Series-14 (May 2020)May 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION Depression is known to mankind since many years. The World Health Organization has ranked depression fourth in a list most urgent health issues worldwide (1). It is projected that depression will be second largest killer disease after heart disease by 2020 and second major leading cause of Disability Adjusted Life Years(DALYS)(1). Etiology of depression, among mood disorders is although most frequently studied, yet it is far away from ideally understood. Increased activity in the Hypothalamo-pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis leads to depression and it is viewed as the "most vulnerable finding in biological psychiatry". Depression leads to state of constant stress and which usually leads to activation of HPA axis this in turn may lead to metabolic disturbances(8). The correlation between the serum lipids and depression is debatable. Many attempts have been done to....
[1]. Akiskal HS. Mood Disorder: historical Introduction and Conceptual Overview.In:Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry.8th ed. Sadock BJ, Sandock VA, et al,editorsPhiladelphia (USA): Lippincott Williams and Williams;2005.P.1559-717.
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Abstract: Brachial plexus block has evolved as an important tool in the anesthesiologist's armamentarium as a safe alternative to general anesthesia for upper limb surgery and for relief of perioperative pain. Its increased popularity is because of advancements in regional anesthesia techniques in terms of local anesthetic drugs, newer adjuvant drugs and use of ultrasound for safe and successful conduct of block. It helps in reduced hospital stay, less financial burden and also leads to avoidance of undesirable side-effects of general anesthesia.(1) Since the introduction of first brachial plexus block using cocaine by Halstead (1884) the technique of brachial plexus block has evolved from classical......
[1]. Kathuria S, Gupta S, Dhawan I. Dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to ropivacaine in supraclavicular brachial plexus block. Saudi J Anaesth.2015;9(2): 148-154
[2]. Halstead C. In: A Practice of Anesthesia. 7th ed. London, UK: Lioyd-Luke; 2003. Great moments in the history of anaesthesiology; p. 5.
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION:Remineralization is the process whereby calcium and phosphate ions are supplied from a source external to the tooth. Casein has the ability to stabilize calcium and phosphate ions by releasing small sequences of peptides (CPPs). ACP is pH responsive, with increasing pH, the level of bound ACP increases, ACP acts as a precursor to bio-apatite and as a transient phase in bio-mineralization. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To establish the shear bond strength on enamel following exposure to an aerated drink at various time intervals with and without application of remineralization agent. MATERIALS AND METHODS:36 therapeutically extracted human maxillary premolars were selected. Prepared samples were randomly divided into three groups: Control.......
Key Words: CPP-ACP, Remineralization, Demineralization, Bio-mineralization
[1]. Abbas Rizvi, Muhammad S. Zafar, Yasser Al‑Wasifi, WamiqFareed, ZohaibKhurshid .Role of enamel deminerlization and remineralization on microtensile bond strength of resin composite. 2016 European Journal of Dentistry.
[2]. NamrataPatil, ShantanuChoudhari, SadanandKulkarni, Saurabh R Joshi. Comparative evaluation of remineralizing potential of three agents on artificially demineralized human enamel: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry | Mar-Apr 2013 | Vol 16 | Issue 2
[3]. ShashiPrabhaTyagi, ParidhiGarg, Dakshita Joy Sinha, UdaiPratap Singh. An update on remineralizing agents. Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry / Sep-Dec 2013 / Vol-3 / Issue-3
[4]. JayanthJayarajan, Janardhanam P, Jayakumar P, Deepika. Efficacy of CPP-ACP and CPP-ACPE on enamel remineralization – An in vitro study using scanning electron microscope and DIAGNOdent. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 22(1), 2011.
[5]. NiloofarShadman, ShahramFarzinEbrahimi, Maryam AziziShoul, HastiSattari. In vitro evaluation of casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calciumphosphate effect on the shear bond strength of dental adhesives to enamel. Dental Research Journal / March 2015 / Vol 12 / Issue 2 167
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Novel Coronavirus Disease (Covid -19) In Newborns |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Basudha Roy || Tapas Mondal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1905141820 ![]() |
Abstract: Novel Coronavirus has taken the world by storm since its outbreak in December,2019 in China.Millions of people all over the world have been affected.Few lakh people have succumbed to this deadly virus in the last few months.However,newborn and children seem to be less affected by this deadly virus.Most of them are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.Thus,care of newborn is rather unaltered in Covid 19 patients.Hovever,standard protocol must be followed for care of newborn who is Covid positive.
