Series-11 (May 2020)May 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Introduction:Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) is the predominant hemoglobin found in HbA1 fractions. It is used as a gold standard for measuring glycemic control.Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)is one of themost prevalent formof malnutrition in rural population.Any condition that alters red cell turnover like, iron deficiency anemia, will lead to changes in HbA1c levels. The present study was aimed at determining the effect of IDA on HbA1c in type 2 diabectes mellitus (DM) patients in rural population.Methods:The present study was ancross sectional study conducted on 100 type 2 diabetic patients (50 with IDA and 50 without IDA ) at RIMS Ranchi, Jharkhand. Hematological investigations, HbA1c, Serum Ferritin and FPG were analyzed.Result: The mean HbA1c level (7.48±0.580 )in patients with IDA and type2 DM was higher than that in the patients....
Keywords: HbA1c , Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA), Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
[1]. Kim C, Bullard KM, Herman WH, Beckles GL. Association between iron deficiency and A1C levels among adults without diabetes in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2006. Diabetes Care. 2010 Apr; 33:780–5.
[2]. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2011. Diabetes Care. 2011; 34(1):S13. 5
[3]. Wolffenbuttel BH, Herman WH, Gross JL, Dharma lingam M, Jiang HH, Hardin DS. Ethnic differences in glycemic markers in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diab care. 2013;36:2931-6.
[4]. Herman WH, Ma Y, Uwaifo G, Haffner S, Kahn SE, Horton ES, et al. Differences in A1C by race and ethnicity among patients with impaired glucose tolerance in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Diab care. 2007;30:2453-7.
[5]. Nathan DM, International Expert Committee. International Expert Committee report on the role of the A1C assay in the diagnosis of diabetes. Diab Care. 2009;32:e160..
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Abstract:Background: Dental health professionals (DHPs) are at very high risk of exposure for COVID 19 infection as the majority of routine dental treatments generate significant amounts of droplets and aerosols. The study was aimed to assess knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dental care during COVID 19 pandemic among DHPs in tertiary care centers (TCCs) of Kerala. Methods and Material: This cross-sectional descriptive study was based on questionnaires to assess knowledge, attitude and practice with regard to COVID 19 and infection control measures. A total of 132 participants were randomly selected from all Govt dental colleges of Kerala....
Keywords: Attitude, COVID 19, Dental health care professionals in Kerala, knowledge, Practice
[1]. WHO. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): World Health Organization 2020. [online] Available from:[Accessed on 21st April 2020]
[2]. JY Li, Z You, O Wang, ZJ Zhou, Y Qiu, R Luo et al.The epidemic of 2019-novel-coronavirus (2019-nCoV) pneumonia and insights for emerging infectious diseases in the future. Microbes and Infection 2020;22: 80 – 85.
[3]. Update on Novel Corona virus: one positive case reported in Kerala. [online] Available from:[Accessed on 22st April 2020]
[4]. Khader Y, Al-Nsour M, Al-Batayneh OB, Saadeh R, Bashier H, Alfaqih Metal. Dentists Awareness, perception, and attitude regarding COVID-19 and Infection Control: Cross-Sectional Study Among Jordanian Dentists. JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2): e18798.
[5]. Guo H et al., The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the utilization of emergency dental services, Journal of Dental Sciences,
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Abstract: ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a common condition affecting about 2.2% (range: 0.1–8.1%) of children and adolescents(below 18 years) all over the world.The mean prevalence of ADHD in adults, aged 18–44 years from a range of countries in Asia, Europe, Americas and the Middle East was reported as 2.8% overall, the range being 0.6 to 7.3%. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects children and teenagers and can continue into adulthood. ADHD is the most typically recognized mental disorder of children. Children with ADHD can be hyperactive and not able to control their impulses. Or they will have problem paying interest and attention. Those behaviours intrude with school and domestic existence with most of the parents remaining ignorant of this condition in their children.....
Key words: ADHD, Hyperactive, Impulsive, Inattention & Distractibility.
