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Abstract: Cataract seems to be an ageing process. The aim of this study to find out the various morphometric and histopathologcial changes present in human cataractous lenses. There are many precipitating factors such as diabetes,hypertension,exposure to sunlight etc The observational prospective interventional cross-sectional type of study was carried out in 200 extracted cataractous lenses in the Department of Ophthalmology, Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College Jhansi, during the period of 22 month duration (Feb 2018 to Nov. 2019). Detailed history, statistical data, morphometric study and histological picture of the selected cases were carried out. Of the cases observed, 49 were males and 51 were females. The age group ranged from 40 to 84 years. Nuclear, cortical......
Key words: Human cataract lens, Morphometry, Diabetes, Senility, Hypertension, Histology
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Abstract: Objective: The objective was to study the evidence of Human Papilloma Virus 16 (HPV 16) in pre-invasive and invasive cervical neoplasia. Different epidemiological factors in relation to HPV 16 infection were also observed. Materials and Methods: Immunohistochemical detection of HPV 16 was done using anti-HPV 16 mouse monoclonal antibody against L1 fusion protein in cervical scraping or biopsy specimens obtained from subjects (50 cases, 15 controls) after confirmation of diagnosis by Papanicolaou's stain or Hematoxylin & Eosin stain. Results: HPV 16 positivity in patients (56%) was extremely significant (p=0.0008) compared to healthy controls (6.67%). HPV positivity was.......
Keywords: Human Papilloma Virus 16, cervical neoplasia, Immunohistochemistry
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Abstract: Background& Objective: Benign enlargement of prostate (BEP) is one of the most common reasons for surgery among older men.However, the prior studies showed no strong association between prostate size and its symptoms. The various therapeutic modalities intended to manage BEP patients encompass both medical and surgical interventions; Though till date clinical decision making remains the most valid instrument of patient selection for TURP, still the IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) and pressure-flow assessment scoring systems are being considered useful to exclude patients that are unlikely to benefit from the procedure. IPSS, an eight-question screening tool which includes seven questions relating to symptoms of the disease and one to the Quality of life is being used for the purpose of screening, rapid diagnosis, tracking and management of the symptoms of BEP........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diagnostic dilemma: A rare clinical entity -Vulval Leiomyoma |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neha Mahajan || Harleen Kour || Pooja Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906053537 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Vulvar leiomyoma is a rare benign solid tumor of the vulva. It represents only 0.03% of all patients with gynecologic neoplasms. Case: A 33 year old P5L4, presented to us with complaints of a mass arising in the genital region. On examination the mass was arising from the lateral half of the right labium majus 8 x10 x8 cm, enucleation was done and the histo-pathological report showed a well differentiated tumour of mesenchymal origin, consistent with the diagnosis of Cellular leiomyoma..
Key words: Bartholin cyst, Leiomyoma, Vulva.
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Abstract: Background: The study purposed to evaluate the effect of Er,Cr: YSGG Lasersurface treatment method on the shear bond strength (SBS) of resin cement to zirconia ceramic. Materials and Methods: Fifty composites and zirconia samples (4mm diameter and 4mm height) were prepared for each material. According to surface treatments, sintered zirconia samples were divided into five groups (n=10) as no treatment (NT; control), sandblasting (SB), laser treatment (LT), silica coating (CT), and 9.5% hydrofluoric acid-etching (HF). Composite cylinders resin samples bonded zirconia samples were with resin cement (Panavia F2.0; Kurayay, Okuyama, Tokyo, Japan). The shear bond strength test was performed with a universal test machine for each sample.Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and post hoc test (Tukey's). A statistically significant difference was found between the groups.......
Key Word: Shear Bond Strength, Zirconia, Silica Coating, Sandblasting, Er,Cr : YSGG Laser, Hydrofluoric Acid-etching
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Abstract: Le kyste dermoïde intracrânien est une tumeur congénitale, qui se développe généralement dans la fosse postérieure, en extra-axial. Sa rupture spontanée représente un événement rare, de diagnostic clinique difficile, nécessitant le recours à l'imagerie. nous rapportons un cas d'un kyste dermoïde cérébral, basi-frontal gauche rompu spontanément dans le ventricule latéral homolatéral, s'est manifesté par une crise épileptique et diagnostiqué par l'imagerie..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Aspect tomodensitométrique d'un géant hémangiome hépatique |
Country | : | Maroc |
Authors | : | H.DIOURI || T .ZIADI || T.AFRICHA || B.ZAINOUN |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906054647 ![]() |
Abstract: L'hémangiome est la tumeur vasculaire bénigne la plus fréquente du foie. Dans sa forme typique, il est ne pose pas de problème de diagnostic en imagerie. Certaine forme atypique tel que l'hémangiome géant présente des difficultés diagnostiques. Nous rapportons un cas d'une patiente âgée de 55 ans, sans antécédents, qui consulte pour une douleur de l'hypochondre droite chez qui l'examen clinique trouve une hépatomégalie évoluant un tableau d'asthénie, d'amaigrissement et d'altération de l'état général. Une échographie abdominale a objectivé la présence d une volumineuse lésion médio-hépatique prenant la quasi-totalité du foie droit et une partie du foie gauche, de contours irréguliers, bien limitée, hétérogène, grossièrement hyperéchogène......
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Abstract: Psychologists use the term "working memory‟ to describe the ability we have to hold in mind and mentally manipulate information over short periods of time. Working memory is often thought of as a mental workspace that we can use to store important information in the course of our mental activities. Post-operative instructions are usually given verbally after surgical procedures. In all surgical procedures patient will be in a tensed state of mind reducing the capabilities of working memory and a significant data loss. This study is done to assess the role of working memory in the post-operative recovery of patients after surgical removal of impacted 3rd molar. Previous study on the post-operative Quality of life after surgical removal of impacted third molar showed that working memory plays an important role in patients faithfully following the post-operative instructions leading to their speedy recovery..
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Abstract: Background and objective: Portal hypertension is a frequently encountered clinical condition with multiple causes and severalsequelae. Duplex ultrasonography is best non-invasive test to assess portal hypertension. The objective was to evaluate the association between doppler findings of portal vein (direction of blood flow, the maximum portal vein velocity and the diameter of the main portal vein) and the presence or absence of ascites, splenomegaly, and presence of collaterals by ultrasound (US). To evaluate the association between Doppler findings and clinical features and laboratory investigations using Child Pugh's criteria Materials and Methods: The study was hospital based cross sectional study. All patients referred to the department of radio-diagnosis of Yenepoya Medical College Hospital, Mangalore diagnosed with portal hypertension and also meeting the inclusion.......
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