Keywords: Coronavirus,newborn,asymptomatic
[1]. Centre for Disease Control : Coronavirus Disease 2019:
[2]. Dong L, Tian J, He S, Zhu C, Wang J, Liu C, Yang J. Possible vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from an infected mother to her newborn.JAMA. 2020.
[3]. Zeng L, Xia S, Yuan W, Yan K, Xiao F, Shao J, Zhou W. Neonatal early-onset infection with SARS-CoV-2 in 33 neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in Wuhan. China JAMA Pediatr. 2020.
[4]. Chen H, Guo J, Wang C, Luo F, Yu X, Zhang W, et al. Clinical characteristics and intrauterine vertical transmission potential of COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records. Lancet.2020;395:809–15.
[5]. Frequently asked Questions : Breastfeeding and COVID -19 for health care
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Abstract: This work aimed to survey the role of dentistry within multidisciplinary teams in hospital environments, through the analysis of requests for dental care evaluations in a hospital in Belo Horizonte. This study analyzed 137 requests for dental care evaluations, sent between February 2015 and February 2018. All requests described in dental care referrals were evaluated and grouped in: pathological conditions, request for review, symptoms, oral hygiene and other observations. The data were recorded in an Excel for Windows program and presented as absolute and percent values. Most patients were male (70%), with an average of 54 years (±19.88). The descriptions......
Keywords: Oral health. Dental service, hospital. Dental care.
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Abstract: Les causes tubaires représentent 40 % des causes d'infertilité. Les principales causes tubaires d'infertilité sont diagnostiqués à l'hystérosalpingographie : l'obstruction ou le phimosis des ostia péritonéaux, les salpingites d'origines diverses. Parmi les causes proximales, il faut retenir le spasme, l'obstruction proximale, les polypes de jonction, la salpingite isthmique nodulaire, la tuberculose, l'endométriose. La coelioscopie permis de confirmé certain diagnostic et d'éliminer d'autres aussi assure un geste thérapeutique si indication. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de comparer les données de l'Hystérosalpingographie à celles de la coelioscopie chez des patientes explorées pour infertilité et voir l'apport de l'une par rapport à l'autre. Méthodes: Etude prospective menée au service de gynécologie –obstétrique 2 Fès, s'étendant sur 2 ans(2017-2018), colligeant 14 patientes suivies pour infertilité ayant bénéficié d'une HSG suivie d'une coelioscopie.....
[1]. Intérêt de l'hysérosalpingographie et de la coelioscopie dans la prise en charge du couple infertile : à propos de 200 cas Role of the hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in management of couple's infertility: about 200 cases IP K. Boudhraa, M.A. Jellouli, O. Kassaoui, N. Ben Aissia, R. Ouerhani, A. Triki, M.F. Gara*2013
[2]. contre la pratique sysytématique de la coeliocopie dans le bilan d'infertilité :P.MARVEIL,E.LOURDEL SURRITIAGER,OGANEUR SNASRDINE2010
[3]. pour la pratique systématique d'une coelioscopie dans le bilan d'infertilité :C.YAZBECK,A LE TOEK,M KOSKAS,P MADELENAT 2010
[4]. intérêt de la coelioscopie dans les couples infertil ayant une HSG normale :R.FATNASSI ,O KAABIA ,RBRIKI ,M BIBI ,S HIDAR 2013
[5]. peut on réelement se passer de la coelioscopie en cas d'infertilité à trompes normales à l'HSG :P MARVEIL. E LOURDEIL .B GARIOT. OGANEUR
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Abstract: Congenital pain insensitivity (CDI) is a very rare condition, mostoften of geneticorigin. The authors report the case of a 10-year-old girl, followed for CDI following self-mutilation, particularlyseriousoro-digital, whichisaddressed in our training for lip reconstruction. CDI withanhidrosisis a very rare condition. It ischaracterized by feverishattacks, anhidrosis, absence of painful sensation, self-harm and sometimes mental retardation. Complications of thisinsensitivity (neglected fractures, burns, oro-digital mutilation) canbe life-threatening. The treatmentremainspreventive. Hence the interest in educating patients and theirfamilies..
