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Abstract: Résumé: Objectif :Le but de ce travail est d'illustrer les modalités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de prolapsus sous conjonctival de la graisse orbitaire à travers ce cas clinique. Observation :Un patient âgé de 63 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques particuliers, consulte pour une tuméfaction bulbaire de couleur blanc-jaunâtre mole et mobile à la palpation soulevant la conjonctive bulbaire temporale bilatérale évoluant depuis plus d'une année. Le reste de l'examen orbitopalpébrale et ophtalmologique est sans particularité. Le diagnostic d'un prolapsus sous conjonctival de la graisse orbitaire a été retenu. Nous avons procédé à une excision.......
Keywords: Subconjonctival orbital fat prolapse, orbit, surgical technique
[1]. Offret H, Labetoulle M, Frau E. Subconjunctival adiposehernias of the orbit. J FrOphtalmol. 1997;20:614–618.
[2]. Secondi R, Sánchez España JC, Castellar Cerpa J, Ibáñez Flores NSubconjunctival Orbital Fat Prolapse: An Update on Diagnosis and Management.SeminOphthalmol. 2019;34(2):69-73.
[3]. Siban M, Weijtens O, van den Bosch W, Paridaens D. Efficacy of transconjunctival excision of orbital fat prolapse: a long-term follow-up study. Acta Ophthalmol. mai 2014;92(3):291-3.
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Abstract: Miscarriage, particularly recurrent mid-trimester miscarriage is a distressful condition. This form of miscarriage and preterm birth appear to have some etiologies.An important etiology is cervical incompetence that describes a disorder in which painless cervical dilatation leads to recurrent second trimester pregnancy losses and preterm delivery. Every year more than 15 million preterm birth occurs and more than 1 million baby die from this common complication of pregnancy. The incidence of true cervical insufficiency is estimated at less than 1% of the obstetric population, but can account for 20-25% losses in second trimester. In the index pregnancy, findings indicative of possible cervical insufficiency include cervical funneling, cervical shortening, prolapse of membrane.....
Key Words: Pregnancy Outcome, Cerclage, Miscarriage, Intrauterine death
[1]. Romero R, Espinoza J, Mazor M. Can endometrial infection/inflammation explain implantation failure, spontaneous abortion, and preterm birth after in vitro fertilization? Fertil Steril. 2004; 82(4):799-804.
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[3]. Macdonald R, Smith P, Vyas S. Cervical incompetence: the use of transvaginal sonography to provide an objective diagnosis Ultrasound. Obstet Gynecol. 2001; 18(3):211-216.
[4]. Althuisius SM, Dekker GA, van Geijn HP, Bekedam DJ, Hummel P. Cervical incompetence prevention randomized cerclage trial (CIPRACT): study design and preliminary results. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2000; 183(4):823-829.
[5]. Rust OA, Atlas RO, Jones KJ, Benham BN, Balducci J. A randomized trial of cerclage versus no cerclage among patients with ultrasonographically detected second-trimester preterm dilatation of the internal os. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2000; 183(4):830-835.
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Abstract: Background. Carcinoma of the prostate is known to present in various forms, at different stages and in this environment a great number of patients usually present with the disease in advanced stages, and many, metastatic. However, its presentation in the form of a retroperitoneal mass as it was in this patient is quite uncommon. Objective: To report an unusual presentation of advanced carcinoma of the prostate as a huge retroperitoneal tumor in a 75 year old man. Method: A case report of a 75 year old man who presented with a huge retroperitoneal tumor in addition to features of bladder outlet obstruction.......
Key words: Carcinoma, Prostate, Retroperitoneal Tumor..
[1]. Siegel R, Ma J, Zou Z, Jemal A. Cancer Statistics, 2014. CA Cancer J Clin. 2014; 64: 9-29.
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[3]. N Eke, MK Sapira. Prostate cancer in Port Harcourt, Nigeria: features and outcome. Nig. J Surg Res 2002; 4(1-2): 34-44
[4]. Singh I. Advanced metastatic prostate cancer presenting as a huge abdominal lump.Indian J Surg, 2003; 65(3): 279-280.