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Abstract: Mechanical ventilation is the standard treatment for hyaline membrane disease (HMD) and has increased neonatal survival. However this increased survival has come at the expense of increased morbidity in the form of chronic lung disease, longer duration of hospital stay and at the cost of expensive technology. Alternate form of respiratory support is early nasal CPAP. Hence present study aims at managing increasing number of preterm babies with HMD with a non-invasive approach in the form of early nasal CPAP. 45 babies of 28-34 weeks gestational age admitted in Neonatal ICU of Rajendra institute of medical sciences, Ranchi with clinical diagnosis of HMD.....
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Abstract: Introduction: Breastfeeding is the optimal nutrition for children from birth to the first 2years of life. Disseminating this message to mothers is aimed at improving breastfeeding practices among mothers. Aim: This study is aimed at assessing the prevalence, knowledge, practice and problems associated with breastfeeding among mothers/caregivers attending the Paediatric out-patient clinic in Rivers State University Teaching Hospital. Methodology: A cross sectional study was carried out among mothers/caregivers with children aged 0-24 month attending the Paediatric out-patient clinic between January and April 2017. A total of 343 participants were randomly recruited into the study. An interviewer administered questionnaire was used to collect data on breastfeeding knowledge, practice and problems......
Key word: Breastfeeding; Prevalence; Knowledge; practice; Problems; Port Harcourt
[1]. Osibogun OO, Olufunlayo TF, Oyibo SO. Knowledge, Attitude and Support for Exclusive Breastfeeding among bankers in Mainland Local Government in Lagos State, Nigeria. Intl Breastfeed J 2018; 13:38
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[4]. Oche MO, Umar AS, Ahmed H. Knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Kware, Nigeria. Afr health Sci. 2019; 11: 518-523.
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Abstract: Objective. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) and may progress to diabetic foot, which frequently leads to amputation and/or disability and death. Data is scanty on the burden of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in Tanzania. The aim of this study was to assess the burden of peripheral neuropathy, its severity, and the associated factors. Methods. The study was a cross-sectional hospital-based study and was carried out from October 2017 to March 2018 among adolescent and adult patients attending Medicine Ward, Chandka Medical College Larkana. Results. A total of 327 diabetic patients, females......
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Abstract: EPIDERMOLYTIC hyperkeratosis also known as bullous icthyosiform erytheoderma. inherited as autosomal dominant trait mostly......
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Abstract: Background: This prospective observational study was conducted to study the various gynecological problems among adolescent girls presenting in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: A total of 164 adolescent girls in the age group of 12 to 19 years who presented in our department at Nalanda Medical College from January 2019 to December 2019 with some gynecological complaint were evaluated by a detailed history, clinical examination and appropriate investigations. Results: Menstrual disorders were the most common complaint i.e. in 117 out of 164patients, followed by vaginal discharge (30..
Key words: Adolescent, menstrual disorder, PCOD, teenage pregnancy.
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Abstract: Propofol is one of the most preferred drugs used for induction of anaesthesia. Pretreatment with fentanyl as well as butorphanol have been used effectively for reduction of propofol injection induced pain response. The present study was done to compare the efficacy of fentanyl and butorphanol for attenuation of propofol injection induced pain response, perioperative hemodynamic parameters and postoperative complications among two study groups. Material and methods A prospective double blind randomized controlled trial was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Lucknow over a period of one year. ASA status I or II, aged 16 to 60 years, undergoing laparoscopic surgeries of upto two hours duration......
Keywords: Propofol induce pain, fentanyl, butorphanol
[1]. Marik PE. Propofol: therapeutic indications and side-effects. Curr. Pharm Des. 2004; 10: 3639-49.
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Abstract: Introduction: Small use of maternal health services intended for delivery has long been on the research outline. This is due to less knowledge, insufficient attitude and poor practice towards antenatal care (ANC). To improve maternal and newborn health involves establishment of remaining evidence-based involvements in ANC. The Government of Bangladesh had taken on some inventiveness to advance maternal health services such as application of community health clinic, protest to create awareness, claim side financing etc. Maternal health condition in rural areas are still in a poorest condition in Bangladesh even though access to health services has amplified over the decades.....