Key Words: congenitalinsensitivity to pain, lip reconstruction, complications.
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[5]. Houlden H, King RH, Hashemi-Nejad A, Wood NW, Mathias CJ, Reilly M, et al. A novel TRK A (NTRK1) mutation associated with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type V. Ann Neurol2001;49:521–5.
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Abstract: Birth asphyxia/ Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in our NICU. Many newborns presenting with features of HIE I gets transitioned into HIE II and even the concerned neonatologists are unaware of it. So, the following study has been done to see whether USG cranium can be of any help in predicting transition from HIE I to HIE II.
Keywords: Birth asphyxia, Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, USG cranium, transition.
[1]. Nelson textbook of paediatrics 21st edition
[2]. Iap textbook of paediatrics, 5th edition
[3]. Cloherty and starks manual of neonatal care, 8th edition
[4]. Aiims nicu protocol , 2nd Edition, 2019
[5]. Meherban Singh Care of the New Born , 8th edition
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Abstract: Background: Gingival recession could affect an individual's quality of life with nutritional, functional and psychosocial consequences when associated with clinical problems such as root surface hypersensitivity, root caries, cervical root abrasions, erosions, calculus/plaque retention and chronic periodontitis. Objective: To determine the prevalence of gingival recession in a rural community in South-east Nigeria. Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study of 54 participants was carried out at Ozalla Model Primary Health Centre. They were interviewed for socio-demographic characteristics using interviewer administered questionnaire and intra-oral examination..........
Key words: Gingival recession, rural, community
[1]. Khosya B, Devaraj CG. Etiology and severity of different grades of gingival recession in adult population .National Journal of Medical Research,2014, Volume 4,Issue 3.
[2]. Humagain M, Kafle D. The Evaluation of Prevalence, Extension and Severity of Gingival Recession among Rural Nepalese Adults, Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, 2013,Vol. 3, No. 1.
[3]. Mumghamba EGS, Honkala S, Honkala E , Manji KP. Gingival Recession, Oral Hygiene and Associated Factors Among Tanzanian Women. East African Medical Journal ,2009,Vol. 86. No. 3.
[4]. Tugnait A, Clerehugh V. Gingival recession: its significance and management.Journal of Dentistry. 2001; 29: 381-394.
[5]. Kundapur PP, Bhat KM, Bhat GS. Association of Trauma from Occlusion with Localized Gingival Recession in Mandibular Anterior Teeth. DRJ 2009; 6(2): 71-4.
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Abstract: Tibial plateau fractures (TFP) are serious injuries of the knee and difficult to treat.In the past decades, many kinds of fixation methods have been proposed in the literature. From non-operative management to current staged and combined management with provisional external fixators, before conventional angular stable platingshave been suggested for complex TPF. The conventional techniques have been widely accepted, but many patients developed complications and unsatisfactory outcomes. Restricted internal approaches likeMinimally invasive plate osteosynthesis(MIPO), Less Invasive Stabilization System (LISS) and further less invasive techniqueslike fine-wire apparatuses, arthroscopically assisted fixation, tibialtuberoplasty and tibial nailing for selected........
Keywords:Tibial plateau fracture;conventional surgical techniques;minimally invasive techniques
[1]. Salduz A, Birisik F, Polat G, Bekler B, Bozdag E, Kilicoglu O. The effect of screw thread length on initial stability of Schatzker type 1 tibial plateau fracture fixation: a biomechanical study. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2016/11/22 2016;11(1):146.
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[5]. DECOSTER TA, NEPOLA JV, EL-KHOURY GY. Cast Brace Treatment of Proximal Tibia Fractures: A Ten-Year Follow-up Study. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (1976-2007). 1988;231:196-204..