[5]. Ajape AA, Ibrahim KO, Fakeye JA, Abiola OO.An overview of cancer of the prostate diagnosis and management in Nigeria: the experience in a Nigerian tertiary hospital. Ann Afr Med. 2010; 9(3): 113-7
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Abstract: Dentoalveolar trauma is usually common in people belonging to the age group of 6-13 years, and can result from either traffic accident, contact sports or accidental fall. Maxillary anterior teeth are commonly affected leading to problems in esthetics, function and speech of the patient. A crown root fracture (CRF) is a type of dental trauma, which involves enamel, dentin, and cementum. It generally occurs below the gingival margin and depending on the involvement of pulp, can be classified as complicated or uncomplicated . The development of improved adhesive materials has given a new approach in the management of fractured teeth. In cases where the fractured fragment is available reattachment is the most immediate, economical and conservative treatment option available. The first factor to be considered while formulating the treatment plan for a traumatic fracture is whether the tooth/teeth can be salvaged. In case the fracture line extends too apical, compromising the......
Key words:- Fragment reattachment, prefabricated fiber post, complicated crown-root fracture
[1]. Andreasen JO. Etiology and pathogenesis of traumatic dental injuries. A clinical study of 1,298 cases. Scand J Dent Res.1970;78:329-42.
[2]. Anil Kumar S, Jyothi KN. Reattachment of fractured tooth using self etching adhesive and esthetic fiber post. J Dent Sci Res.2010;1:75–83.
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[5]. Davari AR, Sadeghi M. Influence of Different Bonding Agents and Composite Resins on Fracture Resistance of Reattached Incisal Tooth Fragment. Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci.2014; 15(1): 6-14.
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Abstract: Among the various esthetic and functional problems related to periodontal tissues, gingival recession and loss of interdental papilla resulting in black triangles are quite common but also challenging to treat at the same time. Gingival recession has been well studied over time with various surgical procedures and their modifications available and high success rates in Miller's class I and class II gingival recessions. Free gingival graft procedure has been practiced since long with quite predictable results depending upon case selection. Interdental papilla reconstruction on the other hand is something for which various surgical and non surgical methods have been tried but the results are uncertain most of the times. Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is now extensively being used for various periodontal regenerative procedures and has even been tried for papilla reconstruction. The purpose of this case report is to describe a novel approach of papilla augmentation using Injectable-PRF (i-PRF).Here we describe a case of gingival recession with 31 and loss of interdental papilla in relation to 31,32 and31,41....
Key words: Interdental papilla, I-PRF, periodontal plastic surgery, regeneration.
[1]. Kurth J, Kokich V. Open gingival embrasures after orthodontic treatment in adults : Prevalence and etiology. Am J Orthod Dento Facial Orthop. 2001,120:116-123.
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[4]. Arunachalam LT, Merugu S, Sudhakar U. A novel surgical procedure for papilla reconstruction using platelet rich fibrin. Contemp Clin Dent 2012;3:467-70.
[5]. Sanghani N, Apine A, Shivaprasad B. M, Ritesh K, Nalini M. S. "Conquering the "Dreaded" Black Triangles: A Case Series". Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 3(17): 4636-4642.
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Abstract: Esthetic and functional rehabilitation of completely edentulous maxillary arch with implant supported prosthesis is a challenging task. Newer technologies such as computer assisted design computer assisted milling (CAD CAM) and cone beam conventional tomography play an important role in achieving predictable results. This is a case report of rehabilitation of completely edentulous maxillary arch patient with a cad cam milled titanium bar implant supported hybrid prosthesis. In the first stage, five endosseousdental implants were placed. After integration impressions were made, CAD CAM milled titanium bar with ball attachment was fabricated followed by prosthesis fabrication.
Key words: Computer‑assisted design‑computer‑assisted milling, dental implants, hybrid denture
[1]. Ehrenkranz H, Langer B, Marotta L. Complete‑arch maxillary rehabilitation using a custom-designed and manufactured titanium framework: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2008;99:8‑13.
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[3]. Lekholm U. Surgical considerations and possible shortcomings of host sites. J Prosthet Dent 1998;79:43‑8.
[4]. Salenbauch NM, Langner J. New ways of designing superstructures for fixed implant‑supported prostheses. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1998;18:604‑12. 5. Baig MR, Rajan G, Rajan M. Edentulous arch treatment with a CAD/CAM screw‑retained framework and cemented crowns: A clinical case report. J Oral Implantol 2009;35:295‑9.