Key Words: Antenatal Care, Maternal Health,Ever-Married, Education, SuburbanArea
[1]. Darmstadt GL, Lee AC, Cousens S, Sibley L, Bhutta ZA, Donnay F, Osrin D, Bang A, Kumar V, Wall SN, Baqui A, Lawn JE: 60 million non-facility births: who can deliver in community settings to reduce intra-partum related deaths. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009, 107: S89-S112.
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Abstract: Obesity and diabetes are the major health challenges that need global attention.Diabetes is one of the top ten leading causes of death worldwide, according to a recent WHO report (1). The global prevalence of diabetes in 2012 was estimated to be more than 10% among adults. Of the diabetic population 95% are of type 2, and onset is mainly at an adult age (more than 25 years), with the highest prevalence in the Eastern Mediterranean region and the Americas. Diabetes is the leading cause of renal failure and blindness in advanced countries, and the risk of limb amputation is 10 times higher in diabetic patients. In addition, most diabetic patients develop hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, which account for high rates of morbidity and mortality among......
[1]. Diabetes Mellitus – epidemiology. 2. Diabetes Mellitus – prevention and control. 3. Diabetes, Gestational. 4. Chronic Disease. 5. Public Health. I. World Health Organization.2016.
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Abstract: Introduction: Seizures are result of abnormal electrical activity in brain and are caused by diverse etiology. The aim of the study was to correlate MRI brain findings and EEG study in children and adults with clinically diagnosed seizures in children and to compare the diagnostic yields of MRI and EEG individually and in combination. Material and methods: The study consists of fifty patients (50) with an age range from 11month to 55 years with first onset seizures who underwent MR imaging and EEG. Sensitivity was calculated to both MRI and EEG separately and together. Chi square test was applied. 95% confidence interval of sensitivity was calculated. Epi info version 3 was used for statistical calculations. Results: Out of 50 cases, 48% were male and 52% female. Out of 50 cases, 27 cases (54%) showed epileptogenic foci on.....
Key Words: Epilepsy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, EEG
[1]. Susan T, Herman MD. Single Unprovoked Seizures. Current Treatment Options in Neurology 2004; 6(4):243-55.
[2]. Scott N. Atlas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of thebrain and spine. 4th edition, p. 2-14, 307-339.
[3]. Sachin Rastogi, Christopher Lee, Noriko Salamon.Neuroimaging in paediatric epilepsy: A multimodalityapproach. Radio Graphics 2008;28(2):1079-1095.
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[5]. The International League Against Epilepsy, Committeefor Neuroimaging, Subcommittee for Pediatric.Guidelines for Imaging Infants and Children withRecent-Onset Epilepsy. Epilepsia 2009;50(9):2147-53.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mutation vs Immunity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pradip Mahato |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1905116163 ![]() |
Abstract: The world has sink a pandemic disease. The disease has created by a natural covid 19 virus. Many scientists are saying that beta mRNA COVID 19 is quickly mutated in the body. Genetic institute of University, Landan-the researchers have seen 200 mutation of COVID 19. If is right, so why are we trying to treat by antibody, antigen (plasma therapy) etc.? Hydroxychloroquine has been added to this treatment. But it's not a specific treatment for covid 19 patients. Mutation of the virus is main problem in this disease. Anti inflammatory anti receptors drug can be prevents mutation of covid 19 and if prevent mutation, surely prevent the pandemic in the world. Mahajyotisaralamine.....
[1]. Fundamentals of molecular virology- Nicholas H. Acheson.
[2]. Structure and physics of viruses-Editors Meteu Mauricia G. 2013.
[3]. Viruses -Susan Payne August 2017.
[4]. Viruses and human disease-James H. Strauss and Ellen G Strauss