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Abstract: A corneal perforation is a potentially visually devastating condition. Prompt closure or sealing of the perforation is crucial to prevent loss of vision as well as to maintain the integrity of the eyeball. The management of corneal perforations can be quite challenging. We report A 77-year-old male presented with Repeated red eye in the right eye for two years complicated By Preperforative corneal descemetocele dating back two months before his admission of corneal perforation of herpetic origin. Therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty was not possible because of the unavailability of corneal tissue so the patient underwent autologous corneal patch grafting......
Key Word: Corneal patch; perforation ; herpes; Ulcer; .
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[5]. Schaab G., Clavell C., Goyal H. Corneal patch graft: a review of indication, technique and success rates. ARVO annual meeting abstract. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2012;53(14): p. 6044.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gingival Lichen Planus: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rizwan M.Sanadi || Dr. Medha S Sawarkar || Dr. Kahkashan A Kadri |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1905145255 ![]() |
Abstract: Lichen planus is an autoimmune mucocutaneous disorder. Orally the most commonly involved sites are buccal mucosa, tongue and gingiva. About 10% of the patients with oral lichen planus have lesions confined to the gingiva .A 48 years old post menopausal female patient complained of redness and burning sensation in the gums since 1 year. Intraoral examination revealed bilateral erythematous areas showing diffused generalised gingival involvement. Plaque like reticular lesions were present in the area of upper and lower molars. However, no cutaneous lesions were seen. The case was diagnosed as Gingival Lichen Planus based on the clinical and histopathological examination. The patient was treated with topical corticosteroid that resolved the burning sensation though the lesion persisted.In spite of correct diagnosis and treatment plan, management of these cases remains dilemma for the clinician.This paper aims to establish the importance of diagnosing oral manifestations of systemic conditions and the holistic management of these conditions
Keywords: Lichen planus, autoimmune, mucocutaneous
[1]. Wilson E. Oral lichen planus. J Cutan Med Dis Skin 1869: 117-32.
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[3]. Van der Waal I. Oral lichen planus and oral lichenoid lesions; a critical appraisal with emphasis on the diagnostic aspects. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2009 Jul 1;14 (7):E310-4.
[4]. Ismail SB, Kumar SK, Zain RB. "Oral lichen planus and lichenoid reactions: etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, management and malignant transformation. J Oral Sci.2007 Jun;49(2):89-106..
[5]. Gopalakrishnan A, Balan A, Kumar N, Haris PS, Bindu P. Malignant potential of oral lichen planus an analysis of literature over the past 20 years. International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2016; 2(2): 01-05.
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Abstract: With the world undergoing a major crisis due to COVID-19 and most industries being severely hit, Medical tourism will also face major impact that will adversely affect all associated with it, be the healthcare providers or the individuals seeking medicare. As we are writing this paper India is facing 8th week of its Lockdown including restriction of International aviation services as well as limited healthcare services causing shut down of Medical tourism in India as well as all catering nations. This article is genuine attempt by the authors to understand and elucidate the impact of this pandemic on Indian Medical Tourism industry along with suggestions for recovery.
Key Word: Pandemic, COVID-19, Medical Tourism, Healthcare
[1]. Nishiura H, Jung Sung-mok, Linton N M., Kinoshita R, Yang Y, Hayashi K ,et al. The Extent of Transmission of Novel Coronavirus in Wuhan, China, 2020. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020, 9(2), 330.
[2]. Anjorin AA. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: A review and an update on cases in Africa. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2020;13(5): 199-203.
[3]. Kumar ,Sunil.(2020). Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on Indian economy. Agriculture and Food : e-News letter. Vol 2 (4) . 301-302.2020
[4]. Mahmud Sakib. Impact of Corona Virus on the Global Economy. Available from 2020
[5]. Ile Florența Larisa & Tigu Gabriela, 2017. "Medical tourism market trends-an exploratory research," Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, Sciendo, vol.11(1), pages 1111-1121, July.