[5]. Raptis NV, Michalakis KX, Hirayama H. Optical behavior of current ceramic systems. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006;26:31-41..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Depression and Stroke |
Country | : | ALGERIA |
Authors | : | MESSAOUDI Abdelkrim || SI AHMED Hakim || DAOUDI Smail. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906093335 ![]() |
Abstract: Summary: The prevalence of depression is increasing. It is the number one cause of morbidity and disability in the world. 30 to 55% of patients with the initial stroke have depressive symptoms. Most studies find a prevalence after stroke, of major depression between 0 and 25% and of minor depression between 5 and 40%. The interactions between reactive depression and the effects of brain damage remain complex. Diagnosis is often difficult, especially in patients with cognitive impairment. Recent work has suggested that depression in the elderly may be associated with structural abnormalities in the brain parenchyma, as evidenced by the presence of hyperintensity abnormalities in brain imaging (with nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR] above all), in particular subcortical. Treatment should ideally combine psychological, social and medication
[1]. Olivier Simon- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Bichat Hospital, 75018 Paris Mini-journal- Blood Thrombosis Vessels- Depression after stroke olivier.simon@bch.aphp.fr- 2007 - 248-54 .248 STV, vol. 19, n ° 5, May 2007 doi: 10.1684 / stv.2007.0137
[2]. Carota A, Berney A, Aybek S, Iaria G, Staub F, Ghika-Schmid F, Annable L, Guex P Bogousslavsky J. A prospective study of predictors of post-stroke depression. Neurology. 2005; 64: 428-433.
[3]. Camus V and Schmitt L. Psychiatric manifestations of cerebrovascular disorders: clinical and therapeutic approach. Encycl Méd Chir (Scientific and Medical Editions Elsevier SAS, Paris), Psychiatrie, 37-545-A-14, 2000.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Insight and subjective quality of life in people with schizophrenia |
Country | : | ALGERIA |
Authors | : | Pr MESSAOUDI Abdelkrim |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1906093639 ![]() |
Abstract: Summary: Many factors are likely to influence the subjective assessment of quality of life by people with schizophrenia. Among clinical factors, emotional disturbance and depression are most frequently reported to have a major negative influence on subjective quality of life, while positive or negative clinical manifestations have little impact on this measure. These subjective manifestations have a significant impact on the non-observance of care strategies and probably on the emergence of depressive disorders or suicidal ideation; the relationship between akathisia and suicide is for example widely documented in the literature. Improvement of cognitive functions is often associated with better autonomy in daily life. The awareness of the disorders and the improvement of cognitive functioning cannot totally exclude the risk of deterioration in the subjective quality of life of patients and potentially the appearance of depressive disorders..
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[3]. Amador XF, Strauss DH. The scale to assess unawareness of mental disorder. New York: Columbia University and New York Psychiatric Institute; 1990.
[4]. Amador XF, Strauss DH, Yale SA, et al. Assessment of insight in psychosis. Am J Psychiatry 1993;
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[6]. A. Schmitt a, N. Lefebvre a, I. Chéreau a, P.-M. Llorca, Insight and observance in schizophrenia, Annales Médico Psychologiques 164 (2006) 154–158.
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Abstract: Background:Acne is one of the most common diseases of skin. It mainly affects adolescent, however chronic course is also seen. The study was done to assess the pattern of acne vulgaris in the community. Materials and Methods:It was a hospital based study done from June 2019 to February 2020 for a period of 9 months. All patients presenting with Acne Vulgaris who gave consent were included in the study. Patients with acneiform eruptions were excluded. Results: Our study comprised of 605 patients of which 427 were females and 178 males. The age group of 16-20 yrs had most no of cases (370) followed by 10-15 yrs age group (108) Clinical examination revealed that there were 194 cases of Grade 1 acne, 270 cases of Grade 2 acne, 83 cases of Grade 3 acne & 58 cases of Grade 4 acne. Face was the most common site involved...........
Key Word: Acne Vulgaris, Adolescent, Clinical Grade, Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, Post Acne scarring, Premenstrual flare, Psychosocial impact.
