mueller Hinton and Sabouraud dextrose.....
Key Words: Triticum aestivum, E. faecalis, C.albicans, zones of inhibition, one-way ANOVA, Post Tukey B hoc test.
[1]. Ladusingh rajpurohit, nishant mehta1, anil v. Ankola2,Akshata gadiyar2 ;Evaluation of the anti‑microbial activity of various concentration of wheat Grass (triticum aestivum) extract against Gram‑positive bacteria: an in vitro study; Journal of Dental Research and Review: Apr-Jun 2015 : Vol. 2; Issue 2
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[3]. Ashraf H, Samiee M, Eslami G, Hosseini M, Presence of Candida Albicans in Root Canal System of Teeth Requiring Endodontic Retreatment with and without Periapical Lesions, Iranian Endodontic Journal, 2007, 2(1), 24–28
[4]. Stuart CH, Schwartz SA, Beeson TJ, Owatz CB, Enterococcus faecalis: Its role in root canal treatment failure and current concepts in retreatment. Journal of Endodontics. 2006, 32, 93-98.
[5]. Jay Kumar, et al. Presence of Candida albicans in Root Canals of Teeth with Apical Periodontitis and Evaluation of their Possible Role in Failure of Endodontic Treatment Journal of International Oral Health, 7(2), 2015, 42-45.
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Abstract: The goal of burn management is to achieve healing as quickly as possible. Several factors are involved in this physiological phenomenon, and a failure of one of them leads to delayed healing with all its hazards. Indeed, the longer the healing process takes, the more pathological it is likely to be, and the more the functional and aesthetic results are likely to be disappointing. Through the study of two observations in patients with delayed healing followed in the department of plastic, reconstructive and burn surgery of the Mohamed V Military Training Hospital and a review of the literature, the authors will briefly and concisely explain the main factors involved and the possible therapeutic measures..
Key Words: burn, wound healing, graft
[1]. Echinard C, Latarjet J. Évolution de la lésion et cicatrisation. In: Echinard C, Latarjet J, editors. Les brûlures. Paris: Masson; 1993. p. 73–84.
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Abstract: Objective : The study was intended to evaluate various perinatal risk factors involved in neonatal sepsis. Methods : The study was conducted upon inborn neonates of < 7 days with clinical sepsis,there were 100 cases and 100 controls who were evaluated for various maternal and neonatal risk factors. Results: We found low birth weight ,prematurity( <35 weeks),maternal fever,leaking pv >18 hours ,meconium stained liquor,≥3 per vaginal examinations,mixed feeding , raised maternal TLCs were common risk factors for development of neonatal sepsis.Blood culture was positive in 30% (n =30) cases. Klebsiella pneumonie (33.3%),CONS(30%),Staphylococcus aureus (16.6%), were common isolated organisms. Conclusion: Neonates who are unwell must be considered at risk of sepsis.Neonates with maternal risk factors should be evaluated thoroughly as they have significant risk of neonatal sepsis.
[1]. Facility Based Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (F-IMNCI) 2009
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[3]. Schrag SJ, Cutland CL, Zell ER, Kuwanda L, Buchmann EJ, Velaphi SC, Groome MJ, Madhi SA, PoPS Trial Team. Risk factors for neonatal sepsis and perinatal death among infants enrolled in the prevention of perinatal sepsis trial, Soweto, South Africa. The Pediatric infectious disease journal. 2012 Aug 1;31(8):821-6.
[4]. Jajoo M, Kapoor K, Garg L, Manchanda V, Mittal S. To study the incidence and risk factors of early onset neonatal sepsis in an out born neonatal intensive care unit of India. J Clin Neonatol. 2015;4(2):91
[5]. Chakraborty A, Chatterjee TK, Bhattacharya SK, Chatterjee S, Sarkar AP.A study on risk factors and bacteriology of neonatal septicaemia in a tertiary care level hospital of west bengal. Indian J. Prev. Soc. Med. 2013 Jul;44(3-4):163.
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Abstract: Expulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhage can be set in two types: surgical or spontaneous. Spontaneous expulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SESCH) is a rare entity. Most of the reported cases of SESCH were caused by a combination of corneal pathology and glaucoma. We are reporting a case of a 75-year-old man, who was admitted to the emergency department of our hospital with a spontaneous expulsive choroidal hemorrhage in his left eye. The patient didn't have any history of ophthalmic disease. Non-surgical spontaneous expulsive choroidal hemorrhage is a very rare and disastrous clinical event. The predisposing involved factors are: advancing age, vascular illness, glaucoma and severe corneal damage.
[1]. Ophir A, Pikkel J, Groisman G . Spontaneous expulsive choroidal haemorrhage. Cornea 2001; 20: 893–896
[2]. Williams DK, Rentiers PK. Spontaneous expulsive choroidal hemorrhage. A clinicopathologic report of two cases.Arch Ophthalmol. 1970; 83: 191–4.
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Abstract: Study Design: Retrospective study. Purpose: The objective of our study to analyse differential blood count (DC) and reveal infectious characteristics of novel coronavirus COVID 19. Background: Afterinitial epidemic outbreak in wuhan (china), novel coronavirus COVID 19 became pandemic and reached more than 95% of the countries of the world. Since it is a new virus and very few information had been known about it; our aim to analyse differential blood count (DC) and reveal infectious characteristics of novel coronavirus COVID 19. Methods: We performed a retrospective study on 60 COVID-19 cases with laboratoryconfirmed cases in COVID centre of Rajendra institute of medical sciences,Ranchi, Jharkhand, India during march 2020 to may 2020..
Key Words: novel coronavirus; Differential count; COVID-19; risk factor; Lymphocyte count
[1]. World Health Organization. Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/30-01-2020-statement-on-the-second-meeting-of-the-internation al-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-outbreak-of-novel-coronavirus-(2019 -ncov).
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Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a growing public health problem, particularly, among the elderly population in developing countries, whose aging population is increasing rapidly. Despite all the scientific efforts, there are no effective pharmacotherapeutic options for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease till date. In view of this, we would like to quote few interesting research reports in this perspective about a nutraceutical product which might revolutionize the preventive and treatment strategies of Alzheimer's disease in the field of medicine..
Key Words: Alzheimers disease, Anti aging, Dementia, Elderly people, Geriatric medicine, Longevity
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