[1]. Simpson NB, Cunliffe WJ. Disorders of sebaceous glands. In: Burns T, Breathnach S, Cox N, Griffiths C, editors. Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 7th ed., Oxford:BlackwellPulishing; 2004. p.43.1-43.75.
[2]. Ali G, Mehtab K, Sheikh ZA, Ali HG, Abdel Kader S, Mansoor H, et al. Beliefs and perceptions of acne among a sample of students from Sindh medical college, Karachi. J Pak Med Assoc 2010;60:51-4.
[3]. Adityan B, Thappa DM. Profile of acne vulgaris- A hospital based study from south India. Indian J DermatolVenerolLeprol 2009;75:272-8.
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[5]. Al Natour SH. Acne Vulgaris: Perceptions and beliefs of Saudi adolescent males. J Family Community Med 2017;24:34-43.
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Abstract: Objective: In this study my main goal is to evaluate the effect of dyslipidemia and its association with Coronary Artery Disease in Bangladesh. Method: This cross-sectional prospective observational type of study was conducted among 100 purposively selected patients of CAD attended in Cardiology Department of tertiary hospital, for treatment to see their pattern of dyslipidemia during October 2016 to October 2017. Study subjects were selected from admitted patient at emergency department and at in-patient department of the Cardiology Department with acute coronary syndrome. Results: during the study, male patients were 58% higher than female and most of them belongs to 51-60 years age group (40%).77% patients had dyslipidemia and after treatment 57% patients got discharged. Conclusion: I can conclude that hypertriglyceridaemia and hypercholesterolaemia are the most prevalent dyslipidaemia in patients of CAD in Bangladesh. Further research, in particular longitudinal studies, is needed for better outcome.
Keywords: Coronary artery disease (CAD), dyslipidemia, hyperlipidemias
[1]. Pahor M, Shorr RI, Somes GW. Diuretic-based treatment and cardiovascular events in patients with mild renal dysfunction enrolled in the systolic hypertension in the elderly program. Arch Intern Med 1998;158:1340–5.
[2]. Kim MC, Kini AS, FusterV.Definitions of acute coronary syndromes:Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction.In: Fuster V, O'Rmyke RA,Walsh RA, Poole-Wilson P.Eds. Hurst's the Heart. 12thed. New York, USA: McGraw Hill; 2008.1314.
[3]. Berger CJ, Murabito JM, Evam JC. Prognosis after first myocardial infarction: comparison of Q-wave and Non Q-wave myocardial infarction in the framingham–heart study. JAMA 1992; 268: 1545-46.
[4]. Cooper H, Panza JA. Q wave to guide treatment of myocardial infarction.Lancet 2006 24(367):2035-2037.
[5]. Antman EM, Braunwald E.ST-elevation myocardial infarction. In: Libby P,Bonow RO, Mann DL, Zipes DP. Eds. Braunwald's heart disease. 8th ed. Philadelphia, USA: Saunders; 2008. 1221-1222.
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Abstract: COVID-19, a pandemic infectious disease has created havoc worldwide with rising count of affected people at an alarming rate. Health workers are making untiring efforts akin to soldiers at frontline around the globe. Infection prevention and control measures play a pivotal role in perioperative management of COVID-19 patient during emergency surgery. A strict anesthesia and surgical protocol can prevent the cross- infection while providing care to the patient in the perioperative settings. New research and guidelines are underway in different phases of completion.
Keywords: Anesthesiology; Corona virus; COVID-19; infectious disease; emergency surgery
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[4]. Malhotra N, Joshi M, Datta R, Bajwa SJ, Mehdiratta L. Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (ISA National) Advisory and Position Statement regarding COVID-19. Indian J Anaesth 2020;64:259-63.
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Abstract: Background: There is low Oral health service utilization among Nigerians. Identification of these barriers will help health planners to determine the most appropriate way to overcome those barriers. Aim: To investigate the barriers to seeking and utilizing dental care with a view to propose strategies that will create demand for dental care services and reduce barriers to utilizing dental care services. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional survey of adult patients (≥ 18 years) presenting at the General Out-patient Department of the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital that were serially recruited considering some selection criteria. A total of 416 respondents whose ages ranged from 18 to 60 years were interviewed using interviewer-administered semi-structured questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 23......
Keywords: Oral health care, Utilization, Barriers
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